Functional ecology and conceptualization of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (EcoSystèmes)

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction




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M1 - Functional ecology and conceptualization of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (EcoSystèmes)

See the complete page of this course

  • Study of variability

    4 credits
  • Ecology 1: concepts, tools and applications

    8 credits
  • Evolution 1

    8 credits
  • English and professionalization

    2 credits15h
  • In-depth ecosystem ecology

    6 credits
  • CHOIX1

    2 credits
    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Advanced data processing

        2 credits
      • Description and inference

        2 credits
  • M1 S2 internship

    14 credits
  • Integrative ecophysiology

    4 credits
  • CHOIX3

    8 credits
    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Ethnoecology and biocultural interactions

        4 credits
      • Evolutionary ecology

        4 credits
  • UE Project M1

    4 credits

M2 - Functional ecology and conceptualization of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (EcoSystèmes)

See the complete page of this course

  • M2 Project

    10 credits3h

    10 credits
    • Choice: 1 of 3

      • M2 ECOS Profile 2

        10 credits
        • Choice of: 2 of 7

          • Soil ecology and biogeochemical cycles

            4 credits
          • Integrative ecophysiology: further study

            4 credits15h
          • Populations, Randomness & Heterogeneity

            4 credits
          • Pollution and bioremediation of ecosystems

          • Functional diversity: from organisms to ecosystems

            4 credits9h
          • EU ECOS CHOICES

            • Choice of 3 out of 7

              • Bayesian approach to variability

                2 credits
              • Advanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM

                2 credits
              • Conservation biology

                2 credits
              • Impacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals

                2 credits
              • Ecology of marine and coastal ecosystems

                2 credits8h
              • Tools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems

                2 credits3h
              • Behavioral ecology

                2 credits6h
          • Spatial data

            4 credits
      • M2 ECOS Profile 1

        10 credits
        • Choice of 3 out of 7

          • Soil ecology and biogeochemical cycles

            4 credits
          • Integrative ecophysiology: further study

            4 credits15h
          • Populations, Randomness & Heterogeneity

            4 credits
          • Pollution and bioremediation of ecosystems

          • Functional diversity: from organisms to ecosystems

            4 credits9h
          • Spatial data

            4 credits
          • EU ECOS CHOICES

            2 credits
            • Your choice: 1 of 7

              • Bayesian approach to variability

                2 credits
              • Advanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM

                2 credits
              • Conservation biology

                2 credits
              • Impacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals

                2 credits
              • Ecology of marine and coastal ecosystems

                2 credits8h
              • Tools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems

                2 credits3h
              • Behavioral ecology

                2 credits6h
      • M2 ECOS Profile 3

        10 credits
        • Choice of 3 out of 7

          • Bayesian approach to variability

            2 credits
          • Advanced multidimensional data mining EXADIM

            2 credits
          • Conservation biology

            2 credits
          • Impacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals

            2 credits
          • Ecology of marine and coastal ecosystems

            2 credits8h
          • Tools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems

            2 credits3h
          • Behavioral ecology

            2 credits6h
  • Ecosystems: modeling and quantification

    4 credits6h
  • Professionalization and scientific writing

    2 credits15h
  • Ecology: Issues and controversies

    4 credits6h
  • Professionalization & Integration

    2 credits
  • M2 S4 internship

    28 credits


Access conditions

Applications can be submitted on the following platforms: 

French & European students :

International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //

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