120 credits
2 years
Training structure
Faculty of Education
Training to become a school teacher and preparing for the oral and written tests of the CRPE competitive examination for the recruitment of school teachers.
Know-how and skills
All elementary school disciplines are covered, including their interdisciplinary dimensions. The Master's program also offers solid training in general pedagogy, and gives students a better understanding of the organization of the education system and its values.
The Master's program includes training through research in didactics and the sciences of training and education, in liaison with research laboratories. This leads to the writing of a Master's thesis in M2.
In terms of units, each of the 4 semesters of the master's degree is structured along the same lines:
A "frame of reference" UE;
A "disciplinary and didactic knowledge and skills in French" UE;
A "disciplinary and didactic knowledge and skills in mathematics" UE;
A "disciplinary and didactic knowledge and skills in other disciplines" UE (history-geography, sciences, arts and EPS);
A "modern language" UE;
A "work placement support" UE (general pedagogy and analysis of practices in all disciplines);
A research UE.
These courses are supplemented in S1 and S2 by a "pedagogy and innovation" course.
Select a program
M1 First degree regional languages
M2 Primary school regional languages
Admission requirements
To enroll in the Master's program, students must hold a national diploma conferring the grade de licence, or a validation d'acquis (validation of prior learning) as stipulated in articles L613-3, L613-4 and L613-5 of the French Education Code.
Admission to the M1 program is based on an assessment of the candidate's academic record.
The results obtained in the bachelor's program are taken into account, as well as criteria based on the closeness of the candidate's previous career to the CRPE exams and the profession itself: type of bachelor's degree obtained, pre-professionalization UE, etc.
To enter M2, it is necessary to have successfully completed M1 or, in exceptional cases, to be able to benefit from a validation of prior learning.
How to register
Contact / Information
Education department
Telephone: 04 67 61 82 83
And then
Professional integration
The professional goal of almost all students who enroll in the first-degree specialization is to become a school teacher, and thus obtain the CRPE exam to teach in the public or private sector.