120 credits
2 years
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Language(s) of instruction
French, English
The Cancer Biology program enables students to understand the molecular basis of cancer and explore the scientific rationale behind anti-tumor therapies in a cutting-edge scientific and medical environment. The program is supported by the Centre de Recherche Intégré en Cancérologie (SIRIC Montpellier Cancer), which brings together a cancer research center (ICM, l'Institut du Cancer de Montpellier), the Montpellier University Hospital and around a hundred teams based at various research institutes in Montpellier, all of which are likely to welcome Cancer Biology Master's students for internships and possibly doctoral theses.
The curriculum offered in the "Cancer Biology" course will allow students to acquire understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of cancer and the rationale underlying cancer therapies, in a leading scientific and medical environment. This course is supported by the Montpellier comprehensive cancer center (SIRIC Montpellier Cancer) which is composed of the Regional Cancer Centre (ICM), Montpellier University hospital, and over a hundred research teams located in different Montpellier research institutes. These teams propose internships for Masters students and, for those who continue after the Masters, PhD.
more than 90% of
Success rates
The aim of the "Cancer Biology" program is to train students from scientific and medical backgrounds in cancer research. This multi-disciplinary program aims to train students in research through research. It is based on the consolidation of an in-depth knowledge base in genetics and cell biology to study the pathophysiology of cancer pathology in its fundamental and translational aspects, and addresses current practices in anti-cancer therapy.
The aim of the teaching course is to train students from different scientific and medical backgrounds in cancer research. The multidisciplinary approach includes training by research. It builds on a base of in-depth knowledge in genetics and cell biology to study the underlying fundamental mechanisms involved in cancers and their translation to the latest therapies.
Know-how and skills
The two-year Master's Cancer Biology program provides an integrated view of cancer pathology. Through participation in theoretical courses, seminars and involvement in research projects in top-level laboratories, students acquire the knowledge and skills (bibliographic research, written and oral presentation of research work, project design) needed to launch a career in cancer research, in the academic or private sector.
The two-year Masters course in Cancer Biology will provide an integrated picture of the pathology of cancers. Through theoretical courses, seminars and research work in leading laboratories, students will acquire the knowledge and skills (research in bibliography, written and oral presentations, project design) to undertake a career in research in the academic or private sector.
In M1, students take the UEs Physiopathologie cellulaire et cancer and Biologie cellulaire (UEs en anglais). They choose 4 or 5 UEs from several UEs shared with other courses, enabling them to define a personalized curriculum for a total of 30 ECTS. Consolidation in English is offered
In M2, the course is taught entirely in English, although students have the choice of taking their exams in English or French. In addition to the common core taught to all students (choice of two core courses from a total of five), students follow two compulsory specific courses ("Principles of Cancer Biology" and "Cancer Therapy") and a specific course of their choice ("Genomeintegrity and Cancer" or "Cell Fate and plasticity" or, from 2023, "Immunopathology-Oncology"). Theoretical teaching counts for 25 ECTS.
Semesters 2 and 4 are dedicated to internships and research tutorials. From 2021, a partnership with Montpellier's Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) will enable students who wish to do so to obtain a double degree, provided they have also taken 2 management courses at the IAE per year, and their M2 research internship, assessed by teachers from both programs, includes a management component.
In the first year (M1), students undertake the teaching units (UE) of Cellular Physiopathology, Cell Biology and Genomics, all of which are taught in English, and theywill choose 3-4 options of UE shared with other courses. This defines a personalised curriculum of 30-35 ECTS credits. Reinforcement of English is provided.
In the second year (M2), the teaching is entirely in English, but students can choose between English and French for the examinations. As well as the core curriculum (choice of 2 out of 5 teaching units) students follow two obligatory units: Principles of Cancer Biology, and Cancer Therapy, and one option between Genome Integrity and Cancer, Cell Fate and Plasticity, and from 2023, Immunopathology and Oncology. This theoretical module counts for 25 ECTS.Semesters 2 and 4 are dedicated to internships and tutorials.
From 2021 onwards, a partnership with the Montpellier Institute for Administration ofEnterprise (IAE) allows obtention of a dual degree for students having additionally taken 2 teaching units per year of the IAE, and in which the M2 internship, evaluated by lecturers from both departments, includes management training.
Select a program
M1 - Cancer Biology
Cell Biology
5 creditsCellular pathophysiology and cancer
5 creditsCHOICE 1
20 creditsChoice of 4 from 11
Structural Biology
5 creditsToxicological investigation
5 creditsDevelopmental genetics
5 creditsPhysiology and integrated homeostasis
5 creditsCurrent research in immunology
5 creditsFunctional exploration and translational research
5 creditsMolecular pharmacology and therapeutics
5 creditsMolecular and metabolic bases of hereditary diseases
5 creditsIntroduction to quantitative Biology
Statistics applied to biology
5 creditsCellular communications and signalling
5 credits
5 creditsStage_FDS
15 creditsTER_FDS
5 creditsCHOICE 3
5 creditsYour choice: 1 of 6
Long-term internship or abroad
5 creditsCell culture
5 creditsImmunopathology
5 creditsPractical analysis of genomics data in R
5 creditsMedical genetics and genetic counseling
5 creditsCorporate knowledge and patent valuation
5 credits
M2 - Cancer Biology
10 creditsChoice of 2 out of 5
Principles of Cancer Biology
5 creditsCHOICE 2
5 creditsChoice: 1 of 3
Cell Fate & Plasticity
5 creditsGenome Integrity and Cancer
5 creditsImmunopathology 2
5 credits
Cancer therapy
5 creditsTER_FDS_S3
5 credits
Fictional research project_FDS
10 creditsStage_FDS
20 credits
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
French & European students :
- For M1, follow the "My Master" procedure on the website: https: //
- For M2, students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //
International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //
Target audience
The Master's in Cancer Biology is aimed at national and international students in Biology, Pharmacy and Medicine with 180 ECTS or equivalent to enter M1, and 240 ECTS or equivalent to enter M2. Scholarships are offered to international students by the Montpellier Cancer Integrated Research Center (SIRIC Montpellier Cancer) joining the program in the 2nd year.
The Masters in Cancer Biology is aimed at undergraduate students in Biology, Pharmacy and Medicine, either inFrance or abroad, who have at least 180 ECTS or equivalent for entry at M1 level, or 240 ECTS or equivalent for entry at M2 level. Several grants are offered by the SIRIC Montpellier Cancer for international students who join the programme at M2 level.
Mandatory prerequisites
Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology
Good level of English
A strong background in fundamental cell and molecular biology; good level in English.
Recommended prerequisites
Practical experience (ideally internship in a research laboratory), basic knowledge of statistics.
Understanding of statistics, practical lab experience.
And then
Further studies
The Master's degree itself represents a level and diploma enabling direct professional integration. However, very often (>60%), graduates prefer to aim for a doctorate. Some students (5-10%) choose to acquire dual skills by completing a Master's degree in Management, for example.
The Masters degree is of a level permitting direct professional insertion, but many (>60%) of students follow up with a PhD. 5-10% of students choose to acquire a double degree, for example a Masters in Management.
Studying abroad
The Master's degree entitles the holder to apply for an international doctorate. Every year, 10-20% of our students go on to study abroad.
The Masters degree is of International standard and allows students to continue research for a PhD at the highest level in any country. Each year, 10-20% of graduates undertake a PhD abroad.
Professional integration
Through participation in theoretical courses, seminars and involvement in research projects in top-level laboratories, students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to launch a career in basic or applied research, more specifically in the field of cancer, in the academic or private sector.
As a result of the training through theory, seminars and research projects in international-standard teams, students acquirethe knowledge and skills required to start a career in fundamental or applied research in the field of cancer, in both the public and private sectors.