• Target level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science, Faculty of Education, STAPS Faculty

  • Language(s) of instruction



This master's degree is designed for students preparing for the competitive entrance exams for secondary education (i.e., to become teachers in general, technological and vocational secondary schools).

The course meets the dual requirement of mastering theoretical knowledge and professionalization. The various courses in this specialization are spread across the four universities of the Académie. At the University of Montpellier, 3 departments are involved:

- Faculty of Education: 3 courses
- Faculty of Science: 6 courses
- UFR Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives: 1 course

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  • View by Route

    Success rates


- Preparing for the CAPES, CAPET and CAPLP competitive entrance examinations for secondary school teachers

- Training to become a2nd grade teacher

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Know-how and skills

The aim is to acquire the professional skills listed in the professional skills repository for teaching and education professions:

The MEEF Second Degree courses aim to strike a balance between the following training components:

- Disciplinary knowledge
- Didactic knowledge
- Knowledge of the education system
- Professional experience
- Introduction to research

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The Master's degree consists of four semesters:

- Semesters 1 and 2 for M1 (60 ECTS)
- Semesters 3 and 4 for M2 (60 ECTS).

The M2 pathway can vary according to the student's status (civil servant-trainee or not) and previous experience (adapted pathway).

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Select a program

MEEF - Physics-Chemistry

See the complete page of this course

MEEF - Mathematics and Science in Vocational High Schools

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MEEF - Life and Earth Sciences

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MEEF - Biotechnologies option Biochemistry and Biological Engineering

The Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (INSPE) - Académie de Montpellier works with the Académie's universities to train students preparing for the competitive entrance exams for the French Ministry of Education.

The Faculty of Science at the University of Montpellier welcomes students preparing for the CAPET (Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat de l'Enseignement Technique) competitive examination - Biotechnologies section - Biochemistry and Biological Engineering option.

This course is designed for students intending to become Biotechnology - Biochemistry - Biological Engineering teachers in secondary schools (STL and ST2S technological series) and/or in higher education (BTS Biotechnologies, BTS Bioanalysis and Control, BTS Medical Biology Analysis, etc.) or IUT (DUT Biological Engineering).

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MEEF - General education in vocational high schools

This course is aimed at careers in vocational high schools, based on bivalency in general subjects (literature-history and geography, Spanish-letters and English-letters). It is primarily aimed at vocational high school teachers. We should also add professions where knowledge of the conditions and practices of vocational teaching is required, or can serve as the basis for complementary professional developments, such as adult education
(languages and literature in particular). The versatility of the training program means that the general culture acquired can be used as a basis for further career development.

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MEEF - Organizational Economics and Management

Preparation for public competitive examinations and the training of future teachers of economics and management occupy a central place in the Master's program. The examinations prepared for in the second year of the Master's program are those for the CAPET and CAPLP external examinations in Economics and Management, in the options below.

Each academic year, the opening of options within the program depends on whether or not they are
open, and on the number of students enrolled in the program.
As a result, part of the program is organized by stream (lycée technologique / lycée professionnel) and/or by option.

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MEEF - Digital and Computer Sciences

See the complete page of this course

MEEF - Engineering sciences middle schools high schools and industrial techniques vocational high schools

This course is designed to prepare students for careers in secondary education, with two main objectives.
The first is to specialize in the technology taught in junior high schools, the engineering sciences taught in general and technological high schools, as well as industrial science and technology and sustainable development (STI 2D). The courses cover subject areas such as mechanics, electronics, civil engineering, automation, digital computing, etc., seen as resources for the analysis of multi-technology systems. The educational sciences are also covered in depth: the education system, didactics, pedagogy, curricula and reference systems, etc. This part of the course is designed to prepare students for the four options of the "CAPET Industrial Engineering Sciences", intended for the recruitment of teachers of these specialties in junior high schools, high schools and even some BTS. It is also aimed at current or contract teachers wishing to train for a teaching qualification in middle and/or high schools.
The second objective, relating to vocational high schools, specializes future workshop teachers in preparing vocational students in the fields of Industrial Science and Technology (STI) (mechanical, electrical, civil engineering...). In addition to the traditional contributions in the fields of Industrial Science and Technology, which are essential to these courses, this Master's program includes major contributions in educational science and didactics, based on official reference documents, as well as training for course preparation. It goes without saying that the oral and written communication skills required for the teaching profession will also be covered.
In both cases, preparation for competitive examinations remains an essential objective, with the longer-term aim of preparing professional, reflective teachers who deliver quality teaching. The master's program also includes an introduction to research, seen as learning through research.

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MEEF - Physical and Sports Sciences and Techniques - Physical and Sports Education

This training program is part of the reform of teacher training and the integration, in Masters programs, of preparation for competitive teacher recruitment exams and the teaching profession. By the end of the course, students should have acquired the fundamental disciplinary or multi-disciplinary knowledge needed to teach the subject at all levels of the school system.

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Target audience

All students holding a bachelor's degree or an equivalent or higher qualification. The bachelor's degree must be compatible with the course chosen for the master's degree.
See course descriptions for details.

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Tuition fees

Subject to change: 243€ per year
(+ 91€ CVEC to be paid to CROUS)

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Mandatory prerequisites

Bachelor's degree or equivalent (Bac + 3)

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Recommended prerequisites

Bachelor's degree in the following fields

- Physique-Chimie
- Mathématiques, Mathématiques-Sciences
- Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre
- Biotechnologies
- Enseignements Généraux en Lycées Professionnels
- LEA, Anglais, Espagnol...
- Histoire-Géographie
- Économie et Gestion des organisations
- Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Techniques Industrielles
- Éducation Physique et Sportive
- Numérique et Sciences Informatiques

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And then

Further studies

It is possible to continue your studies with a Doctorate, either directly or via a Master's degree in Trainer Training (DDS, PIF...).

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Bridges and reorientation

Internships in companies, associations...

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Professional integration

- Secondary school teacher
- Civil service competitions (category A)

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