
Cosmos, Fields and Particles (CCP)

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction

    French, English


The CCP pathway lies at the intersection ofastrophysics, cosmology and particle physics, commonly known as astroparticles. Cosmic ray sources and their detection techniques, the accelerated expansion of the Universe, the cosmological background, future large-field cosmological surveys, gravitational waves, dark matter and dark energy, the study of the Standard Model of particle physics and its extensions in colliders are all facets of this fast-growing international research program, which opens up new windows on our universe. Recent discoveries in particle physics, astroparticles and cosmology are generating a strong flow of theses in laboratories in France and abroad. Students in this program are destined for careers as university lecturers and researchers in major national (CNRS, CEA, CNAP) or international (CERN) organizations. The skills acquired during this course are also particularly appreciated by the business world, especially in the fields of research and development or computer science(big data, artificial intelligence, etc.).

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  • M2 success rate of over 90%.

    Success rates


The program aims to provide fundamental knowledge in Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. In addition to theoretical aspects, emphasis is placed on experimental and observational aspects. In M1, a laboratory internship introduces students to research careers. The M2 internship is designed to lead to a thesis.

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Know-how and skills

At the end of this Master's program :

  • You will receive comprehensive theoretical training and an introduction to the experimental and observational aspects of the entire discipline.
  • You will learn to design and run research projects in laboratories in fields such as theoretical physics, data analysis and instrumentation.
  • You'll explore new fundamental physics concepts to model, analyze and solve complex, multidisciplinary physics problems.
  • You will master the analytical and numerical calculation and simulation tools needed to model physical problems and analyze and interpret experimental data.
  • You'll learn to develop new skills and procedures, and to integrate knowledge from different fields.
  • You'll be able to identify, select and critically analyze a variety of specialized resources to document a subject and synthesize these data for further use.
  • During your laboratory-immersion internship project, you'll learn about the day-to-day business of research, making innovative contributions to high-level exchanges in international contexts. You'll learn to communicate your results both orally and in writing, in French and English.
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Knowledge control groups together all the teaching units (UE) and their assessment procedures.

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Internships, tutored projects



Students complete a 7-week internship in M1 and a 3-6 month internship in M2.

The Master's program also includes two Observational Astrophysics Workshops:

in M1 with the telescopes located in the cupolas of building 13 (Triolet campus) and in M2 in the form of a one-week stay at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP).

Finally, in M2, a Practical Work module on cosmic ray detection takes place on campus.

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The Master's program is organized into four semesters, each of which represents a progressive specialization. Each semester comprises 30 ECTS and must be taken independently (there is no inter-semester compensation). To validate each year, the 2 semesters must be validated separately, and to obtain the diploma, the 2 years must be validated. The first year is shared with the Astro course (M1 Astro-CCP).

In the first year, students familiarize themselves with the basics of fundamental physics. Semester 1 is partly shared with the other courses, with two specialty modules: Astrophysics and General Relativity and Cosmology. It also includes an Observational Astrophysics Workshop held in the cupolas of Building 13 (Triolet campus). Semester 2 is more specialized, with basic courses in Astroparticles and Particle Physics. An end-of-year 7-week internship in a laboratory gives students an insight into the world of research.

In the second year, semester 3 is fully specialized, with in-depth modules in Astrophysics, Cosmology, Particle Physics and Astroparticles , as well as a Quantum Field Theory module. It also includes a 5-day (4-night) Observational Astrophysics Workshop at the Observatoire de Haute Provence. Semester 4 completes the Astroparticle specialization with two theoretical modules(Dark Matter and High Energy Astrophysics) and a Practical Work module devoted to cosmic ray detection. The end-of-year internship takes place in a research laboratory in France or abroad. It lasts 3 to 6 months and is designed to put the student in a research situation, leading to a thesis.



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Select a program

M2 - Cosmos, Fields and Particles (CCP)

See the complete page of this course

  • Astroparticles 2

    4 credits24h
  • English M2 PFA

    2 credits21h
  • Radiation Transfer and Stellar Atmospheres

    3 credits18h
  • Observational Astrophysics Workshop 2

    4 credits30h
  • Interstellar environment

    3 credits18h
  • Particle physics 2

    4 credits24h
  • Quantum field theory

    4 credits24h
  • Cosmology

    6 credits36h
  • Practical work CCP

    3 credits20h
  • Black matter

    3 credits18h
  • M2 CCP internship

    21 credits
  • High Energy Astrophysics

    3 credits18h


How to register

Applications can be submitted on the following platforms: 

French & European students :

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Target audience

The course is mainly aimed at students with a Physics or Physics-Chemistry degree.

It welcomes Erasmus and Campus France students.

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Mandatory prerequisites

A good level of Physics or Physics-Chemistry is required.

Bachelor's degree courses in :

- Thermodynamics

- Electromagnetism

- Quantum Mechanics

- Special Relativity

- Classical Field Theory

- Analytical Mechanics

- Mathematical Physics

- Algorithms and Programming

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Recommended prerequisites

Bachelor's average above 12.

Opening courses in :

- Nuclear and Corpuscular Physics

- Astrophysics

- Cosmology

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And then

Further studies

At the end of this program, students can pursue a doctoral thesis in Fundamental Physics in a laboratory in France or abroad.

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Studying abroad

The research program covered by this pathway is international, and a thesis abroad may be envisaged.

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Bridges and reorientation

Other courses in the Fundamental Physics and Applications Masters, Teaching Masters, Mathematics Masters.

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Professional integration

Students on this course are destined for careers as university lecturers and researchers in major national (CNRS, CEA, CNAP) or international (CERN) organizations.

The skills acquired during this training are also particularly appreciated by the business world, especially in the fields of research and development or IT.

The integration rate 30 months after graduation is 100%, broken down between theses (76%) and further studies (24%) (cf. OSIPE survey).

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