
Preparing for the external agrégation in mathematics (Prépa Agreg)

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



This course is designed for students preparing for the agrégation (external or special) in mathematics. Its aim is to help students revise and prepare for the various competitive exams. The first semester is divided between revision of the concepts included in the competitive examination program and an introduction to the specific tests. The second semester begins by finalizing preparation for the written exams, followed by preparation for the oral exams. The ECTS credits acquired in the various training units are used to validate the M2 required for the competitive examination.

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This course is designed to prepare students for the competitive examination for the agrégation in mathematics.

The Agrégation in mathematics is a highly selective competitive entrance examination for teaching in lycées, classes préparatoires (CPGE) and universities (PRAG). Possession of the Agrégé title can also be a very positive factor when considering recruitment by a private company, as it is a sign of a high capacity for work and concentration.


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Know-how and skills

This course enables students to stabilize the knowledge acquired during their bachelor's degree and M1 in mathematics. It provides an introduction to the written and oral exams for the agrégation in mathematics. Specific preparation is offered for Option C "Algebra and Formal Calculus".

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Semester 1: 4 UE

  • Analysis (10 ECTS) : 36HCM+36HTD
  • Algebra (10 ECTS) : 36HCM+36HTD
  • Preparation for the written exam (5 ECTS) : 36HTD
  • Oral exam preparation (5ECTS) : 18HTD


Semester 2: 4UE + 1 project

  • Preparation for the written exam (5 ECTS) : 12HCM+42HTD
  • Oral exam preparation (10ECTS) : 48HTD
  • Option preparation (10ECTS) : 22HCM+22HTD
  • English (2ECTS) : 18HTD
  • Internships and tutored projects : The second semester includes a project/dissertation to help prepare for the orals, counting for 3ECTS.
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Select a program

M2 - Preparing for the external agrégation in mathematics (Prépa Agreg)

This course is designed for students preparing for the agrégation (external or special) in mathematics. Its aim is to help students revise and prepare for the various competitive exams. The first semester is divided between revision of the concepts included in the competitive examination program and an introduction to the specific tests. The second semester begins by finalizing preparation for the written exams, followed by preparation for the oral exams. The ECTS credits acquired in the various training units are used to validate the M2 required for the competitive examination.

For more information on the competition itself, candidates are invited to consult the jury's website for the agrégation externe.
This site contains a wealth of useful information: the competition program, reports from previous years, annals... We particularly recommend reading the latest report.

See the complete page of this course

  • Algebra

    10 credits
  • Preparing to speak

    5 credits
  • Analysis

    10 credits
  • Preparing for the written test

    5 credits
  • Project

    3 credits
  • Preparing for the option

    10 credits
  • English

    2 credits
  • Preparing for the written test

    5 credits
  • Preparing to speak

    10 credits


Access conditions

Target audience

Students with an M1 in mathematics or PhDs in mathematics.

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Necessary prerequisites

Bachelor's degree in general mathematics, M1 in mathematics.

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Recommended prerequisites

Bachelor's degree in mathematics from the University of Montpellier, followed by an M1 in mathematics in "fundamental mathematics" or any mathematics course up to M1 level, generalist up to L3.

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And then

Further studies

Following successful completion of the competitive examination, students continue for a year's internship to validate the competitive examination before being assigned to an establishment.


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Professional integration

This course mainly trains teachers for the French state education system (collège, lycée, CUPGE).

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