60 credits
1 year
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Biodiv'In master's degree course, "Double skills in ecology and biodiversity management", is presented on the GEB "Gestion de l'Environnement et de la Biodiversité" master's degree website: www.ingé
This is a scientific and technical training program in ecology at a generalist level in the fields of :
Environmental and ecological engineering.
Biodiversity management and conservation.
It is based on a single year of training at M2 level, with no M1.
This course prepares graduates with a bac+5 degree of the "technical engineer" type, and does not prepare them for jobs as senior technicians (e.g. naturalist technician, as these require specific and lengthy apprenticeships which will not be provided in this course) or for jobs as researchers or teacher-researchers. With these two restrictions in mind, this course opens up a very wide range of occupations at bac+5 level, more or less related to scientific ecology and contributing directly and/or indirectly to biodiversity conservation.
The course is open to both initial and continuing training, with or without an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.
In general, 100% success rate.
Success rates
The Biodiv'In program is primarily open to graduates with a 5-year degree in a field other than general and applied ecology. Already graduates of a Master 2 or an engineering school (possibly as part of their 5th year when the school allows for equivalence), or any other equivalent diploma abroad, students on this pathway will be able to ACQUIRE A SECOND COMPETENCE IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ECOLOGY in addition to their FIRST professional competence, specific to their initial bac+5 training. After one year of training, graduates of this program will be BI-COMPETENT professionally, their 2nd common skill being scientific and technical ecology applied to the management and conservation of biodiversity, the first being specific to each. In this way, the course enables its students to add a 2nd skill, "Biodiv'", to their initial training course, "In", and thus "put ecology in their professional engine".
The Biodiv'In course therefore involves a training project that aims to :
- Evolving in one's "first profession" to better integrate biodiversity issues into one's career, we speak of "greening" one's profession and professional reorientation;
- Changing jobs to integrate a new profession within the ecology and biodiversity sector is known as professional reconversion.
- Each student's professional project will be more or less in line with one or other of these two professional objectives at the end of the Biodv'In course.
Know-how and skills
Whatever their career plans, Biodiv'In students have little or no scientific or technical grounding in ecology. The main and common skills and competencies targeted by the course are therefore :
- Scientific and technical bases in ecology from generalist to bac+5 level.
- Knowledge and methodologies of environmental and ecological engineering.
- Knowledge and methodologies of biodiversity management and conservation.
- Project management and communication applied to the professional field of ecology and biodiversity.
- Scientific approach, methodology, analysis and writing.
- Innovation and business creation.
A combination of optional courses, teaching projects and a 6-month internship, or even a 6+2 month work-study program, enables students to specialize to a greater or lesser extent in professional engineering skills such as "studies" or management skills such as "projects/missions". They can also specialize to a greater or lesser extent in aquatic or terrestrial ecology.
Special features
The training year can be spread over two distinct academic years, not necessarily consecutive, by splitting the first semester (September-February) from the second semester (March-August).
Open on a sandwich basis
Contract type | Apprenticeship contract, Professionalization contract |
see organization section
The Biodiv'In course is limited to one year of training. It consists of :
- 6 months of teaching (September-February) and 6 months of internship (March-August), in the classic route:
- 4 months of teaching (September-November then January-February) and 8 months of apprenticeship (November-December and March-August), on a sandwich course.
Depending on the options and projects chosen by the student, the conventional and apprenticeship teaching options include:
- 180 to 195 hours of teaching in the form of lectures, tutorials, practical work or fieldwork.
- 214 to 268 hours of educational projects.
The work experience part, depending on whether you choose the traditional or apprenticeship route, lasts 6 to 8 months full-time (35h/week) as a trainee or apprentice respectively.
The 60 ECTS teaching program is divided into :
- 4 compulsory teaching units for 12 ECTS.
- 2 units of compulsory teaching project for 8 ECTS.
- 6 optional teaching units for 14 ECTS
- 1 compulsory work experience unit for 26 ECTS (internship or apprenticeship).
Select a program
M2 - Dual skills in ecology and biodiversity management Biodiv'In - Apprenticeship
Salon de l'écologie-1
2 credits1hChoice 1
4 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Managing and exploiting living resources
4 creditsConservation ecology
4 credits
10 creditsChoice: 1 of 3
UE Choice 4
GE 2 Individual Project
4 credits
10 creditsChoice of 1 from 22
Urban ecology
2 creditsSustainable use of animal resources Hunting
2 creditsEcology of marine and coastal ecosystems
2 credits8hAgroecology
2 creditsConservation biology
2 creditsRiver modeling
2 creditsEcological engineering and restoration (ERC sequence)
2 creditsBehavioral ecology
2 credits6hGEMAPI (Gestion Milieux Aquatiques & Prévention Inondations - water management and flood prevention)
2 creditsMediation and Territorial Governance
2 creditsSalon de l'écologie-2
2 credits1hSociété Ecologie Environnement Anthropo (Pyrenees seminar)
2 creditsTools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems
2 credits3hManaging a participatory science project
2 creditsImpacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals
2 creditsAdvanced GIS
2 creditsGE 1 Individual Project
2 creditsGIS
2 creditsGlobal changes: characterization, impacts & adaptations
2 creditsOrganizational communication
2 credits15hNew technologies for studying biodiversity
2 creditsPollution bioremediation
2 credits
10 creditsUE CHOIX 7
6 creditsChoice of 1 from 22
Urban ecology
2 creditsSustainable use of animal resources Hunting
2 creditsEcology of marine and coastal ecosystems
2 credits8hAgroecology
2 creditsConservation biology
2 creditsRiver modeling
2 creditsEcological engineering and restoration (ERC sequence)
2 creditsBehavioral ecology
2 credits6hGEMAPI (Gestion Milieux Aquatiques & Prévention Inondations - water management and flood prevention)
2 creditsMediation and Territorial Governance
2 creditsSalon de l'écologie-2
2 credits1hSociété Ecologie Environnement Anthropo (Pyrenees seminar)
2 creditsTools and methods for the dynamic study of marine ecosystems
2 credits3hManaging a participatory science project
2 creditsImpacts of climate change on organisms, plants and animals
2 creditsAdvanced GIS
2 creditsGE 1 Individual Project
2 creditsGIS
2 creditsGlobal changes: characterization, impacts & adaptations
2 creditsOrganizational communication
2 credits15hNew technologies for studying biodiversity
2 creditsPollution bioremediation
2 credits
Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
4 creditsEcology Keys
2 creditsM2-GE Apprenticeship Project
6 creditsTerritorial consultation tools
2 credits
Final year internship M2 GE Double Compétence by APPRENTISS
26 creditsCOGITHON
4 credits
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
French & European students :
- For M2, students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //
International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //
Target audience
The Biodiv'In pathway is primarily open to graduates of a Bac+5 course in a specialization other than general and applied ecology. The following are eligible to enter the course directly in M2:
Graduates of any Master's degree in France, with the exception of professional Master's courses in ecology such as "IEGB"; at the margin, a graduate of a "research" Master's course in ecology is also eligible.
Graduates of any engineering school in France; in some cases, a student in the 5th year of his or her engineering school, provided it is of a scientific nature (agronomy, veterinary, environment, mining, SPI, etc.).
Any other foreign diploma equivalent to a 5-year university degree.
Graduates who have acquired at least one year of full-time professional experience after their 1st degree (bac+5) are given priority.
Candidates with an apprenticeship or professionalization contract will be given priority.
Mandatory prerequisites
Designed to be accessible to people who have not followed a scientific course in ecology, or even necessarily a basic scientific curriculum, the Biodiv'In course includes 3 compulsory teaching units on scientific ecology and biodiversity management, and counts for 10 ECTS. A good general knowledge of science and ecology is therefore essential! This background can be acquired through initial training, professional experience, or through a voluntary personal initiative (evening classes, self-study, associative activities, etc.), and should provide the foundation of knowledge and skills needed to follow and pass the general and applied ecology courses, at bachelor's level, taught in the Biodvi'In course.
A clear, precise career plan to support a feasible and relevant training project via the Biodiv'In pathway!
A written knowledge of English enabling the use and production of scientific and professional resources.
Recommended prerequisites
Professional or volunteer experience, or teaching/training equivalent to around 50 hours of biology, ecology and the environment at bachelor's level.
Knowledge and practice of scientific approach, reasoning and analysis.
Knowledge and involvement, or rather a significant personal activity, in the field of the environment, and/or ecology, and/or nature conservation.
And then
Further studies
The Biodiv'In program trains "engineer-technician" type graduates for the Bac+5 job market. It does not, therefore, prepare students for further study via a doctoral school, a thesis or a doctoral degree. Nevertheless, under French law, the Master's degree in Environmental Management and its Biodiv'In pathway, like all Master's degrees recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education, is the necessary and sufficient prerequisite for applying to a doctoral school... It will therefore not prevent all future Biodiv'In graduates from exercising this right and succeeding!
Studying abroad
The Biodiv'In pathway does not offer direct further study in France or abroad.
Professional integration
As the dual skills of Biodiv'In graduates are specific to both the initial training and professional experience of each candidate BEFORE entering the program, and to the pedagogical choices made by each student during training, the professional fields and streams, professions and employers, of the potential job market are very numerous and diversified.
The main career paths are in France and abroad:
- Ecological and environmental engineering sector
- Biodiversity management and conservation sector.
- Water engineering and management.
- Engineering and energy management sector.
- Agriculture, forestry, agrifood and agronomy (agro-ecology and bio).
- Engineering and management of waste and pollution.
- Transportation engineering and management.
- Construction and planning sector.
- Economic, commercial and financial sectors (circular economy, green finance, short circuits, etc.)
- Political and legal branches
- Human health sector
The main employers are in France and abroad:
- Design offices.
- Associations, cooperatives and NGOs
- Private companies - VSEs, SMEs, ETIs and large corporations.
- Local authorities (regions, départements, local communities and communes).
- Public establishments (including applied research laboratories).
- Central and decentralized government services.
The main "executive level" jobs are in France and abroad:
- Design Manager
- Design engineer
- Project Manager
- project fe
- Research engineer.
- Curator