Law - Political science - Administration

Master in Safety and Security Risk Management

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


Risks and the Environment
Course coordinator: Laurence Weil

  • Master in Safety and Security Risk Management

The Master's degree in Risks and the Environment in Safety and Security Management offers a dual legal and operational skill-set that is particularly well-suited to the specific challenges of cindynics (the science of studying risks), in order to work towards global risk management and the protection of people, property and tangible and intangible assets.


The current context, following the tragic events linked to terrorism and the development of protean risks weighing on companies and communities, has highlighted the emergence of a need for managers with skills in both QHSE management and safety.


The multi-disciplinary training, combining risk management, crisis management preparation, managerial and communication skills, enables students to envisage future managerial roles as experts and advisors to management, contributing to the implementation, control and monitoring of QSE policy, with increased expertise in the field of safety.

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Open on a sandwich basis

This course is offered on a sandwich basis.


1/3 (15 weeks) university training, 2/3 (37 weeks) on-the-job training,


Compulsory sandwich course (except in special cases and with the approval of the training manager)


Core syllabus common to all Risk and Environment Master's courses (except QSE Project Manager in Aquaculture) (300 hours): in-depth study of QHSE approaches and methods, management (QSE tools, methods and issues), audit preparation, major risk assessment and crisis management (preparation plan, crisis unit and role-playing), communication, cross-disciplinary skills (HR, financial analysis, applied office automation, oral and written expression techniques, etc.).


A 190-hour specialization: specific training covering the law (criminal, private, European, etc.), European and national organization and regulation of civil and public security, the operation and administration of the public and private sectors, security players in France and Europe, operational resources, knowledge of risks and their challenges, cyber security, industrial security and safety.

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Select a program

Master 1 Risks and Environment


UE QSE Management Systems (80.5h) 8C
UE Occupational Risk Prevention (59.5h) 7
UE Prevention of Major Risks (63h) 7C

UE Applied Law - Principles and players (71.5h) 8C




UE Managerial skills - Local manager (70h) 5C

UE Environmental issues (45.5h) 4C

UE Cross-cutting skills and communication - Intermediate (125h) 6C

UE 8 - Alternance 15 C

  • UE Occupational risk prevention

    7 credits
  • UE Applied law - Principles and players

    8 credits
  • UE Prevention of major risks

    7 credits
  • UE QSE Management Systems

    8 credits
  • UE Alternance

    15 credits
  • EU Environmental issues

    4 credits
  • UE Managerial skills - Local manager

    5 credits
  • UE Cross-disciplinary skills and communication - Intermediate

    6 credits
    • Tutored project

  • Optional

    • Legal clinic (F)

    • Memory (F)

    • Internship (F)

    • Work integration workshops (F): CV/LM

    • Tutored project (F)

    • Apprenticeship (F)

    • Legal watch (F)

Master 2 Safety and Security Risk Management

  • Crisis management

    6 credits
  • Global approaches and risk management

    7 credits
  • Law and liability

    5 credits
  • Elective UE

    • Choice: 1 of 3

      • Option 2: Civil security

        7 credits
      • Option 3: Civil Security Research

        7 credits
      • Option 1: Safety and security

        7 credits
  • Cross-disciplinary skills and communication - Advanced training

    5 credits
  • Research dissertation

    5 credits
    • Dissertation methodology

  • Managerial skills - Executive

    5 credits
  • Project management

    5 credits
    • Tutored project

  • Elective UE

    15 credits
    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Alternance

        15 credits
      • Alternance/Engagement

        • Alternance

          13 credits
        • Student Involvement