• Target level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



The Master's in Fundamental Physics and Applications (PFA) at the University of Montpellier offers a highly diversified training program covering different areas of physics - from astrophysics to particle physics, nanotechnologies and quantum technologies - and its interfaces with materials chemistry, biology and computer science.

For more information on how to apply: https: //master-physique.edu.umontpellier.fr/presentation/candidatures/



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The wide range of career opportunities offered by the Master's program ensures that its students are well placed to enter the world of work.

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Knowledge control

MCC consultation

https://mcc.umontpellier.fr/ lists all the teaching units (UE) and their assessment procedures.

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Select a program

Physics and Materials Engineering for Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (PHYMATECH)

Become an expert in materials and technologies used in micro-, nano- and opto-electronics!

The Phymatech pathway offers a broad-based training program for physicists, focusing on the fields of micro, nano- and opto-electronics. In this context, skills in quantum mechanics, condensed matter, electromagnetism and micro- and nano-fabrication are developed to understand, model and simulate the various processes involved in the manufacture and operation of micro- and nanometric components and devices.

This course is open to apprentices in the second year (M2), for students who so wish.

The work-study schedule and examples of companies that have taken on apprentices are available on the "Apprenticeship and work-study" page of the master's website: https://master-physique.edu.umontpellier.fr/apprentissage-et-alternance/

In addition, the Phymatech pathway offers the possibility of a double degree in "Technology and Systems Management", in partnership with the IAE, within the University of Montpellier.


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Cosmos, Fields and Particles (CCP)

The CCP pathway lies at the intersection ofastrophysics, cosmology and particle physics, commonly known as astroparticles. Cosmic ray sources and their detection techniques, the accelerated expansion of the Universe, the cosmological background, future large-field cosmological surveys, gravitational waves, dark matter and dark energy, the study of the Standard Model of particle physics and its extensions in colliders are all facets of this fast-growing international research program, which opens up new windows on our universe. Recent discoveries in particle physics, astroparticles and cosmology are generating a strong flow of theses in laboratories in France and abroad. Students in this program are destined for careers as university lecturers and researchers in major national (CNRS, CEA, CNAP) or international (CERN) organizations. The skills acquired during this course are also particularly appreciated by the business world, especially in the fields of research and development or computer science(big data, artificial intelligence, etc.).

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Physics and Engineering of Living Matter (PhIMV)

Become a Living Matter Physics researcher!

Biological phenomena and systems represent a new paradigm of complex, active and self-regulating matter, governed by laws that are, for the most part, still unknown. To study them, we need to employ the most innovative physical principles, methods and techniques. The PhIMV program will prepare you for fundamental and applied research in the physics of living matter.

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Physique Numérique (PhysNum)

The Digital Physics / Computational Physics Master's program is unique in France. It offers :

  • Dual skills in physics and computer science
  • A specialization inComputational Physics.

This program is aimed at students with an initial background in Physics, who wish to acquire a dual competence that will open up professional opportunities at bac+5 level. Graduates are specialists in "Numerical Physics", which deals with modeling and simulation in physics, and is a specialty developed in many Anglo-Saxon Masters programs. This branch of physics covers all computer applications for scientific calculation, design and optimization of physical systems.

With the development of computer performance, the field of simulation has grown in importance in companies and research organizations alike. Digital simulation makes it possible to carry out experiments on a computer, accelerating the development of new concepts and devices, and ensuring significant savings by avoiding long and costly manufacturing and experimental stages.

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After a bachelor's degree in physics, this course enables students to specialize in astrophysics in two years, with a view to pursuing a doctoral thesis.

This course offers a comprehensive and innovative astrophysics training program, in the form of a joint course with the Physics Master's program at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University and the Fundamental Physics and Applications Master's program at Montpellier University.

The first year is specific to each Master's program, providing advanced knowledge in fundamental physics and the beginnings of a specialization in astrophysics. The second year is common to both sites and is entirely devoted to astrophysics.

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Nanosciences and Quantum Technologies (NanoQuant)

The NanoQuant pathway offers high-level fundamental training in Nanosciences and Quantum Technologies.

On completion of the course, students can go on to complete a thesis in an academic research laboratory in France or abroad.

Although the NanoQuant pathway is aimed more at thesis students, students can also choose to branch out from the academic world, and take up a position as an R&D engineer in industry.

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General Physics (PhysGen)

The aim of this course, which only exists in Master 1, is to prepare students to enter a M2 Agrégation (i.e. preparation for the Physics-Chemistry Agrégation, physics option) at another university, or a Ecole Normale Supérieure.

From a pedagogical point of view, this course, like the others, is built around the fundamentals of modern physics. It covers quantum mechanics, radiation-matter interaction, second quantization, statistical physics, condensed matter, experimental training, fluid dynamics and the basics of astrophysics (see program below). It also includes a refresher course in chemistry.

The major difference with other courses is that "General Physics" encompasses all the generalist UEs in the master's program, and provides a relatively comprehensive grounding in modern physics. It therefore provides the foundations needed to prepare for the agrégation in physics. Instead of the specialized UEs of the other courses, it offers an experimental UE in Physics from the MEEF master's program (preparation for setups), in which students learn to set up experiments and present them. It also offers a Chemistry UE from the MEEF-Physics-Chemistry master's program, to bring students up to speed in preparation for the competitive examination.


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Physics of Complex and Disordered Matter (SoftMat)

Become an expert in Complex and Disordered Matter: foams, gels, liquid crystals, glass, plastics, sludge, paints, cosmetics, food, adhesives, rubber, biological matter....

Despite their diversity, these materials share common physico-chemical properties, such as a multi-scale organization governed by weak interactions. They are susceptible to strong reorganization under the effect of weak environmental stresses (temperature, pressure, concentration, mechanical stress, pH, electric field....).

The physics involved, known as soft matter physics, is therefore intermediate between the physics of liquids and the physics of solids. The relevant size scales are mesoscopic (between nanometers and micrometers), and interfaces play a fundamental role.

This training will enable you to pursue an academic or industrial thesis with potential outlets in major research organizations, universities and companies (cosmetics, food, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, etc.).

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IDIL - Modeling Biological and Environmental Systems - Mention PHYSIQUE

The aim of the "Modelling Environmental and Biological Systems" (MoBiEn) Master's program is to train students in the quantitative and theoretical investigation of complex phenomena in living systems emerging at several scales: from the single molecule to living organisms, as well as their interaction with their environment.

The Master MoBiEn brings together scientists from different laboratories and professors from our 4 departments: Mathematics, Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. In this sense, it offers a coherent multidisciplinary program that makes MoBiEn a unique training program whose core disciplines are Statistical Physics, Stochastic Processes, Biomechanics, Numerical Simulations, Statistical Methods, Advanced Data Analysis Techniques, and Artificial Intelligence.

Examples of teaching units :

- Stochastic processes
- Biological physics
- Finite element simulation


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