
Education and Inclusive Practices

  • ECTS

    60 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Education


Since the law of February 11, 2005, "For equal rights and opportunities, participation and
citizenship of people with disabilities", the schooling of students with disabilities
has been a government priority. However, whatever their singularity, whatever their
needs, schools now have a duty to be fully inclusive. It must ensure quality schooling
by seeking out and offering appropriate responses to each pupil, from kindergarten to high school.
With this in mind, this course has two objectives:
To train professionals in the challenges of inclusive schooling, by enriching their knowledge
and their practices, and helping them to better understand and support these publics with specific needs
To develop a scientific culture linked to research in the service of inclusion.
This master's program is open to:
Teachers wishing to prepare for the CAPPEI certification (certification of aptitude
professionnelle aux pratiques de l'éducation inclusive et formation professionnelle spécialisée created
by the decree of 10-2-2017).
Teachers of regular classes and professionals working with children with
specific needs (educators, ...) who wish to develop their professional practices and
deepen their knowledge of students with special educational needs.

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Know-how and skills

General skills

Know the regulatory and institutional environment concerning schooling and assistance for students with special educational needs;

Epistemological, sociological and cultural benchmarks relating to the evolution of the French and European education systems in the field of schooling and education of pupils with special educational needs;

Critical appropriation of fundamental concepts: special needs, normality and pathology, inclusion, integration, insertion, handicap and/or difficulty, autonomy, project, activity, participation, institution and educational and school community;

Building a professional identity that complements that of the partners with whom we work: building and working in networks, interdisciplinary dialogue, working with families as partners;

Build a pedagogical and educational ethic in line with professional responsibility.

Specific skills

Identify, beyond the origins of personal dysfunctions and the diversity of their manifestations, the expression of special educational needs.

Take into account the possible consequences of personal characteristics on learning, i.e. the obstacles resulting from interactions between these characteristics and the educational and/or teaching situation: analyze the pedagogical obstacles specific to these audiences, which do not fall within the traditional logic of the school.

Build an appropriate educational and pedagogical project, taking into account the mediations to be provided by the environment (school, family, etc.): understand existing educational and pedagogical methods, assess their limitations and build other methods and tools.

Build appropriate career paths and be familiar with facilities (ITEP, IME, UE, ULIS).

Implement personalized, adapted and differentiated educational and pedagogical practices: in particular, analyze subjective relationships to language, discourse, instructions, the group, the law and rules.


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From M2 onwards, 2 sub-courses are available:
EPI CO: dedicated to regular classroom teachers.
EPI ES: dedicated to specialized teachers and educators.
M1: Joint EPI CO/ES teaching on Wednesdays, either face-to-face or by distance learning.
M2: - EPI CO: Teaching in Montpellier on Wednesdays and 8 Tuesday afternoons (joint
with the other sub-course for Research units).
- EPI ES: 12 weeks of training organized on the Montpellier and Nîmes sites.

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Select a program

Master 1 Education and Inclusive Practices

See the complete page of this course

Master 2 Education and Inclusive Practices in the Classroom

See the complete page of this course

Master 2 Education and Inclusive Practices Specialized Teacher

See the complete page of this course


Admission requirements

M1: This course is open to all holders of a bachelor's degree with professional experience
of teaching in primary or secondary schools.
M2: Holders of an M1 degree related to the subject of this master's program (as decided by the pedagogical committee)
or validation of professional experience (teachers, specialized educators).

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