Health, Agriculture - Food

Nutrition Internationale (NI)

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Language(s) of instruction



International Nutrition (NI) pathway

Train specialists in public nutrition (population studies) and international nutrition, mainly to work in and with developing countries.

- analyze a population's overall nutritional situation (nature of problems, extent, distribution, determinants and consequences)

- measure nutritional status and food consumption in a population

- diagnose food quality and understand the technological processes used to improve it

- design and implement intervention strategies and programs

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Internships, tutored projects

Internship abroad



3 compulsory International Nutrition (IN) courses from the range of courses available:

UE NPCE: Public nutrition: concepts and issues

UE MENASUD: Survey methods in nutrition and food in the South Pierre TRAISSAC

UE V2ASN: Food Pathways for Improving Nutritional Situations Christèle VERNIERE

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Select a program

M1 Nutrition and Food Science

Master 1 Nutrition and Food Science

This first common-core transdisciplinary year covers the fields of nutrition and food science. This transdisciplinarity ensures a wide range of job profiles.

At the end of this 1st year, students choose their Master 2 path (SSA, NI, or NCA).

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  • Main EUs

    15 credits
    • Food safety basics

      5 credits
    • Food company

      5 credits
    • General Nutrition

      5 credits
  • Elective courses - Semester 1

    15 credits
    • Choice of 3 out of 5

      • Project management

        5 credits
      • Water and food

        5 credits
      • Free

        5 credits
        • Your choice: 1 of 4

          • Biostatistics with R

            5 credits
          • Molecular pharmacology and therapeutics

            5 credits
          • Physicochemistry of health product formulation

            5 credits
            • Physicochemistry of health product formulation EC/CC

            • Physicochemistry of health product formulation Written

          • Functional properties of nutrients

            3 credits
      • Special purpose foods

        5 credits
        • Specific foods CC

        • Specific CT foods

      • CHOICE Languages

        5 credits
        • Your choice: 1 of 4

          • English semester 1

            5 credits
          • Spanish semester 1

            5 credits
          • Italian semester 1

            5 credits
          • German semester 1

            5 credits
  • Compulsory UEs S2

    10 credits
    • Supervised research project (TER)

      5 credits
      • Oral TER

      • TER report

    • English

      5 credits
  • Elective courses - Semester 2

    20 credits
    • Choice: 1 of 3

      • UE Long internship + elective UE

        20 credits
        • Long internship 462h

          15 credits
          • Long-term internship dissertation

          • Oral long internship

        • Elective courses

          5 credits
          • Choice of 1 or 2 from 3

            • Free

              5 credits
            • Food security for populations

              5 credits
            • Micronutrients and dietary supplements

              5 credits
      • UE Internship + elective UEs

        20 credits
        • Elective courses

          10 credits
          • Choice of 2 or 3 of 3

            • Free

              5 credits
            • Food security for populations

              5 credits
            • Micronutrients and dietary supplements

              5 credits
        • Short course 308h

          10 credits
          • Oral short course

          • Short course dissertation

      • UE Tools for Research, Food Analysis + Elective UEs

        20 credits
        • UE Tools for Research, Food Analysis

          15 credits
        • Elective courses

          5 credits
          • Choice of 1 or 2 from 3

            • Free

              5 credits
            • Food security for populations

              5 credits
            • Micronutrients and dietary supplements

              5 credits

M2 International Nutrition

International Nutrition (NI) pathway

Train specialists in public nutrition (population studies) and international nutrition, mainly to work in and with developing countries.

- analyze a population's overall nutritional situation (nature of problems, extent, distribution, determinants and consequences)

- measure nutritional status and food consumption in a population

- diagnose food quality and understand the technological processes used to improve it

- design and implement intervention strategies and programs

See the complete page of this course

  • CHOICE 1

    15 credits
    • Choice of 3 out of 7

      • Food supplements

        5 credits
      • Research & D evelopment (R&D)

        5 credits
      • Free

        5 credits
      • Controlling food safety

        5 credits
      • Food Project

        5 credits
      • Crisis management and auditing

        5 credits
      • Food risk

        5 credits
        • Food risk 2

          1 credits
        • Food risk 1

          4 credits
  • Compulsory courses

    15 credits
    • Nutrition and food survey method in the south

      5 credits
    • Public nutrition concept and issues

      5 credits
      • Public nutitrion: concept and issues CC

      • Public Nuttrition: concept and issues CT

    • Food-based ways of improving nutritional situations

      5 credits
  • 6-month internship

    30 credits
    • Oral training

    • Internship