Law - Political science - Administration


Banking and finance law
  • Target level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


  • Master of Banking and Finance
    Teaching staff: Adrien Tehrani - Stéphane Benilsi

The Master's in Banking and Finance is organized over 2 years, comprising 4 semesters.


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The aim of the Master's program is to train lawyers who combine a mastery of the fundamentals of French, European and international business law, with an in-depth knowledge of the rules applicable to the banking and financial sectors, in order to facilitate their integration into the world of work. The program offers a wide range of career opportunities.


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Know-how and skills

In addition to traditional training in private law, particularly business law, students specialize in banking and finance law.

In this respect, by the end of the Master 2, students will have in-depth knowledge of the organization of the banking profession and financial law professions, the workings of national and European supervisory authorities, and the regulations applicable to the many activities that can be carried out in this sector, by lawyers from banks or other companies as well as by lawyers (retail banking, investment banking, asset management, listed company transactions, project financing, banking and financial regulation, etc.).

The course also includes several hours of instruction in English, to perfect understanding and expression in both banking and financial law, as the work environment often has a marked international dimension. English language courses (20 hours) and law courses in English (over 40 hours) are provided, which is an asset when it comes to accessing job opportunities in France and abroad.

Students are also introduced to accountancy by a chartered accountant, helping them to gain a better understanding of corporate financing and financial reporting issues.

Last but not least, they develop their legal research skills and enhance their professional experience, as Master 2 students are required to write a dissertation and complete an internship or work-study program.

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Open on a sandwich basis

This course is offered on a sandwich basis.


Master 1 :

The aim of the Master 1 program is to train lawyers in business law.
The program includes courses in tax law, company law in difficulty, securities law, insurance law and business criminal law. An initial specialization in banking and financial law is provided through lectures and tutorials.


Master 2 :

The Master 2 in Banking and Financial Law features in-depth teaching on a number of banking and financial law topics, thanks to the involvement of academics and practitioners, with most courses having a direct or indirect bearing on the financing of the economy. Both classic and topical issues (blockchain and digital assets, sustainable finance....) are addressed, including from a litigation angle (repression of banking and financial offences). Some courses are taught in English.

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Select a program

Master of Banking and Finance

  • Educational coordinators: Stéphane Benilsi - Adrien Tehrani

See the complete page of this course

  • UE Language

    • English

  • Private international law group 2 (ST)

  • Insurance law (ST)

  • UE Civil law: Securities group 2

    6 credits
    • TD Droit civil : Sûretés group 2

      2 credits
    • CM Civil law: Security interests group 2

  • EU Banking law

    6 credits
    • CM Banking law

    • TD Banking law

      2 credits
  • Business criminal law (ST)

  • UE General tax law

    6 credits
    • TD General tax law

    • CM General tax law

  • Digital skills - In-depth documentary research

  • Optional

    • Legal clinic (F)

    • Memory (F)

    • Internship (F)

    • Work integration workshops (F): CV/LM

    • Tutored project (F)

    • Apprenticeship (F)

    • Legal watch (F)

  • UE Group 1 insolvency law

    6 credits
    • CM Insolvency law group 1

    • TD Insolvency law group 1

      2 credits
  • Digital skills - Pix+Droit preparation

  • International trade law (ST)

  • Family property law (ST)

    3 credits
  • UE In-depth tax law

    6 credits
    • CM In-depth tax law

    • TD In-depth tax law

      2 credits
  • In-depth civil procedures: enforcement procedures (ST)

  • UE Financial law

    6 credits
    • TD Financial Law

      2 credits
    • CM Financial law

      4 credits
  • Updating the fundamentals

    9 credits
    • Law of obligations

    • ECHR and business law

    • Other updates

    • Private international company law

  • Language

  • Banking law

    15 credits
    • Insurance distribution by banks

    • Personal loans

    • Other banking law courses

  • Professional integration

    1 credits
  • Financial law

    15 credits
    • Other financial law courses

    • Financial law of collective management

    • Financial collateral arrangements

    • Legal aspects of securitization

    • Life insurance

    • Derivatives

    • Financing and corporate law

  • Elective UE

    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Tutored Project/Memoir

        • Your choice: 1 of 2

          • Tutored project

          • Memory

            7 credits
      • Tutored Project/Memoir/Commitment

        • Student involvement

        • Tutored project/Memoir

          • Your choice: 1 of 2

            • Memory

              5 credits
            • Tutored project

  • Cross-disciplinary teaching

    7 credits
    • Corporate finance of law

    • Other cross-disciplinary courses

And then

Professional integration

Career opportunities :

  • Banks, Cooperative and mutual banks
  • Finance companies, Specialized financial institutions
  • Regulatory authorities
  • Banque de France, European Central Bank, French Treasury, Caisse des Dépôts
  • Investment firms - Management companies
  • Insurance companies
  • Law firms
  • Collection agencies
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