Plant Biology for the Agro-Environment (BiPa)

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


The Plant Biology for the Agro-Environment (BiPa) program offers a multi-disciplinary training program focused on knowledge generated from major study models such as Arabidopsis thaliana, but also from cultivated plants that are now establishing themselves as true models (rice, maize, etc.). Our training covers the full range of plant science topics (plant adaptation to climate change, developmental biology, mineral nutrition, ecophysiology, plant-microorganism interactions). In addition to the classical approaches to biology, we also focus on modeling and bioinformatics, disciplines that are currently essential for making the most of the massive data generated on a daily basis.

For more information on this course and its content, visit


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This master's program is designed to be both generalist and high-level. Our aim is to provide you with both broad general knowledge and cutting-edge expertise in the plant sector. Ultimately, this master's degree will enable you to continue your training in fundamental or applied research, or to pursue a career plan related to the issues of modern agriculture.

This master's program is also designed to give you the autonomy to facilitate your integration into the professional world, through dedicated teaching units (project management) and numerous group projects offered in the various teaching units.

Our aim is to provide you with the best knowledge and opportunities to make you the research scientists and engineers of the coming years, who will be able to respond to the scientific and societal challenges linked to the plant world (fundamental science, biotechnologies, climate change, agro-ecology).


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Know-how and skills

Disciplinary skills :

  • Integrative biology tools: mutagenesis, transgenesis, direct and reverse genetics, OMICS approaches
  • Understanding the basics of epigenetics 
  • Know the basics of plant-micro-organism interactions
  • Learn the basics of statistics, bioinformatics and modeling
  • Master the cellular, molecular and physiological aspects governing the functioning of cells in their environment, the developing plant and its adaptation to environmental constraints.


Cross-disciplinary skills :

  • Propose disciplinary and multidisciplinary strategies, independently and as part of a team, to study a complex scientific problem. 
  • Understand, criticize and apply a scientific and experimental approach Know how to search for scientific information (databases, scientific publications)
  • Ability to synthesize and present scientific results (projects, reports, oral presentations to juries)
  • Build a professional project, write a CV and cover letters
  • Acquire experience in a research environment (public or private).
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Internships, tutored projects



Length of internship

4 months (M1) and 6 months (M2)

Internship abroad


Duration of internship abroad

identical to the duration in France

Our pedagogical team has an extensive network of internship opportunities (4 months in M1 and 6 in M2) to suit your scientific or professional project, whether locally in Montpellier, in France or abroad. Each internship is assessed both in writing (internship report) and orally (presentation to a panel of experts).

It also offers 2 courses entirely dedicated to project management in relation to science, with the aim of developing the ability to organize work around a project carried out alone or as part of a team. 

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The Biology of Plants for the Agro-Environment (BiPa) course comprises 4 semesters (120 ECTS), with some teaching units (UE) shared with the 3 other Plants courses (MEV, BPT, IPM) and others specific to the BiPa course. The list and detailed content of each of the Master's courses can be consulted on the Faculty of Science website.

The first semesters of M1 and M2 are devoted to courses and tutorials in the various UEs. The second semesters are mainly devoted to an internship (in a laboratory or company) in line with the student's career plan. Mobility for study or internship (ERASMUS), over one or two semesters, is greatly facilitated by the extensive network of partnerships between the University of Montpellier and European universities. It should be noted that all the practical work for the various courses is grouped together in a dedicated course at the very start of semester 2 in M1.

The BiPa training program is available on the following website:

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Select a program

  • Biostatistics with R

    5 credits
  • Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology

    3 credits
  • Plant development

    5 credits
  • Plant-Microorganism Interactions

    5 credits
  • Basics of ecophysiology

    2 credits
  • Plant molecular genetics

    5 credits
  • Environmental adaptation and signage

    3 credits
  • Plant nutrition

    2 credits
  • BioInformatics: Data and Databases

    2 credits
  • Literature review

    2 credits
  • 4-month internship

    15 credits
  • Experimental approaches to plant biology

    5 credits
  • Project management

    3 credits
  • CHOICE 1

    3 credits
    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Gene networks-Modeling

        3 credits
      • Tropical and Mediterranean plant breeding

        3 credits
  • Laboratory or company internship

    28 credits
  • Critical analysis of scientific information

    2 credits
  • Mineral nutrition adapting plants to abiotic constraints

    3 credits
  • Analysis of differential gene expression

    3 credits
  • School signage, dyna

    3 credits
  • Epigenetics in plants

    3 credits
  • Model plants, modeling

    3 credits
  • BigOmics, comparative genomics

    2 credits
  • Ecophysiology: from phenotype to ideotype

    2 credits
  • Quantitative genetics

    3 credits
  • Data processing

    3 credits
  • BioInformatics: building queries

    2 credits
  • Project management

    3 credits


Admission requirements

Applications can be submitted on the following platforms: 

  • French & European students: follow the "My Master" procedure on the website: https: //
  • For M2, students must submit their application via the e-candidat application on the University of Montpellier's Faculty of Science website.

Applications are examined by a pedagogical committee made up of the Master's main lecturers.
Successful candidates are required to complete their administrative registration as soon as possible, and then to complete a pedagogical registration indicating the nature of the teaching modules chosen.

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Target audience

The BIPa Master's degree is open to holders of the BiPAgro bachelor's degree from the University of Montpellier or a general bachelor's degree in Life Sciences or Cellular and Molecular Biology from other universities. Acceptance into the Master's program is based on the quality of the applicant's file, as assessed by the teaching staff, and on our capacity to accommodate students.

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Mandatory prerequisites

Knowledge (Bachelor's level) of plant physiology, genetics, molecular and cellular biology.

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Recommended prerequisites

Basic plant development biology. 

Introduction to computer thinking and programming (e.g. R, Python or Unix)

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And then

Further studies

The theoretical and practical training on offer is designed primarily to lead to a doctorate in fundamental or applied research. Professional integration as an engineer in a public or private laboratory, or in a start-up company, are also possible outlets.

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Studying abroad

During the 2 internships in the Master's program, students have the opportunity to gain experience abroad. This mobility can be an opportunity to join one of the many international Ph.D. programs (e.g. Gregor Mendel Institute (Austria); University of Tübingen (Germany), John Innes Center (UK), or for thesis recruitment at the end of the M2 internship in the host laboratory.

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Professional integration

Graduates of our Master's program can go on to a career as a lecturer in a French, European or international university, as a researcher in a French (INRA, CNRS, IRD, CEA, CIRAD) or foreign public research organization, or in a plant science R&D company in France or abroad.

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