Health, Education, Engineering, Science

Rehabilitation in Adapted Physical Activities (RAPA)

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    STAPS Faculty

  • Language(s) of instruction



The Master's degree in Rehabilitation through Adapted Physical Activities (RAPA) is designed to qualify future
managers in Adapted Physical Activity (APA) engineering in specialized professional sectors,
medical, medico-social or socio-educational, and in human services structures and
health networks working in the care of people with impairments,
chronic illnesses, people with disabilities or at risk with regard to health and
ageing people.
Rehabilitation through APA is a holistic approach, taking place in a multi-disci-
plinary context and aiming to prevent, improve or maintain the state of health, quality of life and
social participation of each individual, as well as limiting direct and
indirect healthcare costs. At the end of their training, graduates are able to intervene at all levels
of the design, supervision, implementation, evaluation and follow-up of APA projects and pro-
grams for people with specific needs, from the youngest to the oldest.

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On the basis of theoretical and practical content, touching on the various fields of knowledge
of the interface between disability and physical activity and/or sport, project management and engineering
of APA, the training aims to acquire the following skills:
- elaboration, structuring and development
- management and evaluation of projects and programs in APA-S,
- supervision, coordination and animation of personnel,
- collaboration within multidisciplinary teams,
- structuring of relationship networks (tutelles, partners....),
- promoting the structure through communication on the theme of APA
- contributing to research protocols and internal and external evaluations
- scientific and technical monitoring.

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Open on a sandwich basis

Master 2 only

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Mandatory prerequisites

Access to the first year of the Master's program is open to all students in the region holding a STAPS degree (APA course), or a diploma accepted as equivalent, or an equivalence by Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) granted by the ad hoc Commission. In all cases, proven professional experience in the APA sector is required. Satisfactory knowledge of English and office IT (C2i) is also required.

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And then

Further studies

After completing a Master's degree, students can go on to study for a doctorate, subject to the results obtained in the Master's program and the agreement of a research director, laboratory or doctoral school, and generally
subject to obtaining funding for the thesis. In the context of a Master's degree with a strong professional orientation, CIFRE agreements (theses in companies, see ANRT website) are particularly relevant.

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Professional integration

Potential institutional sectors:
- hospital services and follow-up care and rehabilitation establishments (SSR: rehabilitation,réhabilitation, post-cure...)
- medico-social, socio-educational and social establishments
- accommodation establishments for the elderly, whether dependent or not (EHPAD and EHPA)
- health networks (pôle santé, réseau Air+R, obesity networks...).)
- associations for the integration of disabled people and specialized sports federations (FFHandisport, FF Sport Adapté, FF EP Gym Gymnastique Volontaire, FF EPMM Sport pour tous...)
- local authorities within the framework of integration and social aid policies, interested in APA-S
- companies focusing on disability and physical activities
- training establishments and companies, self-employed businesses, associations, companies, intermediary structures between specialized sectors and the social arena or health networks

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