Health, Agriculture - Food

Nutrition and Food Supplements (NCA)

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Language(s) of instruction



Nutrition and Food Supplements course (NCA)

The NCA pathway enables students to acquire the knowledge they need for careers in nutrition research and to prepare for a career in the food supplements industry.

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Internships, tutored projects




3 compulsory courses focusing on Nutrition and Food Supplements (NCA) from the full range of courses available:

- UE Recherche et Développement (R&D) Ms OIRY-CUQ Catherine
- UE Compléments Alimentaires Mr NEASTA Jérémie
- UE Food Project Mr AUBIN Jean-Christophe

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M1 Nutrition and Food Science

Master 1 Nutrition and Food Science

This first common transdisciplinary year covers the fields of nutrition and food science. This transdisciplinarity ensures very diversified job profiles.

At the end of this 1ʳᵉ year, students choose their Master 2 pathway (SSA, NI, or NCA).

See the complete page of this course

  • Main EUs

    15 credits
    • Food safety basics

      5 credits
    • Food company

      5 credits
    • General Nutrition

      5 credits
  • Elective courses - Semester 1

    15 credits
    • Choice of 3 out of 5

      • Project management

        5 credits
      • Water and food

        5 credits
      • Free

        5 credits
        • Your choice: 1 of 4

          • Biostatistics with R

            5 credits
          • Molecular pharmacology and therapeutics

            5 credits
          • Physicochemistry of health product formulation

            5 credits
            • Physicochemistry of health product formulation EC/CC

            • Physicochemistry of health product formulation Written

          • Functional properties of nutrients

            3 credits
      • Special purpose foods

        5 credits
        • Specific foods CC

        • Specific CT foods

      • CHOICE Languages

        5 credits
        • Your choice: 1 of 4

          • English semester 1

            5 credits
          • Spanish semester 1

            5 credits
          • Italian semester 1

            5 credits
          • German semester 1

            5 credits
  • Compulsory UEs S2

    10 credits
    • Supervised research project (TER)

      5 credits
      • Oral TER

      • TER report

    • English

      5 credits
  • Elective courses - Semester 2

    20 credits
    • Choice of 1 of 3

      • UE Long internship + elective UE

        20 credits
        • Long internship 462h

          15 credits
          • Long-term internship dissertation

          • Oral long internship

        • Elective courses

          5 credits
          • Choice of 1 or 2 from 3

            • Free

              5 credits
            • Food security for populations

              5 credits
            • Micronutrients and dietary supplements

              5 credits
      • UE Internship + elective UEs

        20 credits
        • Elective courses

          10 credits
          • Choice of 2 or 3 of 3

            • Free

              5 credits
            • Food security for populations

              5 credits
            • Micronutrients and dietary supplements

              5 credits
        • Short course 308h

          10 credits
          • Oral short course

          • Short course dissertation

      • UE Tools for Research, Food Analysis + Elective UEs

        20 credits
        • UE Tools for Research, Food Analysis

          15 credits
        • Elective courses

          5 credits
          • Choice of 1 or 2 from 3

            • Free

              5 credits
            • Food security for populations

              5 credits
            • Micronutrients and dietary supplements

              5 credits

M2 Nutrition and Food Supplements

Master 2 Nutrition and Food Supplements (NCA)

The NCA pathway enables students to acquire the knowledge they need to move into careers in nutrition research and prepare for a career in the food supplements industry.

See the complete page of this course

  • Main EUs

    15 credits
    • Food supplements

      5 credits
    • Research & D evelopment (R&D)

      5 credits
    • Food Project

      5 credits
  • CHOICE 1

    15 credits
    • Choice of 3 from 9

      • Nutrition and food survey method in the south

        5 credits
      • Public nutrition concept and issues

        5 credits
        • Public nutitrion: concept and issues CC

        • Public Nuttrition: concept and issues CT

      • Communication and marketing strategy for healthcare products

        5 credits
        • Communication strategy/Marketing of healthcare products Oral

        • Communication strategy/Marketing health products Written

      • Free

        5 credits
      • Statistics applied to biology

        5 credits
      • Controlling food safety

        5 credits
      • Crisis management and auditing

        5 credits
      • Food-based ways of improving nutritional situations

        5 credits
      • Food risk

        5 credits
        • Food risk 2

          1 credits
        • Food risk 1

          4 credits
  • 6-month internship

    30 credits
    • Oral training

    • Internship