Integrative Study of Parasitic and Infectious Emergencies (EI-EPI)

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction

    French, English


The Integrative Study of Parasitic and Infectious Emergences (EI-EPI) course is part of the Eco-Epidemiology master's program, which aims to train experts capable of meeting the challenges posed by contemporary epidemiological phenomena.

Epidemics and emerging diseases linked to pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, eukaryotic parasites) have been on the increase in recent decades. This phenomenon is the result of complex, multiple factors of varied origins: human density(s), degradation of natural ecosystems, degradation of biodiversity, overexploitation, intensive livestock farming, urbanization, artificialization of environments, climate change, pollution(s), globalization of human and commercial exchanges, inappropriate use of antibiotics, ill-adapted care, reduced vaccination coverage, poverty...

The study or management of these epidemic phenomena therefore requires the involvement of a variety of skills and different levels of analysis, and thus an integrative, multi-disciplinary approach (ecology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, parasitology, statistics, computer science, geomatics, geography, as well as sociology, economics, anthropology, etc.). The eco-evolutionary perspective facilitates this synthesis by placing analyses of underlying biological phenomena in population, spatial and temporal dimensions.

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Training benefits

The Eco-EPI specialization has received support from the MUSE e-site via funding for the Eco-Epidemiology of Animal and Human Pathogens Comprehensive and Utilitary Resources -EpiCURe project (Call for projects Take Off #3: Cursus - ACCOMPANYING THE TRANSFORMATION AND/OR CREATION OF CURSUSES). This project involves the implementation of a data collection platform built up by successive classes of students in the specialization. It will be coupled with a set of web services to exploit the stored data. Thanks to this cross-disciplinary, decompartmentalizing tool, based on the complete M1 and M2 pedagogical framework, students will be able to "take in hand" the scientific content and knowledge to be acquired during their Master's degree. This platform will capitalize on the knowledge acquired and synthesized in a cooperative approach by students, the teaching team, research and operational players in the field. The accumulated knowledge will be perpetuated, exploited and disseminated in French and English, beyond the mention and the university, giving national and international visibility to the training in Eco-epidemiology of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and the training associated with the project (Bio-Informatics, Geomatics).

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The EI-EPI pathway is designed to train future researchers capable of tracing eco-epidemiological events (phylogenetic, short- or long-term eco-evolutionary, environmental, socio-economic, etc.) linked to pathogens infecting humans and/or domestic animals (and/or wildlife).

            The "multi-disciplinary and integrative scientific approach" that characterizes the training program is indispensable to the challenges facing our contemporary societies. Aware of human contexts and the sustainable development stakes of this knowledge, graduates will be able to become researchers in "involved science". This highly relevant term describes a scientific approach, immersed in "reality" and all its dimensions, aimed at providing concrete scientific elements for "enlightened" management, and even better, for prevention.

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Know-how and skills

Graduates of the EI-EPI pathway in the Eco-EPI specialization are expected to set up and implement research programs focusing on the factors involved in the emergence of parasitic and infectious diseases, i.e. :

  • ecological cycles and transmission dynamics
  • evolutionary and molecular mechanisms favoring epidemics, emergence and/or host changes
  • eco-environmental factors favoring epidemics and/or emergencies
  • socio-economic factors favouring epidemics and/or emergencies
  • the relative risks associated with each of these factors in each case of epidemic and/or emergence

To carry out their research,

  • they have mastered subject-specific skills and advanced tools in a variety of fields, such as
  1. biological and ecological sciences (including evolutionary biology) focusing on pathogen-induced diseases
  2. mathematical sciences (statistics and modeling) and computer sciences focused on the collection and analysis of epidemiological data (databases, GIS, etc.)
  • they know how to identify and integrate into their analysis the elements (and tools) of applied human sciences needed to understand the origins of emergencies and assess risks: sociology, anthropology, economics, political governance, law (through organizations and institutions), etc.
  • they can independently apply a scientific and analytical approach, apply it to a specific context, and integrate information of various kinds.
  • they are experts in project management and collaborative working.
  • They are able to interact and communicate with non-academic collaborators: managers in epidemiological control or surveillance, public health or veterinary professionals, decision-makers or elected representatives, etc.
  • They are able to disseminate results to an informed audience of peers, decision-makers and managers.
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International dimension

The Eco-Epidemiology of Animal and Human Pathogens Comprehensive and Utilitarian Resources -EpiCURe project (Call for projects Take Off #3: Cursus - ACCOMPANYING THE TRANSFORMATION AND/OR CREATION OF CURSUSES), based on the complete pedagogical framework of the M1 and M2 programs, aims to give international visibility to the Eco-Epidemiology training program . It will enable us to develop partnerships with foreign universities and institutions.

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Knowledge control

according to teaching units: Final assessment, continuous assessment, oral. Projects and internships are assessed on the basis of specific continuous assessment procedures: a written report/thesis and an oral presentation before a jury.

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Special features

M1 specific to 4th-year research pharmacy students, to focus training on skills not covered in their previous curriculum

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Internships, tutored projects



Length of internship

5 to 6 months

Internship abroad


Duration of internship abroad

5 to 6 months

An internship of 3 to 4 months is offered and recommended as early as M1, necessarily in fundamental, applied or finalized research. An in-depth tutored project is offered as an alternative to the first-year internship for students who need to deepen their knowledge and/or consolidate their approach and ability to synthesize, in order to better prepare for M2 and the end-of-study internship.

            An end-of-study internship in a public or private laboratory, organization or research institute (or even corporate R&D) is compulsory in M2, lasting 5 to 6 months, in the student's chosen field of specialization.

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Year 1 is mainly a common year for the two courses in the specialization, with a predominantly common core curriculum in M1 semester 1 (26 ECTS/30) and a free option to explore specific fields and issues in greater depth.

The choice of path is made in semester 2 of M1, by choosing an orientation option that provides more in-depth elements in the eco-epidemiological research approach. It will also be prepared by the choice of theme for the M1 internship or Advanced Tutored Project.

The M2 EI-EPI year comprises the following courses

  • Common with the Management and Surveillance pathway: project management, topical issues concerning the eco-epidemiology of infectious and parasitic diseases (compulsory), emergence/society interface (optional)
  • Multi-scale analyses (genomes/socio-ecosystems) specific to Eco-Epidemiology research
  • Specialization in one of the key areas of eco-epidemiology (see below)
  • More in-depth study of evolutionary bio-eco sciences or bioinformatics tools (shared with other fields)
  • Application to resource conservation or management (shared with other mentions)

            Four main areas of specialization are possible. These specializations are not hermetically sealed themes, but present interfaces. They are :

  • Zoonoses and animal diseases
  • Vector-borne diseases
  • Global changes
  • Artificialization, modern technologies and therapeutics

This specialization is developed as early as M1 S2, during thematic projects, the internship or the Advanced Tutored Project. It will be deepened by the choice of courses in M2S3 and the M2 internship.

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Select a program

M1 - Eco-Epidemiology

Epidemics and emerging diseases linked to pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, eukaryotic parasites) have been on the rise in recent decades. Recent outbreaks of SARS, Ebola, Zika and highly pathogenic avian influenza have been compounded by the COVID 19 and Swine Fever epidemics. But we mustn't forget the resurgence of measles, the antibiotic resistance of tuberculosis bacilli, the increasingly tenacious pressure of hospital-acquired diseases, or the still worrying presence of malaria, dengue fever and anthrax...


This increase in "cases" is the result of many complex phenomena: human density(s), degradation of natural ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, overexploitation, intensive livestock farming, urbanization, artificialization of environments, climate change, pollution(s), globalization of human and commercial exchanges, inappropriate use of antibiotics, ill-adapted healthcare, reduced vaccination coverage, poverty... These changes and imbalances are therefore of diverse and varied origins. The study or management of these epidemic phenomena therefore requires the involvement of a variety of skills and different levels of analysis, and thus an integrative, multi-disciplinary approach (ecology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, parasitology, statistics, computer science, geomatics, geography, as well as sociology, economics, anthropology, etc.). The eco-evolutionary perspective facilitates this synthesis by placing analyses of underlying biological phenomena in population, spatial and temporal dimensions.


See the complete page of this course

  • Study of variability

    4 credits
  • Pathogens: from viruses to helminths

    4 credits
  • Description and inference

    2 credits
  • Issues and challenges in disease epidemiology

    4 credits
  • Information systems and databases

    4 credits
  • Ecology Keys

    2 credits

    4 credits
    • Your choice: 1 of 4

      •  Phylogeny and Evolution

      • Food risk

        4 credits
        • Food risk 1

          4 credits
        • Food risk 2

          1 credits
      • Water and Public Health

      • Complementary skills

        4 credits
  • Ecology and Evolution of Microorganisms and Parasitism

    6 credits
  • Epidemiology tools

    2 credits
  • Longitudinal, cross-sectional and epidemiological analyses

    4 credits
  • Emergence: Eco-epidemiological contexts and mechanisms

    8 credits

    14 credits
    • CHOICE 3

      4 credits
      • Your choice: 1 of 7

        • Public health and prevention

          4 credits
        • Health Policy and Public Health

        • Evolutionary genomics

          4 credits
        • Evolutionary ecology

          4 credits
        • EXDIM: Multidimensional data mining

          4 credits
        • Alignment and Phylogeny

          4 credits
        • Choice 5

          4 credits
          • Bioinformatics Learning Lab

            2 credits
          • Biological information

            2 credits
    • CHOICE 4

      10 credits
      • Your choice: 1 of 2

        • Extended tutored project

          10 credits
        • Internship

          10 credits
  • Preparation for internship or in-depth tutored project

    2 credits

M2 - Integrative Study of Parasitic and Infectious Emergences EI-EPI

See the complete page of this course

  • Choice 3

    4 credits
    • Choice: 1 of 3

      • Bioanalysis, transcriptomics

        4 credits
      • Spatial data

        4 credits
      • In-depth phylogeny: methods and applications in evolution

  • Mechanisms of pathogen emergence

    4 credits
  • Transmission: Case study

    2 credits
  • Project management in basic and applied epidemiology

    10 credits
  • Choice 1

    8 credits
    • Choice of 2 out of 4

      • Arboviroses

        4 credits
      • Pathogen-carrying water

        4 credits
      • Using nature: from domestication to modern practices

        4 credits
      • Care, Technology and Artificialization

        4 credits
  • News from Emergence II (club newspaper)

    2 credits
  • Professionalization and preparation for internships

    4 credits
  • EEI final year internship

    26 credits


Admission requirements

M1 entry: a bachelor's degree or equivalent

M2 entry: one year of Master 1 or equivalent

see target audience for more information


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How to register

Applications can be submitted on the following platforms: 

French & European students :

International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //

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Target audience

M1 entry:

  • of students from
    1. bachelor's degrees in Life Sciences or Life and Earth Sciences, in particular Ecology and Organismal Biology, Organismal and Population Biology, Environmental Sciences, Microbiology, Cell Biology and Physiology,
    2. Health Sciences bachelor's degrees 
    3. Biology and Humanity licenses (Catholic universities)....
    4. students in their 4th year of pharmacy or human medicine.

M2 entry:

  • by right, students who have completed the M1 Eco-EPI
  • students with an M1 in Biology, Biology-Health, Health, Life Sciences, Public Health, Microbiology, Nutrition and Food Sciences, Biology-Agro Sciences, Agrosciences, Environment, Territories, Landscape, Forest, Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution, Risks and Environment, Teaching, Education and Training Professions (MEEF),2nd degree. Their integration will be assessed on the basis of the M1 prerequisites essential for continuation in M2 EI-EPI, the coherence between their training project and the objectives of the pathway, and on the basis of potential vacancies in relation to intake capacity.
  • 6th-year veterinary students with a research-oriented career plan (under conditions identical to those listed above)
  • Continuing education for pharmacists and medical interns in response to the need for integrative skills among future healthcare professionals
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Mandatory prerequisites

Imposed by the entry level (see Target Audience), the specific modalities linked to initial, continuing or sandwich training. This mainly involves

  • a bachelor's degree in biological and environmental sciences, or its equivalent, for entry into M1;
  • Master's level 1 in biological and peri-biological sciences, or their equivalent, in M2, including fundamental knowledge of pathogens or diseases of infectious and parasitic origin.

            For entry into M1, "knowledge" at L3 level or equivalent in at least 2 of these fields.

  • Organismal biology
  • Physiology
  • Cellular and molecular biology
  • Ecology
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Parasitology
  • Microbiology

            For entry into M2, knowledge at M1 level or equivalent is required in the biology of the main pathogenic organisms and in at least 2 of the following fields

  • Physiology, Immunology
  • Cellular and molecular biology
  • Infectious processes
  • Infectious and parasitic pathologies 
  • Antibiotic therapy and anti-infectious drugs
  • General ecology
  • Parasitic ecology
  • Microbial ecology
  • Health ecology
  • Evolutionary biology and/or conservation biology
  • Parasitology
  • Microbiology
  • Vector Entomology
  • Descriptive epidemiology (statistics)
  • Modeling


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Recommended prerequisites

For entry into M1,

  • L1-L2 level knowledge in at least 1 of these fields
  1. Bio-Statistics
  2. IT (database, GIS)
  • Basic knowledge, even if self-taught, in 1 or 2 of the following areas can be invaluable
  1. Human / animal genetics
  2. Breeding systems
  3. Economy
  4. Sociology
  5. Anthropology
  6. Regional planning
  7. Environmental management
  8. Conservation biology


For M2 entry

  • M1-level knowledge in at least 1 of these fields (initial training)
  1. Bio-Statistics
  2. IT (database, GIS)
  • Knowledge (professional experience, internships, studies, extracurricular experience) in 1 or 2 of the following areas
  1. Human or veterinary health
  2. Biotechnologies for diagnosis and prevention (treatments, vaccines, etc.)
  3. Livestock breeding and production systems
  4. Economy and trade globalization
  5. Participatory science
  6. Sociology /Anthropology


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And then

Further studies

The main aim of this program is to prepare students for a thesis in fundamental, applied or targeted research.

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Studying abroad

Theses abroad are a not-to-be-missed outlet for graduates of the

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Professional integration

Careers: Eco-epidemiologist researchers and similar, Eco-epidemiologist experts

Insertion: Research organizations/institutes, universities, international organizations, R&D pharmaceutical companies, etc.

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