Law - Political science - Administration


History of law and institutions
  • Target level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


  • Training coordinator: Pascal Vielfaure

 To understand the value of legal history, just read these introductory lines from the 19th-century Répertoire Dalloz! "There are few studies as interesting and useful as the history of law. It is full of fruitful lessons for the philosopher, the historian and the jurisconsult (...) But knowledge of it is above all necessary to the true jurisconsult, to penetrate the true meaning and understand the real scope of the civil institutions of his time; for the present, even after the most profound moral or social revolutions, is always linked to the past by powerful ties, which cannot be broken without reducing it to being itself an enigma".

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Internships, tutored projects

Length of internship

50 hours minimum


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Master's degree in legal and institutional history

 To understand the value of legal history, just read these introductory lines from the 19th-century Répertoire Dalloz! "There are few studies as interesting and useful as the history of law. It is full of fruitful lessons for the philosopher, the historian and the jurisconsult (...) But knowledge of it is above all necessary to the true jurisconsult, to penetrate the true meaning and understand the real scope of the civil institutions of his time; for the present, even after the most profound moral or social revolutions, is always linked to the past by powerful ties, which cannot be broken without reducing it to being itself an enigma".

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  • History of property law (ST)

    2 credits
  • UE Language

    • Choice: 1 of 3

      • English

      • German

      • Spanish

  • Criminal Procedure 1 (ST)

  • UE History of labour law

    6 credits
    • TD History of labour law

      2 credits
    • CM History of labor law

      4 credits
  • History of medical law (ST)

  • UE History of legal thought

    6 credits
    • CM History of legal thought

      4 credits
    • TD History of legal thought

      2 credits
  • Civil law: Matrimonial property regimes group 2 (ST)

  • UE History of family property law

    6 credits
    • CM History of family property law

      4 credits
    • TD History of family property law

      2 credits
  • Digital skills - In-depth documentary research

  • Optional

    • Legal clinic (F)

    • Memory (F)

    • Internship (F)

    • Work integration workshops (F): CV/LM

    • Tutored project (F)

    • Apprenticeship (F)

    • Legal watch (F)

  • Civil law: Inheritance (ST)

    3 credits
  • UE History of public law

    6 credits
    • TD History of public law

      2 credits
    • CM History of public law

      4 credits
  • Criminal Procedure 2 (ST)

    3 credits
  • Memory

    2 credits
  • Digital skills - Pix+Droit preparation

  • Practice of constitutional litigation (ST)

  • UE History of business law

    6 credits
    • TD History of business law

      2 credits
    • CM History of business law

      4 credits
  • EU History of justice

    6 credits
    • TD History of justice

      2 credits
    • CM History of justice

      4 credits
  • Sources of law Antiquity

    2 credits
  • History of written law

    3 credits
  • Seminar on the history of public law

    2 credits
  • Methodology seminar

    1 credits
  • History of private law seminar

    2 credits
  • History of colonial law

    2 credits
  • History of private law

    3 credits
  • History of criminal law

    3 credits
  • Seminar on the history of criminal law

    2 credits
  • History of public law

    3 credits
  • Legal culture (codification)

    2 credits
  • Language

  • Elective UE

    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Criminal procedure law and practice

        2 credits
      • Law and literature

        2 credits
  • Internship

    2 credits
  • Choice of UE list

    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Memory

        28 credits
      • List of choices Memory/Commitment

        • Student involvement

        • Memory

          26 credits
  • Sources du droit - Contemporary sources

  • Optional

    • Tutored project