Health, Science

Infection Biology

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction

    French, English


This course is devoted to microbiology in the broadest sense, including the immune response to infection. It aims to provide Master's-level training in infectious processes and human pathogens (bacteria, viruses, unicellular parasites, etc.).

A particular feature of this Master's program is its focus on the molecular and cellular aspects of infection. It is rooted in the community of Montpellier research laboratories involved in these aspects of infectiology, including university laboratories (Faculties of Science, Medicine and Pharmacy), research institutes (CNRS, INSERM, IRD, CIRAD, etc.) and university hospitals in Montpellier and Nîmes.

The vast majority of laboratories likely to welcome students for this Master's program (and possibly for a subsequent doctorate) are associated with major French research institutes, and are particularly numerous (over 70 HDR supervisors). They represent considerable expertise in the field, as demonstrated by their involvement in national and European projects, and their well-established international visibility. Links with the COIMBRA group of European universities also give this Master's program an international outlook. The PACA-LR EuroBiomed inter-regional competitiveness cluster (one of whose major axes is "Diagnostics and therapeutics of infectious and tropical diseases") and the IHU "Méditerranée-Infection/Infectiopole Sud", with which many of the researchers involved in this course are associated, are levers of innovation and potentially of economic insertion.

The integrated teaching for both years of the Master's program, although not exhaustive in the field, aims to give students a level of competence that will enable them to grasp any specific research or development topic in the fields of Microbiology, under their molecular and cellular aspects. Teaching is in English. Courses are given in the form of lectures covering the most recent research work, and in the form of tutorials with critical analysis of articles. Practical training takes place mainly in research laboratories (2 internships in M1, 1 internship in M2), but also includes practical work in immunology.

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This course provides training in research and through research (internships in M1 and M2), with practical applications in academic research, with outlets in universities and research organizations (CNRS, INSERM, IRD, INRA, CIRAD, etc.), or in therapeutic, diagnostic or care themes, which in turn enrich both university hospitals and companies in the field.

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Know-how and skills

- Integrating knowledge in molecular and cellular infectious microbiology: from fundamental to experimental, from molecular to cellular

- Learning in a cutting-edge infectious diseases research environment

- Develop critical thinking skills by analyzing scientific articles and research internships

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Master 1 is divided into semesters 7 and 8. Semester 7 consists exclusively of lectures; semester 8 includes a supervised research project (TER) corresponding to an article analysis; and two internships in research laboratories.

Master 2 is divided into semesters 9 and 10. Semester 9 consists exclusively of courses. Semester 10 includes a fictitious research project (PRF), corresponding to the development of a fictitious thesis project by the student; and a long internship in a research laboratory.

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Select a program

  • Experimental approaches in Infection Biology

    5 credits
  • CHOICE 1

    10 credits
    • Choice: 2 of 2

      • Cell Biology

        5 credits
      • Structural Biology

        5 credits
  • Molecular basis of infectious diseases

  • Current research in immunology

    5 credits
  • Statistics applied to biology

    5 credits
  • Stage 1 Infectio.

    10 credits
  • Immunopathology

    5 credits

    5 credits
  • Stage 2 Infectio.

    10 credits
  • Immune responses to pathogens

    5 credits
  • Molecular and Cellular Bacteriology

  • Molecular and Cellular Virology

    5 credits
  • CHOICE 1

    10 credits
    • Choice of 2 out of 5

      • Genetic information - Epigenetics - Mechanistic bases

        5 credits
      • Physical Biology

      • Signage: Methods and Concepts

        5 credits
      • Bioinformatics and System Biology

        5 credits
      • Integrative Pathophysiology

        5 credits
  • Molecular and Cellular Parasitology

    5 credits
  • Fictional research project + TER (Infectio)

    10 credits
  • Stage_FDS

    20 credits


Admission requirements

Applications can be submitted on the following platforms: 

French & European students :

International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //

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Target audience

- Holders of a Licence 3 in Life Sciences or equivalent

- Medical and pharmacy students wishing to perfect their molecular and cellular knowledge of infectious micro-organisms.

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Mandatory prerequisites

- Fundamentals of molecular biology, cell biology and microbiology

- Level of English equivalent B1/B2 (no certificate required)

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Recommended prerequisites

- Basic understanding of genomics and immunology

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And then

Further studies

The Master 2 Infection Biology diploma opens up the possibility of continuing one's studies with a thesis. Graduates can also continue their studies to acquire dual skills (living law, mediation and mediatization, etc.).

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Studying abroad

The Master 2 Infection Biology diploma also opens up the possibility of pursuing thesis studies abroad.

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Professional integration

Graduates are qualified to work in academic research, in the private sector in the fields of therapeutics, diagnostics, etc., or in teaching.

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