- DYNAMEID Dynamic and Emergence of Infectious Diseases
- Sensory and Motor Neuroprostheses
- Translational Medicinal Chemistry
- IBIS Therapeutic Engineering and Bioproduction in Biotechnology-Health
- Epigenetics, Genetics and Cell Biology (EpiGenBio)
- IDIL - Quantitative Biology: Molecular Mechanisms of Living Systems (qBio)
- Cancer Biology
- Infection Biology
- Experimental and Regenerative Medicine
- Management and Evaluation of Therapeutic Trials GET
- Neuroscience
- IDIL- Sciences for human health
- CHOICE 1 Semester 1 M2 Dynameid
- Computer modeling and databases
- International regulation and society
- CHOICE 2 Semester 1 M2 Dynameid
- Integrated approach in Infectiology II
- Emerging diseases II
- Immunology
- Paleontology (PAL)
- Evolutionary biology and ecology (DARWIN)
- Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Evolutionary Biology (MEME)
- Functional ecology and conceptualization of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (EcoSystèmes)
- Chrono-Environments et Paléo-écologie (CEPAGE)
- Mediation, Animation, Communication, Culture and Teaching in Life and Earth Sciences (MédiACCES)
- Plant Biodiversity and Management of Tropical Ecosystems (BioGET)
- Integrative Biology of Interactions (B2I)
- Agrégation in Life Sciences / Earth and Universe Sciences (AGREG-SVT)
- IDIL - Quantitative Ecology & Evolution
- Ecology and Management of Natural Ecosystems EGEN
- Plant Biology for the Agro-Environment (BiPa)
- Plant-Microorganism Interactions (PMI)
- Biotechnology and Tropical Plant Improvement (BAPT)
- Management and Plant Experimentation (MEV)
- Microorganism-Host-Environment Interactions (MHEI)
- Bio-molecular engineering and nanobiotechnologies (IBION-Tec)
- Food Engineering and Eco-Design (ICOA)
- IDIL - Plant and Microbiological Sciences for Agro-environment
- Materials chemistry (MAT P1)
- Cosmetics engineering (ICAP P1)
- Theoretical chemistry and modeling
- Biomolecular chemistry (BM)
- Materials science exploiting large scale facilities - MaMaSELF (MAT P3)
- Flavors & Fragrances (ICAP P2)
- Separative chemistry, materials and processes (MAT P2)
- IDIL - Chemistry for healthcare, protection and nutrition applications
- Membrane Engineering for Sustainable Development MESD
- Economics of Agricultural Development, Environment and Food
- Public economics and the environment
- Economic evaluation and adaptation to climate change
- Saving energy
- Health systems economics
- Digital economy
- Economics and psychology
- Mediterranean Farming system design for a Sustainable food-system (MIDAS)
- Regional Agricultural Development, Environment and Modeling (DATEM)
- Economics - Political Science "Governance of Societies and Territories in Transition
- Electrical Energy, Environment and Systems Reliability
- Electrical Energy, Environment and Systems Reliability - Apprenticeship
- Photonics, Microwave & Communication Systems
- Photonics, Microwave & Communication Systems - Apprenticeship
- Integrated and Embedded Electronic Systems
- Integrated and Embedded Electronic Systems -Apprenticeship
- Robotics
- Robotics -Learning
- Sensors, Electronics and Connected Objects
- Sensors, Electronics and Connected Objects -Apprenticeship
- IDIL - Photonics & Electronics Sensors for Environment & Health
- RADiation and its effects on Phonics Technlogies (RADMEP) - Erasmus Mundus
- Integrated Management of the Environment, Biodiversity and Territories
- Environmental and biodiversity management
- Environmental and biodiversity management - Apprenticeship
- Dual skills in ecology and biodiversity management Biodiv'In - Apprenticeship
- Sustainable Production and Exploitation of Aquatic Bioresources
- Applied research to conserve biodiversity RAINET
- Ecological Engineering and Biodiversity Management IEGB
- Communication and Biodiversity Education
- Production et Exploitation Durables des Bioressources Aquatiques - Apprenticeship
- Applied research to conserve biodiversity RAINET - Apprenticeship
- Ecological Engineering and Biodiversity Management IEGB - Apprenticeship
- Communication and Biodiversity Education - Learning
- Dual skills in ecology and biodiversity management Biodiv'In
- Project Management, Healthcare Product Marketing (MPPS)
- Design and Production of Health Products - Drug Sub-Course (CPPS)
- Clinical Operations and Data Management (MODM) Clinical Operations sub-course
- Project Management in Environment-Health (MPES)
- Medical devices: from design to market (DMCC)
- Design and Production of Health Products - Cosmetology Sub-Course (CPPS)
- Clinical Operations Management and Data Management (MODM) Data Management specialization
- Master of Management, Commerce and Sales in the Food Industry (MCVA)
- Master of Distribution Management (MD)
- Sustainable agri-food value chains: logistics, environment, strategies - CDVALES
- Master Management and Sustainable Transition - IDIL
- Master of Management of Organizations and Responsible Development (MODR)
- Master of Ecological Transition and Circular Economy Management
- Master in Product and Brand Management and Communication (MCPM)
- Master of Management and Business Development (MBD)
- Master of Management and Business Development (MBD) in e-learning
- Master of Management Research and Studies (REM)
- Master in Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations (MSOS)
- Master of Strategic Management in Hospitality and Tourism (MSHT)
- Master of Strategic Management in Hospitality and Tourism (MSHT) in e-learning
- Master Strategy - Innovation - Consulting (Strat' Innov')
- Master Strategy - Innovation - Consulting (Strat' Innov') in e-learning
- MEEF - Physics-Chemistry
- MEEF - Mathematics
- MEEF - Mathematics and Science in Vocational High Schools
- MEEF - Life and Earth Sciences
- MEEF - Biotechnologies option Biochemistry and Biological Engineering
- MEEF - General education in vocational high schools
- MEEF - Organizational Economics and Management
- MEEF - Digital and Computer Sciences
- MEEF - Engineering sciences middle schools high schools and industrial techniques vocational high schools
- MEEF - Physical and Sports Sciences and Techniques - Physical and Sports Education
- Physics and Materials Engineering for Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (PHYMATECH)
- Cosmos, Fields and Particles (CCP)
- Physics and Engineering of Living Matter (PhIMV)
- Physique Numérique (PhysNum)
- Nanosciences and Quantum Technologies (NanoQuant)
- General Physics (PhysGen)
- Physics of Complex and Disordered Matter (SoftMat)
- IDIL - Modeling Biological and Environmental Systems - Mention PHYSIQUE
- International Regulatory Environment for Healthcare Companies and Products
- Health Product Analysis: Quality Assurance and Quality Control
- Health Product Development: Quality and Safety
- Aging and Anti-Aging Strategies
- Innovation in Health Chemistry and Therapeutic Targeting
- Structural Biology and Rational Design of Bioactive Molecules
- Training
- Master