120 credits
2 years
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Water Resources (WR) pathway trains students in the assessment, protection and management of surface and groundwater resources under the constraints of global change and significant modifications to our environment.
Training benefits
• Des enseignements spécialisés depuis l’acquisition de données in situ jusqu’à
leur analyse, leur interprétation et leur modélisation
• 50% des enseignements sont des mises en pratique sur le terrain ou en salle
expérimentale, permettant ainsi un enseignement de proximité
• Des petits effectifs (<15 étudiants) dans chaque profil et des travaux en petits
• Possibilités de formation en alternance (~ 30% des effectifs)
• 2 stages en entreprise ou laboratoire (2 à 4 mois en M1 et 6 mois en M2)
• Une formation aux outils numériques utilisés dans les bureaux d’études et les
laboratoires de recherche
• Des opportunités de mobilités et de double-diplômes (Université du Québec
à Montréal, Université de Barcelone, École d’Ingénieur des Mines d’Alès)
• Intervenants extérieurs du secteur Privé (TPE, PME, grands groupes...) et du
secteur de la Recherche (Université, IRD, CNRS...)
These courses enable students to acquire the skills needed to :
- Assess vulnerability and optimize the various uses of water resources,
- Estimate and manage water-related risks (flooding, pollution, severe low-water levels),
- Characterize the sustainability of this resource from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, in response to climatic and environmental changes.
- Develop cross-disciplinary skills essential to any manager in the water sciences field (project management, written and oral communication, English....).
International training
Double degrees, joint degrees, Erasmus MundusProgram
Select a program
M1 - Water Resources (ER)
Semester S1 - 30 ECTS
MANDATORY common units (15 ECTS):
- Functioning of hydrosystems (3 ECTS)
- Hydrology of the unsaturated zone (3 ECTS)
- Bibliographic project (3 ECTS)
- Thematic English 1 (2 ECTS)
- Communication techniques (2 ECTS)
- Project management 1 (2 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs by specialization (6 ECTS) :
Hydrology specialization: Free-surface hydraulics (3 ECTS) and Treatment processes (3 ECTS)
Hydrogeology Specialization: Hydrogeophysics (3 ECTS) and M1 Hydrogeology Field Internship (3 ECTS)
3 OPTIONAL units of your choice (9 ECTS) :
- Water cycle and watershed (3 ECTS)
- Functioning of aquatic ecosystems (3 ECTS)
- Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate (3 ECTS)
- Water and agriculture: scientific issues and questions (3 ECTS)
- Regulatory issues (3 ECTS)
- Aquatic contaminants and sustainable development (3 ECTS)
Semester S2 - 30 ECTS
MANDATORY common UEs (26 ECTS) common :
- Underground hydrodynamics (3 ECTS)
- Water quality and microbiology (2 ECTS)
- Applied hydrochemistry (2 ECTS)
- Hydrodynamics and applied hydraulics (2 ECTS)
- IWRM participation practices (3 ECTS)
- Statistics (3 ECTS)
- GIS practice (3 ECTS)
- Thematic English 2 (2 ECTS)
- Internship (6 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs (by specialization (1 ECTS) :
Hydrology Specialization: Hydrological analysis (1 ECTS)
Hydrogeology Specialization : Hydrogeological cross-section and log (1 ECTS)
NON-ROTATING PROFILE : 1 UE to choose from (3 ECTS)
- Introduction to the R language (3 ECTS)
- Groundwater management (3 ECTS)
- Remote sensing for water management (3 ECTS)
- Student project (3 ECTS)
Project management 1
2 creditsBibliographic project
3 creditsCHOICE 1
15 creditsChoice of 5 out of 10
Free surface hydraulics
3 creditsFunctioning of aquatic ecosystems
3 creditsM1 Geology - Hydrogeology field placement
3 creditsRegulatory issues and challenges in water management
3 creditsAquatic contaminants and sustainable development
3 creditsWatershed water cycle
Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate
3 creditsWater and agriculture: scientific issues and challenges
3 creditsWater and wastewater by-product treatment chain
3 creditsHydrogeophysics
3 credits
Thematic English 1
2 creditsHydrology of the unsaturated zone
3 creditsCommunication techniques
2 creditsFunctioning of hydrosystems
3 credits
GIS practice
3 creditsM1 ER internship
6 creditsApplied hydrochemistry
2 creditsWater quality and microbiology
2 creditsCHOICE 2
1 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Cross-section and hydrogeological log
1 creditsHydrological analysis
1 credits
Thematic English 2
2 creditsHydrodynamics and applied hydraulics, Flood risks
2 creditsCHOICE 3
3 creditsChoice: 1 of 3
Underground hydrodynamics
3 creditsIWRM participation practices
3 creditsStatistics
3 credits
M1 - Water-Resource (ER) - LEARNING
Semester S1 - 30 ECTS
MANDATORY common units (15 ECTS):
- Functioning of hydrosystems (3 ECTS)
- Hydrology of the unsaturated zone (3 ECTS)
- Bibliographic project (3 ECTS)
- Thematic English 1 (2 ECTS)
- Communication techniques (2 ECTS)
- Project management 1 (2 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs by specialization (6 ECTS) :
Hydrology specialization: Free-surface hydraulics (3 ECTS) and Treatment processes (3 ECTS)
Hydrogeology Specialization: Hydrogeophysics (3 ECTS) and M1 Hydrogeology Field Internship (3 ECTS)
3 OPTIONAL units of your choice (9 ECTS) :
- Water cycle and watershed (3 ECTS)
- Functioning of aquatic ecosystems (3 ECTS)
- Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate (3 ECTS)
- Water and agriculture: scientific issues and questions (3 ECTS)
- Regulatory issues (3 ECTS)
- Aquatic contaminants and sustainable development (3 ECTS)
Semester S2 - 30 ECTS
MANDATORY common UEs (26 ECTS) common :
- Underground hydrodynamics (3 ECTS)
- Water quality and microbiology (2 ECTS)
- Applied hydrochemistry (2 ECTS)
- Hydrodynamics and applied hydraulics (2 ECTS)
- IWRM participation practices (3 ECTS)
- Statistics (3 ECTS)
- GIS practice (3 ECTS)
- Thematic English 2 (2 ECTS)
- Internship (6 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs (by specialization (1 ECTS) :
Hydrology Specialization: Hydrological analysis (1 ECTS)
Hydrogeology Specialization : Hydrogeological cross-section and log (1 ECTS)
NON-ROTATING PROFILE : 1 UE to choose from (3 ECTS)
- Introduction to the R language (3 ECTS)
- Groundwater management (3 ECTS)
- Remote sensing for water management (3 ECTS)
- Student project (3 ECTS)
Project management 1
2 creditsBibliographic project
3 creditsCHOICE 1
15 creditsChoice of 5 out of 10
Free surface hydraulics
3 creditsFunctioning of aquatic ecosystems
3 creditsM1 Geology - Hydrogeology field placement
3 creditsRegulatory issues and challenges in water management
3 creditsAquatic contaminants and sustainable development
3 creditsWatershed water cycle
Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate
3 creditsWater and agriculture: scientific issues and challenges
3 creditsWater and wastewater by-product treatment chain
3 creditsHydrogeophysics
3 credits
Thematic English 1
2 creditsHydrology of the unsaturated zone
3 creditsCommunication techniques
2 creditsFunctioning of hydrosystems
3 credits
GIS practice
3 creditsAlternating project
3 creditsApplied hydrochemistry
2 creditsWater quality and microbiology
2 creditsThematic English 2
2 creditsM1 ER Apprenticeship
6 creditsHydrodynamics and applied hydraulics, Flood risks
2 creditsUnderground hydrodynamics
3 creditsStatistics
3 creditsCHOICE 3 ECTS
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
1 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Cross-section and hydrogeological log
1 creditsHydrological analysis
1 credits
M2 - Water Resources (ER)
List of M2 Water Resource courses :
Semester S3 - 30 ECTS
PROFILE *Alternative; ** Professional; *** Research
MANDATORY common UEs (20 ECTS):
- Field and Applied Hydrology - Hydrology & Hydrogeology (3 ECTS)
- Geomorphology and catchments' hydrology - Geomorphology (3 ECTS)
- Groundwater modelling (3 ECTS)
- Karst hydrology - Signal processing (3 ECTS)
- Natural tracing - Natural tracing of flows (3 ECTS)
- Project management-2 * and ** (3 ECTS) or Scientific writing *** (3 ECTS)
- Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER * and ** (2 ECTS) or Projet Biblio ER *** (2 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs by specialization (10 ECTS) :
Hydrology specialization: Hydraulic modeling and flood risks (3 ECTS), Hydrological modeling of cultivated basins (3 ECTS); ER field internship: hydrometry, hydrology, hydrochemistry (4 ECTS)
Hydrogeology specialization : Geothermal energy and transport modeling (3 ECTS); Thermomineral waters (2 ECTS); Hydrogeology field internship (5 ECTS)
Semester 4 - 30 ECTS
PROFILE *Alternative; ** Professional; *** Research
- Hydrological Modelling and Global Change (2 ECTS)
- Alternating project ER * or Interdisciplinary project 2 - ER ** or M2R preparation - ER *** (3 ECTS)
- M2 internship (20 ECTS)
OPTIONAL UEs to choose from (5 ECTS) :
- Water and Climate Change *, **, *** (3 ECTS)
- Water and Development *, **, *** (2 ECTS)
- Water and the South *, **, *** (2 ECTS)
- International Field Schools - North & South **, *** (5 ECTS) (openings by year)
- Event Project **, *** (2 ECTS) (openings by year)
Field and Applied Hydrology - Hydrologie & Hydrogéologie
3 creditsGroundwater modelling - Modélisation des écoulements souterr
3 creditsGeomorphology and catchments' hydrology - Geomorphology
3 creditsKarst hydrology - Signal processing
3 creditsNatural tracing - Natural flow tracing
3 creditsCHOICE 1
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
7 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
7 creditsUE CHOIX 2-2
7 creditsThermal waters
2 creditsIn situ characterization of large aquifer systems
5 credits
2 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER
2 creditsBiblio ER project
2 credits
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Project management-2
3 creditsScientific writing
3 credits
Hydrological Modelling and Global Change - Modélisation hydr
2 credits0hCHOIX 6
5 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
5 creditsUE CHOIX 6-2
5 creditsEU CHOICE 6-2-1
2 creditsChoice: 1 of 3
Events project / Call for tender
2 creditsWater and Development
2 creditsWater and the South
2 credits
Water and climate change
3 credits
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Interdisciplinary project S4 - ER
3 credits0hPreparation M2R - ER
3 credits
20 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
M2 Internship - ER - Initial training
20 creditsM2 Research Internship - ER
20 credits
M2 - Water-Resource (ER) - APPRENTISSAGE
List of M2 Water Resource courses :
Semester S3 - 30 ECTS
PROFILE *Alternative; ** Professional; *** Research
MANDATORY common UEs (20 ECTS):
- Field and Applied Hydrology - Hydrology & Hydrogeology (3 ECTS)
- Geomorphology and catchments' hydrology - Geomorphology (3 ECTS)
- Groundwater modelling (3 ECTS)
- Karst hydrology - Signal processing (3 ECTS)
- Natural tracing - Natural tracing of flows (3 ECTS)
- Project management-2 * and ** (3 ECTS) or Scientific writing *** (3 ECTS)
- Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER * and ** (2 ECTS) or Projet Biblio ER *** (2 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs by specialization (10 ECTS) :
Hydrology specialization: Hydraulic modeling and flood risks (3 ECTS), Hydrological modeling of cultivated basins (3 ECTS); ER field internship: hydrometry, hydrology, hydrochemistry (4 ECTS)
Hydrogeology specialization : Geothermal energy and transport modeling (3 ECTS); Thermomineral waters (2 ECTS); Hydrogeology field internship (5 ECTS)
Semester 4 - 30 ECTS
PROFILE *Alternative; ** Professional; *** Research
- Hydrological Modelling and Global Change (2 ECTS)
- Alternating project ER * or Interdisciplinary project 2 - ER ** or M2R preparation - ER *** (3 ECTS)
- M2 internship (20 ECTS)
OPTIONAL UEs to choose from (5 ECTS) :
- Water and Climate Change *, **, *** (3 ECTS)
- Water and Development *, **, *** (2 ECTS)
- Water and the South *, **, *** (2 ECTS)
- International Field Schools - North & South **, *** (5 ECTS) (openings by year)
- Event Project **, *** (2 ECTS) (openings by year)
Field and Applied Hydrology - Hydrologie & Hydrogéologie
3 creditsGroundwater modelling - Modélisation des écoulements souterr
3 creditsGeomorphology and catchments' hydrology - Geomorphology
3 creditsKarst hydrology - Signal processing
3 creditsNatural tracing - Natural flow tracing
3 creditsCHOICE 1
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
7 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
7 creditsUE CHOIX 2-2
7 creditsThermal waters
2 creditsIn situ characterization of large aquifer systems
5 credits
2 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER
2 creditsBiblio ER project
2 credits
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Project management-2
3 creditsScientific writing
3 credits
Hydrological Modelling and Global Change - Modélisation hydr
2 credits0hER alternating project
3 creditsWater and climate change
3 creditsM2 Internship - ER - Apprentices
20 creditsCHOIX 8
2 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Water and Development
2 creditsWater and the South
2 credits
Admission requirements
Applicants must specify at the time of application whether they wish to enter the Water Resource pathway in the Hydrogeology specialization OR in the Hydrology specialization.
How to register
Registrations can be made as soon as a candidate has been accepted by the selection panel, once this has been validated on the e-candidat application for M2. Registration can initially be carried out online.
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
French & European students :
- For M1, follow the "My Master" procedure on the website: https: //
- For M2, students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //
International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //
Target audience
Holders of a Bachelor's degree in Earth/Environmental Sciences, a Professional Bachelor's degree in Water Sciences, a Bachelor's degree in Geography, Physics/Chemistry or Life Sciences....
This course is also open to people undergoing professional reorientation or retraining.
25 students maximum
Mandatory prerequisites
A Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) is essential for entry to the Master's program. Bachelor's degrees in Earth Sciences-Environment-University are the most suitable in terms of prerequisites.
However, applicants with a strong motivation for the themes taught in the Water-Resource pathway can also apply, clearly justifying their choice and demonstrating their ability to adapt to the needs of the course or to fill certain gaps in pre-requisites, particularly in the fields of geology/hydrogeology (hydrogeology specialization) or hydrology/hydraulics (hydrology specialization).
As a result, we are able to recruit holders of a variety of bachelor's degrees.
The pathway is also open to people wishing to reorient or retrain, with or without a break in their studies: in this case, the candidate must clearly present the motivation and justification for this retraining.
Recommended prerequisites
Prerequisites*: basic knowledge of water chemistry and microbiology or UE PAM1ECAD (contamination of the aquatic environment)
And then
Further studies
Possibility of completing a doctorate after M2.
The Eau Ressource course has an agreement with the Ecole des Mines d'Alès, and after the1st year (M1), students can continue into the2nd year, plus a3rd year at the Ecole des Mines d'Alès, to obtain a double degree of Master Sc. de l'Eau and Ingénieur de l'EMA.