Training structure
Faculty of Science
Language(s) of instruction
Select a program
M1 - Functional ecology and conceptualization of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (EcoSystèmes)
M1 S2 internship
14 creditsIntegrative ecophysiology
4 creditsCHOIX3
8 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Ethnoecology and biocultural interactions
4 creditsEvolutionary ecology
4 credits
UE Project M1
4 credits
Study of variability
4 creditsEcology 1: concepts, tools and applications
8 creditsEvolution 1
8 creditsEnglish and professionalization
2 credits15hIn-depth ecosystem ecology
6 creditsCHOIX1
2 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Advanced data processing
2 creditsDescription and inference
2 credits
M2 - Functional ecology and conceptualization of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (EcoSystèmes)
M2 Project
10 credits3hEU ECOS CHOICES
10 creditsChoice: 1 of 3
M2 ECOS Profile 2
10 creditsChoice of 2 from 6
Soil ecology and biogeochemical cycles
4 creditsIntegrative ecophysiology: further study
4 credits15hPopulations, Randomness & Heterogeneity
4 creditsFunctional diversity: from organisms to ecosystems
4 credits9hEU ECOS CHOICES
Choice of 3 out of 7
Bayesian approach to variability
2 creditsAdvanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM
2 creditsConservation biology
2 creditsImpacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals
2 creditsEcology of marine and coastal ecosystems
2 credits8hTools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems
2 credits3hBehavioral ecology
2 credits6h
Spatial data
4 credits
M2 ECOS Profile 1
10 creditsChoice of 3 from 6
Soil ecology and biogeochemical cycles
4 creditsIntegrative ecophysiology: further study
4 credits15hPopulations, Randomness & Heterogeneity
4 creditsFunctional diversity: from organisms to ecosystems
4 credits9hSpatial data
2 creditsYour choice: 1 of 7
Bayesian approach to variability
2 creditsAdvanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM
2 creditsConservation biology
2 creditsImpacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals
2 creditsEcology of marine and coastal ecosystems
2 credits8hTools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems
2 credits3hBehavioral ecology
2 credits6h
M2 ECOS Profile 3
10 creditsChoice of 3 out of 7
Bayesian approach to variability
2 creditsAdvanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM
2 creditsConservation biology
2 creditsImpacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals
2 creditsEcology of marine and coastal ecosystems
2 credits8hTools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems
2 credits3hBehavioral ecology
2 credits6h
Ecosystems: modeling and quantification
4 credits6hProfessionalization and scientific writing
2 credits15hEcology: Issues and controversies
4 credits6h
Professionalization & Integration
2 creditsM2 S4 internship
28 credits
M1 S2 internship
14 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The individual M1 internship lasts around three months, and must be carried out in a research laboratory or a non-academic structure, depending on the course concerned. It enables students to gain professional experience in the field of biodiversity, evolution or ecology. It can be carried out in a local, national or international structure, on a subject validated by the teaching staff to fit in with the objectives of the course followed by the student.
Evaluation : The preparation of the internship is a graded exercise based on a written document and a presentation of the internship project. The internship work is assessed at a public presentation before a jury, during which the content of the dissertation and the quality of the answers to the jury's questions are evaluated. The student's behavior and dynamism during the internship are assessed by the internship supervisor.
Integrative ecophysiology
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to understand the adaptive biology of organisms by considering individual and population responses to environmental variations. Concrete examples of animal evolutionary ecophysiology will be discussed in the context of global change. The responses of organisms and populations to abiotic parameters (such as temperature, salinity, oxygen availability, pollutants) will be considered, as well as their interactive effects. The course will show how physiological mechanisms are involved in ecology, from phenotypic and cognitive processes at the intra-individual level to functional variants between individuals and between species. Intraspecific variability, phenotypic plasticity and transgenerational effects will also be addressed. This course will be illustrated by examples of phenotypic trait analysis (including behavior) within populations. Links with genetic and epigenetic markers will also be discussed. Different approaches (-omics vs. target gene/protein), several experimental set-ups and various scales of organization of living organisms will be considered (molecule, gene, phenotype, individual, population, species).
Ethnoecology and biocultural interactions
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module provides an introduction to ethnobotany and ethnoecology, with a view to understanding the material and immaterial dimensions of the relationships between humans and their environment, with a particular focus on the plant world. We will be looking in particular at local systems of nomenclature and classification, perceptions and representations of nature, resource management uses and practices, and biocultural, ecological and evolutionary interactions. Ethnobotany and ethnoecology are disciplines at the interface of anthropology, botany and ecology, which can also borrow tools and concepts from linguistics, archaeology, geography and agronomy. This module complements the "Ethnoecology and Sustainable Development" module (Master 2) by providing the theoretical and methodological foundations of ethnobotany.
Evolutionary ecology
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
"The aim of this course is to complement the first semester's teaching by developing the issues involved in the evolution of phenotypes and the main associated methodological approaches. Lessons will address the evolution of different types of traits (life-history traits, traits involved in reproductive strategies, traits involved in biotic interactions, quantitative traits). The main approaches covered include game-theoretic formalization, adaptive dynamics, quantitative genetic approaches and the work of confronting theoretical predictions with empirical data. Teaching includes:
1) lectures on the main concepts of evolutionary ecology;
2) tutorials focusing on document studies and exercises".
UE Project M1
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
"The aim of this course is to consolidate students' grounding in ecology and/or evolution by inviting them to define a research topic and question(s), by defining relevant hypotheses in a well-argued manner, and by justifying a strategy for acquiring and analyzing the data needed to test them.
Synthetic content of the EU:
- Independent tutored work: identification of a relevant scientific question; bibliographical synthesis to establish the state of the art and justify scientific hypotheses; proposal and justification of a methodological approach (materials and methods) to test the proposed hypotheses.
Type of subject:
The topics can be based on any question identified by the students (in groups of 3/4), and validated by the teaching team, and draw on different approaches to suit the expectations of the different courses. For example, students may propose a field or experimental sampling strategy, a meta-analysis of literature data, an analysis of sequences retrieved from GenBank, an analysis of occurrence data retrieved from GBIF, etc.
In all cases, projects must involve a genuine data acquisition strategy, identified, justified and described by the students in the materials and methods requested in M1S2, with a provisional timetable for the project's progress and identification of the tasks that each student will carry out within each group as part of the project's implementation in M2S3. Projects must also be financially realistic, with a provisional budget, and must be able to be finalized within the time available in M2S3.
Assessment of knowledge:
Teaching is based on a problem-based learning approach, and students are assessed on how they progress in constructing their approach (40% of CC), as well as on their ability to present and defend their project at a final oral (60% of the overall mark)."
Study of variability
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
"General linear models with 1 or more random explanatory variables: from the translation of the figure that answers the biological question to the statistical model, i.e. taking into account numerous effects and knowing how to interpret them.
general properties seen through regression and 1-factor ANOVA (R2, F, ddl, least squares, likelihood, diagnosis, validation, goodness of fit, interpretation of effect sizes); nested and cross-factor ANOVA, multiple regression (notion of parameter and effects, and interaction)
incorporation of the dependence of explanatory random variables, confounding of effects (quantitative for multiple regression, and unbalanced designs for ANOVAs)".
Ecology 1: concepts, tools and applications
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The general aim is to consolidate the ecological foundations acquired by students, and to give them the tools to mobilize them in an integrative way to interpret the functioning of ecological systems. The course includes: 1) lectures covering the concepts of ecology from population to macro-ecological scales, with examples of applications that place the discipline in the current ecological and societal context; 2) practical work and tutorials focusing on tools (sampling strategies, modelling, data analysis); 3) field courses in which students are invited to ask themselves relevant scientific questions based on observation in a given situation, and to mobilize their knowledge to answer them in a reasoned way.
Summary content of the EU :
- CM: History of the emergence of concepts in ecology; Population dynamics / metapopulations; Biotic interactions and food webs; Ecology of communities, meta-communities; Ecology of ecosystems / functional ecology; Notions of macroecology / biogeography; Global change and ecosystem functioning;
- Field: Integrative analysis of ecosystem functioning in real-life situations ;
- TD/TP: sampling and experimentation strategies in ecology; modeling in population/meta-population dynamics, community/meta-community ecology, food webs; biodiversity measurements (alpha, beta, etc.)."
Evolution 1
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
"The overall aim is to consolidate students' evolutionary biology foundations, covering both (i) macro-evolutionary phenomena, and the general methods used to analyze them, and (ii) micro-evolutionary processes, with an emphasis on the population genetics approach. The aim of this course is both to provide a common foundation of solid knowledge in evolutionary biology, and to illustrate the applications of the discipline to students' future fields of specialization. Teaching includes: 1) lectures on evolutionary concepts; 2) practical work in two main forms: 2a. sessions focusing on the use of tools (phylogeny) and on the mathematical formalization of evolutionary processes (population genetics), and 2b: sessions built around group work, enabling students, depending on their career path and professional objectives, to delve deeper into a particular theme (fundamental question or application of evolutionary biology)."
English and professionalization
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
English TD courses aimed at professional autonomy in the English language.
In-depth ecosystem ecology
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
ORPAL is an APP course (1/3 fieldwork and 2/3 laboratory work). Work is carried out in pairs or trios under the responsibility of a supervisor, and covers the entire research process, from defining the problem, field sampling and data acquisition to interpretation, writing a scientific article (see and oral presentation of results.
The ORPAM program begins in the first weeks of teaching. It begins with a 3-day field school (24h - integration internship) and continues with a mini-laboratory internship (24h). The course ends with the writing of a popular scientific article and an oral presentation of the results.
Advanced data processing
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Generalized linear mixed models + methodology and experimental protocols to take account of biological reality: non-normal distribution and pseudo-replication
Protocol optimization, power and uncontrolled 1st order risk: variable transformation, polynomial regression, link function, likelihood, model selection
Deviance analysis and goodness of fit
Incorporation of blocks, repeated measurements over time, consideration of spatial and temporal correlation, over-dispersion
Graphical representation of predictions.
Description and inference
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to provide the statistical foundations needed to follow all the more advanced modules in the curriculum, so it's a general refresher. Descriptive statistics are reviewed (quantile, cumulative frequency polygon, sample estimators), simple tests are introduced, essential graphs for univariate and multivariate data are presented, the general principle of a statistical test, hypothesis design, the notion of p-value, first and second species risk are presented. In practical exercises, students are also brought up to speed in the R environment.
M2 Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The aim of this course is to implement the projects defined in the M1S2 project course.
Synthetic content of the EU:
- Independent tutored work by student groups: readjustment of project objectives and methodology if necessary, data acquisition, ecological and/or evolutionary analyses and interpretations according to the provisional timetable defined in M1S2, presentation of results at a symposium common to the different courses.
Assessment of knowledge:
As with the M1 Project UE, this UE is based on a problem-based learning approach. Students are therefore assessed as they go along on how they are progressing with their project (40% CC), then at the end of the semester on their ability to present and discuss the results of their project in an oral presentation at a general feedback conference (60% of the overall mark).
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
M2 ECOS Profile 2
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Soil ecology and biogeochemical cycles
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The pedagogical objective of this course is to reposition the main soil types on a global scale, explain their formation and identify the main mineral phases or abiotic factors likely to regulate soil biological activity. Based on this analysis, the different soil organisms (micro-organisms, micro-, meso- and macro-fauna) and their relationships will be presented in order to reposition the cycle of organic matter and mineral elements in the soil on different temporal and spatial scales. The notions of recycling, looping of biogeochemical cycles and community assembly rules will also be addressed. This course is organized around lectures and conferences, as well as fieldwork and practical work.
Integrative ecophysiology: further study
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Ecophysiology is a discipline at the interface between organismal biology and ecology. Integrative ecophysiology focuses in particular on the question of change of scale. In other words, the aim of this course is to illustrate how the study of acclimatization/adaptation mechanisms on an individual (or even sub-individual) scale can explain the structure of populations, the distribution of species and the functioning of ecosystems. The responses of organisms and populations to the main abiotic structuring parameters (such as temperature, salinity, oxygen availability, pollutants) will be considered, as well as their interactive effects. The role of interactions between organisms will also be addressed. In this course, animals, plants and micro-organisms will be considered, and different types of approach will be illustrated: field observations, in situ or laboratory experiments.
Populations, Randomness & Heterogeneity
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The main aim of this course is to provide the skills needed to understand and use the concepts and methods on which the quantitative study of population phenomena is based. The main methods for analyzing and modeling these phenomena will be approached from both a theoretical (formal calculations) and practical (statistics, simulations) point of view, using examples exploring different phylogenetic scales (microbial dynamics, invasive species, human demography), spatial (from local to global) and temporal (transient and steady-state regimes, eco-evolutionary coupling), with particular attention to the heterogeneity (spatial, genetic or phenotypic) and randomness (stochasticity, uncertainties) characteristic of populations or inherent to their study.
Functional diversity: from organisms to ecosystems
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The aim of this EU is to show that biological diversity is functional:
1) for different groups of organisms: plants, insects, aquatic organisms, vertebrates, and
2) at different scales of organization (from organisms to ecosystems). The aim of the lessons is to explain how to approach this functional facet of diversity for the 10+ million organisms present on the planet's surface, taking examples from both highly and less anthropized environments.
Bayesian approach to variability
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
1. Bayesian inference: Motivation and simple example.
2. The likelihood.
3. A detour to explore priors.
4. Markov chains Monte Carlo methods (MCMC)
5. Bayesian analyses in R with the Jags software.
6. Contrast scientific hypotheses with model selection (WAIC).
7. Heterogeneity and multilevel models (aka mixed models.
Advanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge of statistical analysis of spatial and temporal constraints: classification and ordering under constraints, '2-table ordering methods and statistical tests: canonical analyses (AFD, CCA, RDA, CAP), 'statistical tests on distance matrices, comparison of matrices (PERMANOVA, Mantel, Procrustes).
Conservation biology
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The courses present 4 aspects of Conservation Biology, based on current scientific research in this discipline:
- Introduction to Biodiversity Conservation(BC): definition of Conservation Biology. Why conserve biodiversity? Who are the main players in BC and the role of science in BC.
- Species conservation: What are the priority species? How can species be conserved? How do you know if a species is "well conserved"?
- Space conservation: What are the priority spaces? How to conserve spaces?
- Theimportance of social acceptability and political commitment. Need for biodiversity indicators and to measure the impact of conservation.
Students also carry out group work in which they present a BC project, based on the questions: why, what, where, how, how much does it cost and how do we know if it's effective?
Impacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to deepen understanding of key concepts relating to climate change, to illustrate important concepts in ecology and evolution in the light of climate change, in many different ecosystems, and to produce a synthesis of the various scientific and societal questions and issues raised by CC.
Ecology of marine and coastal ecosystems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
"I - Physical characterization and biogeochemical cycles of coastal marine ecosystems II - Biodiversity and functioning of coastal marine ecosystems III Coastal and marine law; Uses, conflicts and integrated management of the coastal zone. This course offers students a systemic approach to the study of coastal marine ecosystems from a highly multidisciplinary perspective. The physical structure of these ecosystems will be addressed through courses on their geomorphology and hydrology, with a particular focus on hydric couplings with the open sea and their watersheds. Their biogeochemistry will be addressed, in particular to describe carbon and nutrient flows through the water and sediment compartments. Several aspects of their biodiversity will be illustrated to describe the importance of these ecosystems as living environments for the species they support, and in particular the role of this biodiversity in their functioning. The coastal zone is densely populated by man (40% of the world's population). Particular attention will be paid to human uses (e.g. aquaculture) and their territorial planning, including the evaluation of their ecosystem services in an economic context, management and protection measures (e.g. Marine Protected Areas, Natura 2000), and professionals involved in the management of these environments will present practical feedback. Finally, the implications of the Law of the Sea for the management of coastal zones will be discussed. "
Tools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The module covers the identification, quantification and modeling of interactions between climate, marine species and their exploitation.
Behavioral ecology
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Behavioral Ecology takes an evolutionary approach to the study of behavior, investigating its mechanisms, function and contribution to evolutionary and ecological processes. The work carried out in Behavioral Ecology helps us to understand other phenomena observed in other disciplines of life biology, because all animals, from unicellulars to the most complex vertebrae, exhibit behaviors.
The module exposes students to the various basic concepts, as well as to the multitude of tools likely to be used (observations and experiments on natural populations or captive individuals, comparative analyses, use of modeling tools, ecophysiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, on-board electronics, etc.). Part of the training is based on specific discussions of the research approaches likely to be employed, the tools used and the limits of the inferences that can be made. Students will be expected to play an active role at all these levels, in particular through critical discussions of articles.
Topics range from the exploration of strategies for food provisioning, mate choice, habitat selection and investment in reproduction, to the study of animal communication and the reasons for group living. The historical dimension of the discipline is addressed in the introduction, but also according to the sensibilities of the contributors and the themes addressed (meaning and relationships between 'Animal Behaviour', 'Ethology', Behavioral Ecology etc.).
Spatial data
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this resolutely trans-disciplinary course is to provide the skills needed to effectively manage and exploit data of various origins and types, particularly those with a spatial component. The course is divided into three complementary sections. The first deals with the issues inherent in data compilation and the solutions provided by database management systems (DBMS): from database design to queries. The second covers geographic information systems (GIS): from cartographic representation to geoprocessing. Finally, the third axis presents the diversity of spatial analysis tools for quantitative exploitation of spatial data, from metrics to statistical tests.
M2 ECOS Profile 1
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Soil ecology and biogeochemical cycles
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The pedagogical objective of this course is to reposition the main soil types on a global scale, explain their formation and identify the main mineral phases or abiotic factors likely to regulate soil biological activity. Based on this analysis, the different soil organisms (micro-organisms, micro-, meso- and macro-fauna) and their relationships will be presented in order to reposition the cycle of organic matter and mineral elements in the soil on different temporal and spatial scales. The notions of recycling, looping of biogeochemical cycles and community assembly rules will also be addressed. This course is organized around lectures and conferences, as well as fieldwork and practical work.
Integrative ecophysiology: further study
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Ecophysiology is a discipline at the interface between organismal biology and ecology. Integrative ecophysiology focuses in particular on the question of change of scale. In other words, the aim of this course is to illustrate how the study of acclimatization/adaptation mechanisms on an individual (or even sub-individual) scale can explain the structure of populations, the distribution of species and the functioning of ecosystems. The responses of organisms and populations to the main abiotic structuring parameters (such as temperature, salinity, oxygen availability, pollutants) will be considered, as well as their interactive effects. The role of interactions between organisms will also be addressed. In this course, animals, plants and micro-organisms will be considered, and different types of approach will be illustrated: field observations, in situ or laboratory experiments.
Populations, Randomness & Heterogeneity
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The main aim of this course is to provide the skills needed to understand and use the concepts and methods on which the quantitative study of population phenomena is based. The main methods for analyzing and modeling these phenomena will be approached from both a theoretical (formal calculations) and practical (statistics, simulations) point of view, using examples exploring different phylogenetic scales (microbial dynamics, invasive species, human demography), spatial (from local to global) and temporal (transient and steady-state regimes, eco-evolutionary coupling), with particular attention to the heterogeneity (spatial, genetic or phenotypic) and randomness (stochasticity, uncertainties) characteristic of populations or inherent to their study.
Functional diversity: from organisms to ecosystems
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The aim of this EU is to show that biological diversity is functional:
1) for different groups of organisms: plants, insects, aquatic organisms, vertebrates, and
2) at different scales of organization (from organisms to ecosystems). The aim of the lessons is to explain how to approach this functional facet of diversity for the 10+ million organisms present on the planet's surface, taking examples from both highly and less anthropized environments.
Spatial data
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this resolutely trans-disciplinary course is to provide the skills needed to effectively manage and exploit data of various origins and types, particularly those with a spatial component. The course is divided into three complementary sections. The first deals with the issues inherent in data compilation and the solutions provided by database management systems (DBMS): from database design to queries. The second covers geographic information systems (GIS): from cartographic representation to geoprocessing. Finally, the third axis presents the diversity of spatial analysis tools for quantitative exploitation of spatial data, from metrics to statistical tests.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Bayesian approach to variability
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
1. Bayesian inference: Motivation and simple example.
2. The likelihood.
3. A detour to explore priors.
4. Markov chains Monte Carlo methods (MCMC)
5. Bayesian analyses in R with the Jags software.
6. Contrast scientific hypotheses with model selection (WAIC).
7. Heterogeneity and multilevel models (aka mixed models.
Advanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge of statistical analysis of spatial and temporal constraints: classification and ordering under constraints, '2-table ordering methods and statistical tests: canonical analyses (AFD, CCA, RDA, CAP), 'statistical tests on distance matrices, comparison of matrices (PERMANOVA, Mantel, Procrustes).
Conservation biology
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The courses present 4 aspects of Conservation Biology, based on current scientific research in this discipline:
- Introduction to Biodiversity Conservation(BC): definition of Conservation Biology. Why conserve biodiversity? Who are the main players in BC and the role of science in BC.
- Species conservation: What are the priority species? How can species be conserved? How do you know if a species is "well conserved"?
- Space conservation: What are the priority spaces? How to conserve spaces?
- Theimportance of social acceptability and political commitment. Need for biodiversity indicators and to measure the impact of conservation.
Students also carry out group work in which they present a BC project, based on the questions: why, what, where, how, how much does it cost and how do we know if it's effective?
Impacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to deepen understanding of key concepts relating to climate change, to illustrate important concepts in ecology and evolution in the light of climate change, in many different ecosystems, and to produce a synthesis of the various scientific and societal questions and issues raised by CC.
Ecology of marine and coastal ecosystems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
"I - Physical characterization and biogeochemical cycles of coastal marine ecosystems II - Biodiversity and functioning of coastal marine ecosystems III Coastal and marine law; Uses, conflicts and integrated management of the coastal zone. This course offers students a systemic approach to the study of coastal marine ecosystems from a highly multidisciplinary perspective. The physical structure of these ecosystems will be addressed through courses on their geomorphology and hydrology, with a particular focus on hydric couplings with the open sea and their watersheds. Their biogeochemistry will be addressed, in particular to describe carbon and nutrient flows through the water and sediment compartments. Several aspects of their biodiversity will be illustrated to describe the importance of these ecosystems as living environments for the species they support, and in particular the role of this biodiversity in their functioning. The coastal zone is densely populated by man (40% of the world's population). Particular attention will be paid to human uses (e.g. aquaculture) and their territorial planning, including the evaluation of their ecosystem services in an economic context, management and protection measures (e.g. Marine Protected Areas, Natura 2000), and professionals involved in the management of these environments will present practical feedback. Finally, the implications of the Law of the Sea for the management of coastal zones will be discussed. "
Tools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The module covers the identification, quantification and modeling of interactions between climate, marine species and their exploitation.
Behavioral ecology
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Behavioral Ecology takes an evolutionary approach to the study of behavior, investigating its mechanisms, function and contribution to evolutionary and ecological processes. The work carried out in Behavioral Ecology helps us to understand other phenomena observed in other disciplines of life biology, because all animals, from unicellulars to the most complex vertebrae, exhibit behaviors.
The module exposes students to the various basic concepts, as well as to the multitude of tools likely to be used (observations and experiments on natural populations or captive individuals, comparative analyses, use of modeling tools, ecophysiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, on-board electronics, etc.). Part of the training is based on specific discussions of the research approaches likely to be employed, the tools used and the limits of the inferences that can be made. Students will be expected to play an active role at all these levels, in particular through critical discussions of articles.
Topics range from the exploration of strategies for food provisioning, mate choice, habitat selection and investment in reproduction, to the study of animal communication and the reasons for group living. The historical dimension of the discipline is addressed in the introduction, but also according to the sensibilities of the contributors and the themes addressed (meaning and relationships between 'Animal Behaviour', 'Ethology', Behavioral Ecology etc.).
M2 ECOS Profile 3
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Bayesian approach to variability
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
1. Bayesian inference: Motivation and simple example.
2. The likelihood.
3. A detour to explore priors.
4. Markov chains Monte Carlo methods (MCMC)
5. Bayesian analyses in R with the Jags software.
6. Contrast scientific hypotheses with model selection (WAIC).
7. Heterogeneity and multilevel models (aka mixed models.
Advanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge of statistical analysis of spatial and temporal constraints: classification and ordering under constraints, '2-table ordering methods and statistical tests: canonical analyses (AFD, CCA, RDA, CAP), 'statistical tests on distance matrices, comparison of matrices (PERMANOVA, Mantel, Procrustes).
Conservation biology
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The courses present 4 aspects of Conservation Biology, based on current scientific research in this discipline:
- Introduction to Biodiversity Conservation(BC): definition of Conservation Biology. Why conserve biodiversity? Who are the main players in BC and the role of science in BC.
- Species conservation: What are the priority species? How can species be conserved? How do you know if a species is "well conserved"?
- Space conservation: What are the priority spaces? How to conserve spaces?
- Theimportance of social acceptability and political commitment. Need for biodiversity indicators and to measure the impact of conservation.
Students also carry out group work in which they present a BC project, based on the questions: why, what, where, how, how much does it cost and how do we know if it's effective?
Impacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to deepen understanding of key concepts relating to climate change, to illustrate important concepts in ecology and evolution in the light of climate change, in many different ecosystems, and to produce a synthesis of the various scientific and societal questions and issues raised by CC.
Ecology of marine and coastal ecosystems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
"I - Physical characterization and biogeochemical cycles of coastal marine ecosystems II - Biodiversity and functioning of coastal marine ecosystems III Coastal and marine law; Uses, conflicts and integrated management of the coastal zone. This course offers students a systemic approach to the study of coastal marine ecosystems from a highly multidisciplinary perspective. The physical structure of these ecosystems will be addressed through courses on their geomorphology and hydrology, with a particular focus on hydric couplings with the open sea and their watersheds. Their biogeochemistry will be addressed, in particular to describe carbon and nutrient flows through the water and sediment compartments. Several aspects of their biodiversity will be illustrated to describe the importance of these ecosystems as living environments for the species they support, and in particular the role of this biodiversity in their functioning. The coastal zone is densely populated by man (40% of the world's population). Particular attention will be paid to human uses (e.g. aquaculture) and their territorial planning, including the evaluation of their ecosystem services in an economic context, management and protection measures (e.g. Marine Protected Areas, Natura 2000), and professionals involved in the management of these environments will present practical feedback. Finally, the implications of the Law of the Sea for the management of coastal zones will be discussed. "
Tools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The module covers the identification, quantification and modeling of interactions between climate, marine species and their exploitation.
Behavioral ecology
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Behavioral Ecology takes an evolutionary approach to the study of behavior, investigating its mechanisms, function and contribution to evolutionary and ecological processes. The work carried out in Behavioral Ecology helps us to understand other phenomena observed in other disciplines of life biology, because all animals, from unicellulars to the most complex vertebrae, exhibit behaviors.
The module exposes students to the various basic concepts, as well as to the multitude of tools likely to be used (observations and experiments on natural populations or captive individuals, comparative analyses, use of modeling tools, ecophysiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, on-board electronics, etc.). Part of the training is based on specific discussions of the research approaches likely to be employed, the tools used and the limits of the inferences that can be made. Students will be expected to play an active role at all these levels, in particular through critical discussions of articles.
Topics range from the exploration of strategies for food provisioning, mate choice, habitat selection and investment in reproduction, to the study of animal communication and the reasons for group living. The historical dimension of the discipline is addressed in the introduction, but also according to the sensibilities of the contributors and the themes addressed (meaning and relationships between 'Animal Behaviour', 'Ethology', Behavioral Ecology etc.).
Ecosystems: modeling and quantification
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The aim is to master the modeling and statistical analysis of ecosystem data. Students should be able to model complex systems (e.g. plants in a cultivated ecosystem, population dynamics, lake ecosystems). They will also need to know what type of statistical model to use to process ecological data, and how to interpret it.
Professionalization and scientific writing
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The aim of this course is to help students build their career plans and find internships, while beginning to prepare for their integration into professional life through a comprehensive and personal vision of possible career paths.
In concrete terms, a series of meetings with various participants introduces the doctoral thesis (presentation of the GAIA doctoral school, presentations by thesis students) and the professional environment targeted by the different career paths (research careers and the non-academic sector). Activities specific to each pathway then enable students to better target the scientific fields most closely aligned with their career plans. Finally, TD sessions are designed to prepare students to write scientific articles in English.
Ecology: Issues and controversies
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This course approaches the issues surrounding ecosystem management from a social science perspective, with a particular focus on science studies. It aims to help develop a general understanding of the relationship between ecological sciences and society, and to equip participants to analyze the social issues and underlying socio-scientific controversies. The first part of the course provides a conceptual and methodological framework for the presentation of a reflexive tool for analyzing the interplay of actors and arguments (epistemological, axiological) involved in socio-scientific controversies, and illustrates this tool using current examples. Thematic presentations by ecology researchers illustrate a variety of issues surrounding the ecological sciences, and serve as the basis for students' application and acquisition of the reflexive analysis tool. Students are assessed on their ability to mobilize this analytical framework to position themselves individually and argumentatively in ecological science controversies.
Professionalization & Integration
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to help students finalize their professional projects and prepare for the post-master's period.
The UE is organized on a pathway-wide basis, with regular discussion sessions between the teaching team and students.
M2 S4 internship
28 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The individual M2 internship lasts approximately 5 to 6 months, and must be carried out in a research laboratory or a non-academic structure, depending on the course. It enables students to gain in-depth professional experience in the field of biodiversity, evolution or ecology. It can be carried out in a local, national or international structure, on a subject validated by the teaching team to fit in with the objectives of the course followed by the student.
Evaluation: The internship is evaluated at a public presentation before a jury, during which the content of the thesis and the quality of the answers to the jury's questions are assessed. The student's behavior and dynamism during the internship are evaluated by the internship supervisor.
Admission requirements
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
French & European students :
- For M1, follow the "My Master" procedure on the website: https: //
- For M2, students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //
International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //