

Teaching, education and training professions (MEEF), 1st degree
  • Targeted level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Education

  • Language(s) of instruction



This specialization trains multi-skilled teachers responsible for designing and conducting classroom activities, setting up and evaluating learning situations for students aged 2 to 11 in kindergarten or elementary school.

Training is provided at 5 training sites:

- Carcassonne (Director of Studies: Ms Martine Loubet)

- Mende (Director of studies at the training site: Mr Stéphane Amouroux)

- Montpellier (Director of Studies: Mr Jean-Michel Meyre)

- Nîmes (Director of studies of the training site: Mrs Geneviève Brunot)

- Perpignan (Director of Studies: Ms Hélène Marquié-Dubié)

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  • 67,04%

    Success rate


The professional objective of almost all the students who enroll in the first degree program is to become a school teacher and thus obtain the CRPE to teach in the public or private sector. For the others, it is mainly people who work as primary school teachers in private or associative structures and who need to obtain a master's degree to keep their job or progress professionally. Some students also seek to obtain a master's degree to teach abroad.

Students who decide during the course of the Master's to reorient themselves and envisage a professional insertion outside the education system will be able to carry out an internship outside the national education system as long as the objectives of the internship are compatible with those of the Master's.

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Know-how and skills

The description of each UE identifies the competences targeted in relation to the professional reference system (decree of July1, 2013) and according to the training reference system listed in the annex to the decree of May 28, 2019. The master's degree aims to acquire the expected skills at the end of initial training and upon entering the profession. The level of development of the targeted competences will be assessed in particular from the professional experience of the M2 internship and also via the completion of complex tasks.

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International dimension

As is currently the case, foreign students, particularly Erasmus students, can be accepted in the first degree program in conjunction with the UM's international relations department, particularly in M1.

Outgoing mobility is envisaged, as indicated in the section presenting the work-study program and internships, in particular in M1 to carry out one of the two three-week periods abroad in a national elementary school, public or private. The international relations department of the Faculty of Education offers internships in classes and schools in twenty-five countries. These internships require preparation and feedback, and are facilitated by a lump-sum grant for each student from the Faculty of Education's own funds, which varies from 350 to 550 euros depending on the destination. The list of proposed destinations varies somewhat from year to year. Here are a few examples:


In Europe: Albania, Germany, Belgium, Cyprus, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Turkey.


Outside Europe : Algeria, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica, Laos, Madagascar, Morocco, Peru, Senegal, Thailand, USA, Vietnam.


Whenever possible, paid internships will be offered in M2 in AEFE institutions. International mobility will be organized within the framework of the certificate of aptitude for teaching French abroad (CAPEFE).

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The specialization is organized into three types of pathway. The first is aimed at students who are able to follow classroom-based courses. It is open to all five FDE sites (Carcassonne, Nîmes, Mende, Montpellier and Perpignan), and can enroll around 660 students in M1. The regional language pathway is available in Perpignan for Catalan, and in Carcassonne and Mende for Occitan. Apart from the specific UEs for regional languages, this pathway is shared with the basic classroom-based pathway. A third hybrid course is available for students who are unable to attend a classroom-based course (due to illness or disability, retraining, family responsibilities, etc.). The program is managed by the Carcassonne site, and includes both face-to-face teaching (four-week group sessions, exams and mock exams) and various forms of distance learning. It can enroll up to 45 students.

The contents of the courses are common to the five sites and the three courses. They are defined by very precise EU description sheets. Meetings bringing together the trainers of the five sites are regularly organized. Each UE is directed by an academic manager accompanied by a representative from each site. A large part of the evaluations is organized simultaneously on the five sites with common subjects. The Master's jury ensures that harmonization meetings are organized to equalize grades.

In order to ensure that the students who will enter the M2 program (where they will be likely to be entrusted with classes in responsibility, within the framework of the M2 work-study program and the M2 internship), master the fundamentals sufficiently, compensation thresholds are proposed. In S2, the mathematics and French courses and those related to the frame of reference can only be compensated after a minimum of 8. In S4, the thesis and the internship cannot be compensated.


The basic courses in French and mathematics are taught in the four semesters of the Master's program, for a volume of 30 to 40 hours per semester and per discipline. They are implemented by multidisciplinary teams including professionals.


Within the framework of the fundamentals, the French lessons are deployed according to 4 axes:

  1. The development of oral and written language skills and reading skills, particularly of literary texts, with a view to professional practice and the CRPE exams.
  2. The acquisition of disciplinary and epistemological knowledge in the field of linguistics (pragmatic, textual, syntactic, grammatical, orthographic, lexical...) and relating to languages, children's literature, literacies (including digital).
  3. The acquisition of didactic knowledge and the construction of related professional skills in the areas of speaking, writing, language, comprehension, reading, interpretation and appropriation of literary works. Particular attention is paid to the teaching of reading in the first grade and the introduction to writing in Cycle 1.
  4. The development of professional skills related to versatility (French in the disciplines).


The objectives of basic mathematics teaching are based on the mastery of mathematical contents and their didactics, with a view to preparing for the CRPE, both in the written and oral examinations, and also to designing, implementing and analyzing teaching situations, in connection with the students' internship periods.

The themes covered are based on the programs of cycles 1, 2 and 3 of the school. For example, 30% of the total time is devoted to the mastery of mathematical and didactic contents for teaching calculation and numbering, the rest being devoted to other school themes and more broadly to those of cycle 4, in connection with the preparation of the competitive examination.

Finally, the different topics covered in mathematics are linked together (for example, calculation with the teaching of magnitude and measurement, geometry) and with other disciplines (Arts, PE, History and Geography, Sciences) through training hours specifically devoted to this in order to develop the versatility of future school teachers.


Still within the framework of the fundamentals, the values and the frame of reference are worked on throughout a course of four UE, one per semester for a volume of approximately 140 hours. These courses allow students to progressively move from a knowledge of the school institution and the values that organize it, in M1, to a reflection on their implementation in the classroom and to an integration of these values in the students' professional gestures and practices, in M2.

This set of UE, quite similar in its structure and content to that offered in the Master MEEF2nd degree, offers the opportunity to work on essential themes such as secularism, inclusive school (cf. decree of November 25, 2020), education for citizenship, school climate or the fight against all forms of discrimination and violence

While each unit focuses on one or more of these major themes, the objective is to return to these fundamental elements over the course of the four semesters, in order to go beyond the simple transmission of information to a true appropriation. The aim is to ensure that the school can accomplish "its mission of education for citizenship" and prepare "students to live in society and become responsible and free citizens; aware of the principles and rules that underpin democracy" (law of July 08, 2013). The training aims to develop professional skills as defined in the 2013 reference framework while preparing students for the CRPE interview test.


Training in the fundamentals of French, mathematics, and values and frame of reference is complemented by a course of four EUs.

In each semester, a specific UE contributes to deliver a solid training in the other disciplines of the elementary school in order to offer the most versatile and complete training possible.

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Select a program

First degree face-to-face

See the complete page of this course

First degree regional languages

See the complete page of this course


Conditions of access

To be enrolled in the Master's program, students must have a national diploma conferring the grade of bachelor's degree or a validation of prior learning as provided for in articles L613-3, L613-4 and L613-5 of the Education Code.
Admission to the M1 program is based on a study of the applicant's file.
The results obtained in the bachelor's program are taken into account, as well as criteria based on the closeness of the applicant's previous experience to the CRPE exams and to the profession itself: type of bachelor's degree obtained, pre-professionalization course, etc....
To enter the M2 program, it is necessary to have successfully completed the M1 program or, in exceptional cases, to be able to benefit from a validation of prior learning.
For both the M1 and M2 programs, students in the "regional languages" program are enrolled in Carcassonne (Occitan) or Perpignan (Catalan), and those in the FADH program in Carcassonne.

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How to register

Contact / Information

Schooling department
Telephone: 04 67 61 82 83

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Target audience

All students with a bachelor's degree or equivalent or higher

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Tuition fees

Subject to change: 243€ for the year
(+ 91€ CVEC to be paid to the CROUS)

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Necessary pre-requisites

Bachelor's degree or higher

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Recommended prerequisites

Multidisciplinary license

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And then

Further studies

Doctorate in Educational Sciences

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Bridges and reorientation

Students who decide during the course of the Master's to reorient themselves and envisage a professional insertion outside the education system will be able to carry out an internship outside the national education system as long as the objectives of the internship are compatible with those of the Master's.

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Professional integration

The professional objective of almost all the students who enroll in the first degree program is to become a school teacher and thus obtain the CRPE to teach in the public or private sector. For the others, it is mainly people who work as primary school teachers in private or associative structures and who need to obtain a master's degree to keep their job or progress professionally. Some students also seek to obtain a master's degree to teach abroad.

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