Public economics and the environment

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Economics

  • Language(s) of instruction




The meeting will take place on February 7, 2024 at 1 p.m. Amphi 319

This meeting can be followed by video :

Faced with the growing pressure of human activities on the environment, our societies are called upon to resolve difficult trade-offs. These involve both explicit costs and diffuse damage, as well as benefits that are unevenly distributed between players and generations. Economic analysis is designed to help public, associative and private decision-makers in this field. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the economics of the environment and natural resources, as well as public economics, i.e. the economic study of the collective choice process. These are two complementary areas of economic science, on the basis of which the economist can formulate proposals that are both economically efficient and politically acceptable. The course is supported by a team of teacher-researchers and researchers specializing in these issues, who are members of the Centre d'Économie de l'Environnement de Montpellier.


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The course aims to train economists specializing in economics and public policy as applied to environmental issues.

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Know-how and skills

- Know how to work in collaboration with others, tolerate differences of opinion, know how to listen to others, succeed in expressing even critical points of view with respect for others, be able to adapt to unexpected situations, ensure deadlines are met.
- Know what's going on in the business world and in public regulations for the sectors covered by the training.
- Know how to find, prioritize, understand, organize and synthesize information on a given subject, from academic literature, public, private or associative institutions, the press, statistical sources.
- Know how to communicate clearly and in a manner adapted to the target audience, both orally and in writing.
- Ability to understand academic work in the field of economic analysis, and to identify its strengths and weaknesses, in both written and oral form, in English and French.
- Be able to conceive, structure and conduct an economic analysis, by clearly defining the problem, motivating its interest in the light of academic and public debates, identifying the useful elements to seek to answer it, proposing a sound methodology to provide elements of response, carrying out this approach, interpreting the results obtained and precisely recognizing their limits. 

- Know how to handle a database and prepare it for analysis, produce a data analysis and present the results.
- Understand the reasons for the difficulty of inferring cause-and-effect relationships from statistical data in the social sciences, and know the main methods for overcoming this.
- Have acquired experience in econometric analysis of statistical data.
- Know the role of surveys in obtaining useful information for the ex-ante evaluation of private and public projects, understanding the risks of bias in order to build a survey protocol adapted to the objectives pursued.
- Know how economists adapt the experimental method to the analysis of behavior, and understand the protocols of experiments conducted in the laboratory or in the field.
- Know how to carry out a financial evaluation of a private or public project.

- Understand and master the analysis of competitive markets and the strategic behavior of players exercising market power, particularly in the context of markets whose activities have an impact on natural resources or ecosystems.
- Understand the methods of public intervention in economic activities, know how to justify them and analyze their consequences, in terms of changes in the use of production factors, the allocation of consumption between households, income distribution, the impact on government budgets, the extraction of natural resources and pollutant emissions.
- Be familiar with the economic approach to collective decision-making and the organization of public intervention, as well as the economic principles of market regulation and environmental regulation.
- Be able to create an applied version of an economic model in order to simulate alternative scenarios and carry out quantified exercises in comparative statics or dynamics.
- Acquire knowledge of regulations, societal issues and the economic literature dealing with certain environmental economics topics, such as subsoil resources, atmospheric pollution, biodiversity, agroforestry resources, organic farming and fishery resources. 


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Knowledge control

Examinations are conducted in accordance with the Master's exam regulations and the Examination Procedures (downloadable).

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For the organization of the Master's program (first and second year), see on the right:

  • Assessment of knowledge
  • Master presentation brochure



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  • Game theory

  • Econometrics

  • Development economics

    4 credits
  • Introduction SAS

  • PIR

  • Environmental economics

  • Public economics

    3 credits
  • Survey methods

  • Your choice: 1 of 2

    • Spanish 1

    • English

  • Optional

    • Knowledge of the professional world and institutions

    • Optional Spanish Semester 1

    • English optional Semester 1

  • Corporate social responsibility

    4 credits
  • Excel VBA

    3 credits
  • Economics of risk and uncertainty

  • Governance of natural resources

    4 credits
  • Econometrics of qualitative variables

    4 credits
  • PIR

    5 credits
  • Data analysis

    3 credits
  • Behavioral economics

  • Optional

    • Knowledge of the professional world and institutions

    • English optional Semester 2

    • Spanish optional Semester 2

    • UM student commitment

  • Your choice: 1 of 2

    • English

      2 credits
    • Spanish 2

      2 credits
  • Economics of biodiversity and natural resources

    3 credits
  • Choice experiment

  • Public economic calculation

    3 credits
  • Environmental economics and policy

    2 credits
  • Social incentives and preferences

    3 credits
  • Topics in experimental and behevorial economics

    3 credits
  • Social dilemmas

    3 credits
  • Environmental information and labels

    3 credits
  • Statistical method

    3 credits
  • Evaluation of non-market effects

    3 credits
  • Taxation and the environment

    2 credits
  • Globalization and the environment

    2 credits
  • Political economy of environmental policy

    2 credits
  • Health & Environment

    2 credits
  • Economics of justice and equity

  • Research or internship thesis

    13 credits
  • Circular economy

    3 credits
  • Game theory 2

    3 credits


Admission requirements


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And then

Further studies

This Master's program offers solid training in economic analysis, enabling students to enter the professional world directly, or to continue their studies with a doctorate in economics. The fact that the teaching team is made up of teacher-researchers and researchers active in the CEE-M research unit provides students with opportunities to test their interest in this path. What's more, as the skills developed are of great interest to public administrations, some graduates may wish to take a civil service competitive entrance examination after completing the Master EPE. 

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Professional integration

Graduates of the EPE Master's degree will be able to design and carry out economic analysis on the effects and benefits of regulations and their implementation. This know-how is useful for the competent public authorities, for the companies and unions concerned, as well as for consumer or environmental associations active on the subject. Graduates of this program will be eligible for positions as project managers specializing in economic and public policy issues applied to environmental problems, whether in the strategic sustainable development departments of major corporations, in NGOs, or in national and international public or semi-public administrations, or in research firms working on their behalf. Through this training, graduates acquire methodological skills and an understanding of the discipline, enabling them to pursue doctoral studies in economics, to consider an academic career or to join the institutions listed above at a higher level of responsibility.


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