Electrical Energy, Environment and Systems Reliability - Apprenticeship

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



The Electrical Energy, Environment and System Reliability (3EFS) course of the Master's degree in Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation is a generalist course in the field of electrical engineering.

It is based on societal and industrial needs to participate in the reduction of environmental impact in applications related to mobility, the production of electrical energy and the improvement of housing.

The training provided in this course responds to the strong demand that industrialists constantly express during their partnerships with the laboratory, it responds to the ever-growing need for technological innovations necessary for the industrial environment and allows students to acquire a solid foundation to be able to carry out management functions.

This course covers various fields related to electrical energy, ranging from production and transmission to energy management and distribution. The training that is provided responds to the major challenges of managing electrical energy in distribution networks, which are increasingly impacted by the growing integration of intermittent energies (wind, photovoltaic, etc.). It contributes, with the manufacturers in the field, to highlighting the issues related to the design of new eco-responsible products.

An important part is given to the study of renewable energies, their integration into electricity grids, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of this integration, which makes it possible to have a precise vision of their environmental impact.

In the same philosophy, it presents current solutions to increase the energy efficiency of energy conversion systems by relying, for example, on motorization solutions for transport and on the design of power converters for embedded systems.

The methods of study, simulation, design as well as software tools and the CAD study approach are presented to the students of this course, whether they are used in design, research and development offices or research laboratories.

Practical training based on practical work to illustrate the theoretical teachings and to acquire the professional skills necessary for the student's future expertise is also a key element of this training.

The projects, associated with the courses and practical work, which will be carried out by the student will allow him to apply the knowledge, theoretical or experimental methods acquired during the teaching.

Technical training is also combined with the teaching of English and the humanities and social sciences.


In the first year, the shared units offered allow students to rely on a solid base of theoretical knowledge and transversal skills in the EEA disciplines necessary for their career.

Visits to industrial sites are set up during the training to provide an overview of the environment and the equipment used.


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  • The LMD4 success rate is around 75%.

    Success rates


The main aim of the 3EFS course is to train high-level specialists in the field of electrical energy processing, focusing primarily on the design and development of electrical components and systems. It also raises awareness of the environmental issues associated with the development of energy systems, which are essential to the energy transition, and provides essential knowledge of the problems involved in ensuring the reliability of these components.

This course provides scientific knowledge, tools and methods (both scientific and professional) for calculation and modeling, enabling you to approach electrical engineering materials, components and systems with confidence.

On completion of this course, students can easily join innovative companies in any field (aeronautics, automotive, space, sustainable development...), electrical industries and design offices targeting the production, transport and distribution of electrical energy. They may also be recruited by companies, groups or research institutes. The best students in the class can continue their studies with a doctoral thesis.

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Know-how and skills

The scientific and professional skills and know-how acquired during this training cover :

  • The environmental impact of electrical engineering components and systems.
  • Knowledge, sizing, selection and modeling of components and equipment for electrical power generation, transmission and distribution networks.
  • Knowledge, sizing and regulations of renewable energy production and conversion systems (wind, hydraulic, photovoltaic, etc.).
  • The choice of materials, components, equipment and structures in an electrical power generation, transmission and conversion system.
  • Components, converters and structures for the conversion and distribution of photovoltaic energy (terrestrial, space, on-board).
  • Design and development of high-power-to-weight converters with high reliability.
  • The scientific and technological knowledge needed to model and dimension a synchronous actuator for specific transportation applications (automotive, aeronautics, marine...) and industrial equipment.
  • The design of technical energy conversion solutions to meet given specifications and constraints.
  • Analysis, modification and improvement of energy conversion systems.
  • Mastery of simulation and modeling software tools related to component design and system development.
  • Estimating the reliability of energy conversion components, equipment and systems.
  • The implementation of procedures and the development of characterization and measurement systems for reliability testing, closely linked to techniques for interpreting test results through data processing.
  • Management of scientific and industrial projects.
  • Autonomy, initiative and team coordination.
  • Drafting of summary documents, notices and briefs.
  • Oral presentation of studies, problems and design solutions.
  • The use of technical and scientific English.


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Special features

The program is open to sandwich courses in M1 and M2.

The course is open to a double degree with the IAE (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises).


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The 3EFS pathway in the EEA Master's program is a two-year (4-semester) program.


The first year of the Master's program consists of two semesters. The first semester is shared by all EEA Master's courses, providing basic theoretical knowledge and cross-disciplinary skills in EEA disciplines. In the second semester, students in the 3EFS pathway take two specific UEs dealing with energy production, power system modeling, renewable energies and smart grids. They also take English and SHS (Human and Social Sciences). Students carry out a project that may extend into the first semester, and are required to complete an internship or end-of-study project.


The second year of the Master's program consists of two semesters. The first semester is academic, with both professional and research courses based on the specific features of the research laboratory associated with the Master's program. The second semester is devoted to a final-year project and an industrial or research internship.

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Select a program

M1 - Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation - Electrical Energy, Environment and Systems Reliability profile

See the complete page of this course

  • Automatic Mutivariable

    5 credits
  • Signal processing

    4 credits
  • Analog Electronics, Photonics and Systems

    6 credits
  • Digital Electronics

    3 credits
  • Energy Conversion Systems

    5 credits
  • Computer Engineering for the EEA

    4 credits
  • Logic Synthesis / VHDL

    3 credits
  • English

    2 credits
  • Project

    5 credits
  • Internship or End-of-Study Project

    10 credits
  • Techniques de Communication

    3 credits
  • Power Generation and Power Grid Modeling

    6 credits
  • Renewable energies - Smart grids

    4 credits

M2 - Electrical Energy, Environment and Systems Reliability

See the complete page of this course

  • Reliability of Components and Systems

    2 credits
  • Dielectric Materials and Components - High Voltage - HVDC

    4 credits
  • Photovoltaic Energy

    4 credits
  • Simulation Tools and Thermal Applications in Conversion

    6 credits
  • Energy Conversion Systems for Embedded Applications

    7 credits
  • Modeling and Sizing of a Synchronous Actuator

    5 credits
  • Operational Safety

    2 credits
  • Project

    10 credits
  • Internship

    15 credits
  • Professional integration

    3 credits
  • English

    2 credits


How to register

Applications can be submitted on the following platforms: 

French & European students :

International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //pastel.diplomatie.gouv.fr/etudesenfrance/dyn/public/authentification/login.html

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Target audience

Students with a 3-year degree in electronics or applied physics.

This is a possible extension of the EEA Bachelor's degree and any other scientific and technological training in the fields of EEA, applied physics, applied computing, mathematics, etc.

Person in professional retraining in continuing education or work-study programs.

Promotional training, continuing education or sandwich courses.

Foreign student with a bac+3 degree in science and technology.


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Mandatory prerequisites

Basic knowledge of electronics, electrical engineering, power electronics, automation, IT and industrial computing.

Have a solid foundation in mathematics and physics.


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And then

Further studies

Further study is possible in a PhD thesis within the laboratory or in a partner laboratory.

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Bridges and reorientation

Students holding a Master 1 or Master 2 degree in EEA or applied physics may apply for a Master 2 degree. Admission is subject to the course's pedagogical selection committee.

A Master 1 student can be redirected to another course with the agreement of the course manager or another national course.


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Professional integration

Students can apply for a job with a major corporation, a small or medium-sized business, or as a doctoral student in a research laboratory. They can work in industries linked to electrical energy, as well as in industries involved in innovation for the energy transition, such as the automotive, aeronautics, sustainable development and renewable energies sectors, as well as companies in the space sector.

He or she is eligible for employment in the production, manufacturing and operating industries related to electrical engineering, and can take on managerial and/or commercial functions. They may also be employed in the service and consulting sector.


Typical jobs available are:

  • Project manager (studies).
  • Senior Scientific Studies and Applied or Basic Research Executive.
  • Senior executive of studies, research and development in industry.
  • Business manager in electrical energy management and electrical industries.
  • Teacher (if eligible for the agrégation competitions).
  • Teacher-researcher (if master's degree followed by a doctorate).


ROME codes, closest job descriptions :

          H1102: Management and engineering

          H1202: Electrical and electronic product design and drafting

          H1206: Management and engineering studies, research and industrial development

          H1209: Technical assistance in electronics design and development

          H1502: Industrial quality management and engineering

          H2502: Production management and engineering

          I1102: Industrial maintenance management and engineering

          K2108: Higher education

          K2402: Research in the sciences of the universe, matter and life



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