Target level of study
BAC +5
120 credits
2 years
Training structure
Institute of Business Administration (IAE)
Language(s) of instruction
The specialization is in line with IAE's strategic positioning on dual skills, and in particular on the combination of management and information technology.
For the entire specialization, the Information Systems group is central, with its organizational management orientation naturally opening it up to other management disciplines.
It is the main support for the CMSI and SIAD courses. The Marketing group supports the IATI sub-course in particular, while the SICG course is supported by the Accounting and Society group.
The first semester of the Master 1 program (excluding SIAD) is identical for all courses, with a specialization in the second semester. Each pathway is either a sandwich course or a compulsory internship. The Master 2 course is specialized for each pathway, and each course has its own timetable with alternating work-study periods or internships.
The HRIS course is only available on an apprenticeship or professionalization contract basis.
Also open to continuing education. 30 hours of teaching on professional HR topics are combined with an English course.
Career opportunities by course type:
- Consulting et Management des Systèmes d'Information (CMSI) with a sub-course (Ingénieur d'Affaires en Technologies de l'Information (IATI)):
o IS Project Manager
o IS / ERP Consultant
o IT Business Manager (more specifically for IATI)
- Systèmes d'Information et Contrôle de Gestion (SICG)
o Management Controller in all types of organizations
o Management Controller in ERP- environmentERP environment
o Administrative and Financial Director in small and medium-sized organizations
o Administrative Director in VSEs and SMEs
- Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)
A wide range of career opportunities are available in the human resources function. The special feature of this HRIS course is that it is based on a course of expertise in HRIS. This enables students to differentiate themselves by positioning themselves in fast-growing professions such as HRIS assistant, HRIS project manager, HRIS or HRIS consultant
- Statistics for Information and Decision Support (SIAD)
o Statistical research officer
o Data manager
o Database management manager
o Customer relations and data mining manager
o Financial risk management manager
o Banking and insurance risk analyst
o Risk management and control manager
- Management Technologies and Sciences (MTS)
Of course, careers are specific to each Master's degree taken as a main course at the
Faculty of Science. Generally speaking, a combination of the two Master's degrees will enable you to move more quickly
into positions of responsibility, where you need a managerial dimension and an awareness of the challenges of
digital transformation.
Know-how and skills
- Training specialists in information technology management
- Student knowledge of business concerns and technological solutions to address them
- Mastery of the organizational and commercial implications of integrating information technologies (internally and externally on the market)
- More specific mastery of one of the dimensions of the IT relationship - Possession of essential skills in integrated management software packages (ERP) for the SICG pathway; mastery of remote customer relationship management (CRM/e-CRM) for the e-Marketing pathway and finally mastery of quantitative analysis using IT for the SIAD pathway.
Select a program
Human Resources Information System (HRIS)
The aim of the Master's degree in Information Systems and Human Resources is to offer high-level training in line with the current concerns of organizations.
The Master's degree in HRIS takes place over 4 semesters. It is organized around a common core in Master 1 with other IAE courses, and a specialization in Master 2. Certification is awarded following an assessment.
Since 2011, this course has been run in partnership with La Poste, represented by CFA FORMAPOSTE Méditerranée.
Information Systems and Management Control (SICG)
The aim of the Information Systems and Management Control (ISMC) program is to train students to become management controllers. Professional integration takes the form of several in-company assignments/internships over the course of two years, enabling students to combine theoretical knowledge with practical problem-solving.
The course focuses both on the management dimension of the profession (steering) and on the information systems dimension, with practical experience of working with ERP systems (SAP) and Business Intelligence software (Business Object, Power BI, QlikSense).
Graduates of the Master in Information Systems and Management Control will have the expertise required to design and run Management Control Systems.
The M1 is divided into two semesters. The first semester is a common core with the other IAE courses. Specialization in SICG takes place in the second semester.
The M2 is a sandwich course, with a timetable adapted to academic and business requirements.
Consulting and Management of Information Systems (CMSI)
The Master's degree in Information Systems Consulting and Management is organized over two years and four semesters, from S1 to S4. Master 1 comprises two semesters. The first provides a common core of management knowledge, while the second allows students to begin specializing.
Semesters 3 and 4 take place in Master 2, at a pace adapted to project management. In order to integrate the cultural dimensions of technology management, 3 weeks are devoted, between January and April, to professional conferences and studies on the implementation of information systems in a foreign country.
Statistics for Information and Decision Support (SIAD)
Companies' expectations in terms of decision support and database analysis are
growing, and mastery of statistical tools for data management
is essential. The objectives of this Master's program are to train students in the dual skills of
mathematics and management, to prepare them for careers as "data scientists" able to
manage and analyze data, particularly in a Big Data environment.
The course is divided into two parts:
M1: two semesters of lectures and tutorials, followed by a project.
M2: two semesters of lectures and tutorials, followed by a 6-month internship with a company.
Information Technology Business Engineer (IATI)
The Master's degree in Information Technology Business Engineering (IATI) combines expertise in information technology with business management skills. The aim of the program is to train business engineers specialized in the Information Technology (IT) sector.
This specialization corresponds to a specific need of companies, looking for high-level B-to-B sales people, capable of understanding the issues of the client company, negotiating with senior executives and responding to calls for tender.
Professional integration takes the form of an assignment and an internship combining theoretical knowledge with practical problem-solving in M1 and M2.
The Master's degree in Information Technology Business Engineering (IATI) is organized over two years and four semesters from S1 to S4. The M1 is made up of two semesters.
The first semester covers a common core of management knowledge, while the second semester enables students to begin specializing.
Semesters 3 and 4 are in M2. Between February and June, part of the second semester is taught on campus and in partnership with Montpellier Business School's Grande École program.
To enhance the international dimension and professional integration, part of the M2 curriculum is taught in English.
Management Technologies and Sciences (MTS)
This Master's program is aimed at holders of a scientific bachelor's degree* enrolled in a Master's program at the Faculty of Science of the University of Montpellier in partnership with the IAE, and wishing to acquire a dual managerial skill focused on digital transformation.
*Check with your departments to see if the partnership is active.
Target audience
Students with scientific, technical or management backgrounds.
Necessary prerequisites
Access to M1:
Hold 180 ECTS credits, corresponding to three years of higher education (Bac +3, Licence).
Admission to M2 :
Hold 240 ECTS credits, corresponding to 4 years of higher education (Bac +4, or equivalent)..
Expected results
The Mon Master platform displays two "salaried employment rates in France" for each course at 6 and 18 months. These two rates, known as "INSERSUP" rates, exclude graduates working as self-employed professionals, company directors, craftsmen or working abroad. These rates therefore do not reflect the reality of professional integration. In addition, some Mon Master programs do not show INSERSUP rates, as the rate of salaried employment in France excludes many graduates who are already working, and the statistical reliability threshold is no longer guaranteed.
For perfectly reliable information including all graduates who have entered the job market directly without continuing their studies, we advise you to consult the University of Montpellier website( These insertion rates are calculated at 30 months (number of graduates in employment / number of graduates in employment and looking for work). These data are collected by OSIPE (Observatoire du Suivi et de l'Insertion Professionnelle des Étudiants).
And then
Further studies
Students have the option of continuing their studies with a doctorate in Management Sciences.
Studying abroad
Possible, depending on partners and student projects.
Bridges and reorientation
Possibility of applying for an M2 at the IAE for courses in other fields.