Target level of study
BAC +5
120 credits
2 years
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The EEA Master's degree at the Faculty of Science allows students to acquire cutting-edge scientific skills in order to guarantee optimal professional integration of their graduates. The scientific readability of the courses of the EEA Master's degree and therefore of the EEA mention is guaranteed by the backing of a teaching department composed of teacher-researchers who carry out their research mainly in two of the University's state-of-the-art laboratories (IES and LIRMM). The link with research is further strengthened by the active participation of researchers from these organizations in pedagogy. The organization of each course presents a progressive specialization from the first to the second year which allows students to address the latest research topics in the field in order to give the student an up-to-date knowledge base. The final internship occupies an essential place in terms of professional objectives because it is often the first immersion in a professional environment.
The success rate calculated on the LMD4 is about 87%.
Success rates
Our training objective is to give our students a solid foundation in the disciplines of electronics, electrical engineering, automation and signal processing mainly in M1. The second year offers students a specialization in the fields that the EEA industries need, as well as in the recognized themes of our laboratories federated around the I2S doctoral school.
These areas are particularly targeted by the 5 courses offered:
- Sensors, Electronics & Connected Objects (CEO)
- Electric Power, Environment and System Reliability (3EFS)
- Photonics, Microwaves & Communications Systems (PHyS)
- Robotics (Rob)
- Integrated & Embedded Electronic Systems (IEES)
as well as an ERAMUS MUNDUS course:
- Ionizing Radiation and its Effects on Microelectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP)
The professional aspects are inherent to the discipline taught, which must keep up with technological developments. The teaching teams are all in close contact with the world of industry and the world of research, allowing for a good match between the teaching. The presence of external speakers, projects and internships reinforce this professionalization. The integration of young graduates is very fast because they have skills that allow them to be quickly operational.
Know-how and skills
In addition to the knowledge and skills specific to each course of the EEA Master's degree detailed in the course presentations, the EEA Master's degree provides the transversal skills necessary for any future Bac+5 level executive:
- Autonomy at work, time management, initiative and coordination of a team.
- Project management: objectives, context, implementation, evaluation, cost.
- Drafting of summary documents, notices and briefs.
- Oral presentation of studies, problems and design solutions.
- The use of technical and scientific English.
- Apply for an internship or a job offer (CV, cover letter, presentation).
- Get to know the environment and how the company works.
All the courses of the EEA Master's degree have a pedagogical progression over two years (4 semesters).
The first year of the master's degree consists of two semesters. The first semester is shared with all the courses of the EEA Master's degree giving basic theoretical knowledge and transversal skills in the disciplines of EEA. In the second semester, students follow UEs specific to their course. The course also provides the English and SHS (Humanities and Social Sciences) UEs. Students carry out a project that may extend into the first semester and must complete an internship in a company or an end-of-study project.
The second year of the master's degree consists of two semesters. The first semester, academic, with both professional and research UEs based on the specificities of the research laboratory linked to the Master's degree completes the training by providing skills in the fields of their course. The second semester is devoted to an end-of-study project and an industrial or research internship.
Select a program
Electrical Energy, Environment and Systems Reliability
The Electrical Energy, Environment and System Reliability (3EFS) course of the Master's degree in Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation is a generalist course in the field of electrical engineering.
It is based on societal and industrial needs to participate in the reduction of environmental impact in applications related to mobility, the production of electrical energy and the improvement of housing.
The training provided in this course responds to the strong demand that industrialists constantly express during their partnerships with the laboratory, it responds to the ever-growing need for technological innovations necessary for the industrial environment and allows students to acquire a solid foundation to be able to carry out management functions.
This course covers various fields related to electrical energy, ranging from production and transmission to energy management and distribution. The training that is provided responds to the major challenges of managing electrical energy in distribution networks, which are increasingly impacted by the growing integration of intermittent energies (wind, photovoltaic, etc.). It contributes, with the manufacturers in the field, to highlighting the issues related to the design of new eco-responsible products.
An important part is given to the study of renewable energies, their integration into electricity grids, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of this integration, which makes it possible to have a precise vision of their environmental impact.
In the same philosophy, it presents current solutions to increase the energy efficiency of energy conversion systems by relying, for example, on motorization solutions for transport and on the design of power converters for embedded systems.
The methods of study, simulation, design as well as software tools and the CAD study approach are presented to the students of this course, whether they are used in design, research and development offices or research laboratories.
Practical training based on practical work to illustrate the theoretical teachings and to acquire the professional skills necessary for the student's future expertise is also a key element of this training.
The projects, associated with the courses and practical work, which will be carried out by the student will allow him to apply the knowledge, theoretical or experimental methods acquired during the teaching.
Technical training is also combined with the teaching of English and the humanities and social sciences.
In the first year, the shared units offered allow students to rely on a solid base of theoretical knowledge and transversal skills in the EEA disciplines necessary for their career.
Visits to industrial sites are set up during the training to provide an overview of the environment and the equipment used.
Electrical Energy, Environment and Systems Reliability - Apprenticeship
The Electrical Energy, Environment and System Reliability (3EFS) course of the Master's degree in Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation is a generalist course in the field of electrical engineering.
It is based on societal and industrial needs to participate in the reduction of environmental impact in applications related to mobility, the production of electrical energy and the improvement of housing.
The training provided in this course responds to the strong demand that industrialists constantly express during their partnerships with the laboratory, it responds to the ever-growing need for technological innovations necessary for the industrial environment and allows students to acquire a solid foundation to be able to carry out management functions.
This course covers various fields related to electrical energy, ranging from production and transmission to energy management and distribution. The training that is provided responds to the major challenges of managing electrical energy in distribution networks, which are increasingly impacted by the growing integration of intermittent energies (wind, photovoltaic, etc.). It contributes, with the manufacturers in the field, to highlighting the issues related to the design of new eco-responsible products.
An important part is given to the study of renewable energies, their integration into electricity grids, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of this integration, which makes it possible to have a precise vision of their environmental impact.
In the same philosophy, it presents current solutions to increase the energy efficiency of energy conversion systems by relying, for example, on motorization solutions for transport and on the design of power converters for embedded systems.
The methods of study, simulation, design as well as software tools and the CAD study approach are presented to the students of this course, whether they are used in design, research and development offices or research laboratories.
Practical training based on practical work to illustrate the theoretical teachings and to acquire the professional skills necessary for the student's future expertise is also a key element of this training.
The projects, associated with the courses and practical work, which will be carried out by the student will allow him to apply the knowledge, theoretical or experimental methods acquired during the teaching.
Technical training is also combined with the teaching of English and the humanities and social sciences.
In the first year, the shared units offered allow students to rely on a solid base of theoretical knowledge and transversal skills in the EEA disciplines necessary for their career.
Visits to industrial sites are set up during the training to provide an overview of the environment and the equipment used.
Photonics, Microwave & Communication Systems
The PHotonic, Microwave and Telecommunications Systems (PHyS) course is a theoretical and practical training leading to the mastery of the technologies of the future to generate, transmit, detect, process and convert electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, microwaves, terahertz waves, infrared, visible and ultraviolet, in a wide variety of applications ranging from biomedical to telecommunications and defense, industrial processes or environmental control.
This is a sector of activity with very high technical and economic potential characterized by numerous applications both industrial and research.
On the theoretical level, the training will first provide the knowledge necessary to understand the physical principles associated with the various components such as diodes, transistors, lasers, optical fibers, waveguides, antennas, etc. This knowledge base will then lead to the creation of complex systems such as radars, lidars, imagers, and in particular telecommunications systems.
On the practical level, a fundamental place is given to practical work that will allow students to familiarize themselves with the equipment commonly used in companies in the field, thanks to state-of-the-art and professional equipment.
The PHyS course is a theoretical and practical training leading to the mastery of future technologies to generate, transmit, detect, process and convert electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, microwaves, terahertz waves, infrared, visible and ultraviolet light, in a wide variety of applications ranging from biomedical to telecommunications, including defense, industrial processes and environmental control.
This is a business sector with very strong technical and economic potential characterized by numerous applications, both industrial and in research.
On a theoretical level, the training will initially provide the knowledge necessary to understand the physical principles associated with the various components such as diodes, transistors, lasers, optical fibers, waveguides, antennas, etc. This knowledge base will then result in the creation of complex systems such as radars, lidars, imagers, and in particular telecommunications systems.
On a practical level, a fundamental place is given to teaching practicum which will allow students to familiarize themselves with the equipment commonly used in companies in the field, thanks to state-of-the-art equipment and professional equipment available at the university.
Photonics, Microwave & Communication Systems - Apprenticeship
The PHotonic, Microwave and Telecommunications Systems (PHyS) course is a theoretical and practical training leading to the mastery of the technologies of the future to generate, transmit, detect, process and convert electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, microwaves, terahertz waves, infrared, visible and ultraviolet, in a wide variety of applications ranging from biomedical to telecommunications and defense, industrial processes or environmental control.
This is a sector of activity with very high technical and economic potential characterized by numerous applications both industrial and research.
On the theoretical level, the training will first provide the knowledge necessary to understand the physical principles associated with the various components such as diodes, transistors, lasers, optical fibers, waveguides, antennas, etc. This knowledge base will then lead to the creation of complex systems such as radars, lidars, imagers, and in particular telecommunications systems.
On the practical level, a fundamental place is given to practical work that will allow students to familiarize themselves with the equipment commonly used in companies in the field, thanks to state-of-the-art and professional equipment.
The PHyS course is a theoretical and practical training leading to the mastery of future technologies to generate, transmit, detect, process and convert electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, microwaves, terahertz waves, infrared, visible and ultraviolet light, in a wide variety of applications ranging from biomedical to telecommunications, including defense, industrial processes and environmental control.
This is a business sector with very strong technical and economic potential characterized by numerous applications, both industrial and in research.
On a theoretical level, the training will initially provide the knowledge necessary to understand the physical principles associated with the various components such as diodes, transistors, lasers, optical fibers, waveguides, antennas, etc. This knowledge base will then result in the creation of complex systems such as radars, lidars, imagers, and in particular telecommunications systems.
On a practical level, a fundamental place is given to teaching practicum which will allow students to familiarize themselves with the equipment commonly used in companies in the field, thanks to state-of-the-art equipment and professional equipment available at the university.
Integrated and Embedded Electronic Systems
The "Integrated and Embedded Electronic Systems" (SEIE) course of the EEA Master's degree, unique at the regional level, is based on the strong and recognized skills, at a national and international level, of the ECs and researchers of the Microelectronics department of the LIRMM in the field of design and testing of microelectronic circuits and systems. This area covers aspects such as the design of integrated digital and analog systems, the validation of integrated circuits and systems, the testing of integrated circuits and systems, industrial testing, the design and testing of heterogeneous and micro systems, digital security as well as the use of artificial intelligence.
Integrated and Embedded Electronic Systems -Apprenticeship
The "Integrated and Embedded Electronic Systems" (SEIE) course of the EEA Master's degree, unique at the regional level, is based on the strong and recognized skills, at a national and international level, of the ECs and researchers of the Microelectronics department of the LIRMM in the field of design and testing of microelectronic circuits and systems. This area covers aspects such as the design of integrated digital and analog systems, the validation of integrated circuits and systems, the testing of integrated circuits and systems, industrial testing, the design and testing of heterogeneous and micro systems, digital security as well as the use of artificial intelligence.
The main objective of the Robotics course of the EEA Master's degree is to train high-level specialists in Robotics, Industrial Computing, Image Processing and Automation.
It is one of the natural extensions of the Bachelor's degree in EEA (Electronics, Electrotechnics and Automation) and any other scientific and technological training in the fields of EEA, computer science, applied mathematics, mechatronics, etc.
In the first year (taught in French) students will take fundamental courses in electronics, energy, automation and signal processing in the first semester, followed by specialization courses in robotics in the second semester. The courses of the second semester will allow them to learn the basics of robotics (manipulation and mobile), image processing and robot programming tools.
In the second year (taught in English), students will take courses in the first semester in robot modeling and control, perception for robotics, optimization, artificial intelligence, embedded systems, and programming. They will also have a course opening up to research, targeting the most innovative applications of robotics (micro-manipulators, surgical robots, submarines, humanoids, virtual and augmented reality, operational safety, teleoperation, etc.). In the second semester of the second year, students will carry out a one-month research project in a laboratory or company, followed by a tutored internship (in a company or laboratory) of 4 to 6 months.
The course is open to work-study through an apprenticeship contract. This contract allows students to acquire the theoretical basics during the weeks of training and to put them into practice during the periods to be spent in the company. This mode of operation facilitates the development of skills. It also has the advantage for the student of being paid even before graduating.
The main objective of the robotics program is to prepare high-level specialists in Robotics, Industrial data processing, Image processing and Automation.
This Master Course is a natural extension of the Bachelor's Degree in EEA (Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation) of UM or of any other scientific and technological bachelors in related fields (e.g., computer science, applied mathematics, mechatronics, etc.).
During the first semester of the 1st year of the Master (taught in French), students will follow basic courses in electronics, energy, control systems and signal processing. The second semester is mainly focused on specialized courses in robotics. These courses will allow students to learn the basics of robotics (both fixed and mobile base robots), image processing and robot programming tools.
During the second year, which is taught in English, the courses in the first semester include robot modelling and control, perception for robotics, optimization, artificial intelligence, embedded systems and programming. Students will also have a research-oriented course, targeting the most innovative applications of robotics (micro-manipulators, surgical robotics, submarine robotics, humanoids, virtual and augmented reality, operational safety, teleoperation, etc.). In the second semester, students will carry out a one-month research project in a laboratory or a company, followed by a tutored internship (in a company or laboratory) of 4 to 6 months.
The Master course is also open to work-study through an apprenticeship contract. Such a contract allows students to acquire the theoretical bases during the training weeks and to put them into practice during the periods spent in the company. This mode of functioning improves their skills. It also has the advantage for the student to be paid before graduation.
Robotics -Learning
The main objective of the Robotics course of the EEA Master's degree is to train high-level specialists in Robotics, Industrial Computing, Image Processing and Automation.
It is one of the natural extensions of the Bachelor's degree in EEA (Electronics, Electrotechnics and Automation) and any other scientific and technological training in the fields of EEA, computer science, applied mathematics, mechatronics, etc.
In the first year (taught in French) students will take fundamental courses in electronics, energy, automation and signal processing in the first semester, followed by specialization courses in robotics in the second semester. The courses of the second semester will allow them to learn the basics of robotics (manipulation and mobile), image processing and robot programming tools.
In the second year (taught in English), students will take courses in the first semester in robot modeling and control, perception for robotics, optimization, artificial intelligence, embedded systems, and programming. They will also have a course opening up to research, targeting the most innovative applications of robotics (micro-manipulators, surgical robots, submarines, humanoids, virtual and augmented reality, operational safety, teleoperation, etc.). In the second semester of the second year, students will carry out a one-month research project in a laboratory or company, followed by a tutored internship (in a company or laboratory) of 4 to 6 months.
The course is open to work-study through an apprenticeship contract. This contract allows students to acquire the theoretical basics during the weeks of training and to put them into practice during the periods to be spent in the company. This mode of operation facilitates the development of skills. It also has the advantage for the student of being paid even before graduating.
The main objective of the robotics program is to prepare high-level specialists in Robotics, Industrial data processing, Image processing and Automation.
This Master Course is a natural extension of the Bachelor's Degree in EEA (Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation) of UM or of any other scientific and technological bachelors in related fields (e.g., computer science, applied mathematics, mechatronics, etc.).
During the first semester of the 1st year of the Master (taught in French), students will follow basic courses in electronics, energy, control systems and signal processing. The second semester is mainly focused on specialized courses in robotics. These courses will allow students to learn the basics of robotics (both fixed and mobile base robots), image processing and robot programming tools.
During the second year, which is taught in English, the courses in the first semester include robot modelling and control, perception for robotics, optimization, artificial intelligence, embedded systems and programming. Students will also have a research-oriented course, targeting the most innovative applications of robotics (micro-manipulators, surgical robotics, submarine robotics, humanoids, virtual and augmented reality, operational safety, teleoperation, etc.). In the second semester, students will carry out a one-month research project in a laboratory or a company, followed by a tutored internship (in a company or laboratory) of 4 to 6 months.
The Master course is also open to work-study through an apprenticeship contract. Such a contract allows students to acquire the theoretical bases during the training weeks and to put them into practice during the periods spent in the company. This mode of functioning improves their skills. It also has the advantage for the student to be paid before graduation.
Sensors, Electronics and Connected Objects
The Sensors, Electronics and Connected Objects (C.E.O) course of the EEA Master's degree is based on a laboratory (IES UMR CNRS 5214) whose skills are recognized, on teacher-researchers in contact with industrial and academic advances, and professionals in the field involved in the training. This course is an evolution of the "Sensors & Associated Systems" (CSA) course, where we have reorganised the courses with more homogeneous blocks and made the necessary adaptations to be in line with current technologies (IOT) for the challenges of tomorrow (Industry 4.0, autonomous vehicle, defence, environment, health, etc.). This course allows us to cover the design of the sensor (microsystem), its characterization, its processing electronics, energy autonomy, wireless communication, and data processing.
Sensors, Electronics and Connected Objects -Apprenticeship
The Sensors, Electronics and Connected Objects (C.E.O) course of the EEA Master's degree is based on a laboratory (IES UMR CNRS 5214) whose skills are recognized, on teacher-researchers in contact with industrial and academic advances, and professionals in the field involved in the training. This course is an evolution of the "Sensors & Associated Systems" (CSA) course, where we have reorganised the courses with more homogeneous blocks and made the necessary adaptations to be in line with current technologies (IOT) for the challenges of tomorrow (Industry 4.0, autonomous vehicle, defence, environment, health, etc.). This course allows us to cover the design of the sensor (microsystem), its characterization, its processing electronics, energy autonomy, wireless communication, and data processing.
IDIL - Photonics & Electronics Sensors for Environment & Health
Sensors are omnipresent in our modern world. To give just a few examples: in the environment, they are used to detect and quantify the presence of pollutants in water or the atmosphere; in medicine, they enable 2D or even 3D imaging of the eye or arteries, or the early diagnosis of diseases. Most of the latest high-performance sensors are based on electronic or optical/photonic components, and we don't even know it. Against this backdrop of ever-increasing and more demanding demand, the IDIL Master's degree "Photonic & electronic sensors for the environment and health" aims to train highly qualified personnel in the field of electronic and photonic sensors, with a focus on applications in the environment and health, supported by long stays in research laboratories. Graduates can then choose to complete their training to become researchers in the public or private sectors, responsible for developing new systems that open up the field of possibilities for the future.
The training program is supported by the Institut d'Électronique et des Systèmes, an international Univ. de Montpellier / CNRS research laboratory in the field of sensors and photonics. Supervised by renowned researchers, you will learn to master state-of-the-art experimental techniques enabling you to design and manufacture lasers, sensors, detectors and other key components using cutting-edge technological equipment, right through to the application of these components, particularly in the environmental and health fields.
Examples of teaching units :
- Sensors & Associated systems
- Lasers & Photodiodes
- Technology & Design tools for sensors
- Photonics Instrumentation & Metrology
RADiation and its effects on Phonics Technlogies (RADMEP) - Erasmus Mundus
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Analog Electronics, Photonics and Systems
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (SPLD, CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
Power Generation and Power Grid Modeling
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Electrical energy is one of the essential energy vectors in energy management. It is becoming more important in new applications that reduce the carbon footprint, for example in electric propulsion. Electrical energy is produced by high-power production (thermal power plants) but also increasingly by intermittent sources due to renewable energies (photovoltaic, wind, etc.). This electrical energy produced must be transported and distributed, and the overall management of the transmission and distribution networks is a major constraint.
This teaching unit will :
- To provide theoretical knowledge of modelling the elements of production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy.
- To define the three-phase sinusoidal regime, the quality of electrical energy and the study of networks unbalanced by symmetrical components.
- Enable the implementation of the modeling of transformers, inductive elements (neutral point coil, etc.), synchronous alternators and asynchronous generators. It will give experimental methods for characterizing its elements.
- Give the conditions for connecting the generators to the electricity grids, the paralleling and the associated settings.
- To enable the establishment of models for lines and cables for electrical distribution. It will give notions of power management and the impact of short circuits in high-power networks. The use of network software will illustrate the phenomena.
Renewable energies - Smart grids
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The energy transition is often associated with the objectives of setting up means of production from renewable energies (wind, photovoltaic, hydro, etc.). The use of intermittent sources creates particular constraints for transmission and distribution power systems. This teaching unit will consist of three parts: a technological and theoretical part on networks. A second part on the means of production and renewable energies, highlighting wind energy. Finally, a third part will focus on the digital evolution of electricity networks: smart grids and smart grids.
This teaching unit will :
- Define the technology of all the elements of an HV and LV distribution electrical network.
- To provide the necessary knowledge to understand the functions and characteristics of electrical networks (architecture, aerial, underground, voltage level, power, transformer, alternator, etc.) and
- To allow the choice and implementation of devices according to needs (insulation, protection, control, etc.).
- Define electrical safety rules for interventions, thus making it possible to understand and apply lockout procedures.
- To make it possible to determine, choose and adjust the protections based on the characteristics of the network and the equipment by explaining the calculation of fault currents and the basic use of professional calculation software.
- Detail the choice of earthing connection schemes that meet given specifications and economic criteria, availability and quality constraints, etc.
- To provide a state of the art of electrical energy storage and to present the use of hydrogen as an energy vector associated with electrical energy and the energy transition.
- Describe the means of production and develop the conversion principle for wind and hydropower production.
- Introduce methods for the study of wind projects, analysis of the resource, regulations, connection problems and environmental impact.
- Introduce Smart-Grids and the use of the internet and industrial networks in the protection and control of power grids.
Reliability of Components and Systems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Reliability is one of the 4 components of the SdF which are Reliability, Maintainability, Availability and Security. This fundamental component of the SdF is taught in this UE both on the qualitative and quantitative aspects.
Dielectric Materials and Components - High Voltage - HVDC
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The electrical energy transmission and high-voltage switchgear design industry is faced with the need to find solutions for insulation constraints. They seek to improve the reliability and lifespan of their components (cables, insulators, circuit breakers, etc.). They are seeking to develop innovative solutions for transport to reduce visual pollution of overhead lines such as high-voltage direct voltage (HVDC) electrical links. To do this, it is therefore necessary to characterize and develop new insulation materials and to take into account environmental constraints.
This teaching unit addresses the different properties of insulating and conductive materials, such as conductivity, permittivity, dielectric break... It defines the theory of the physical origin of the various phenomena related to these properties.
Part of the course is also devoted to measurement techniques, characterizations and data analysis related to the different properties of dielectrics.
This teaching unit also includes a course on the particularities of the use of high voltage as well as applications to high voltage switchgear. It will define the functions, characteristics and constraints of this apparatus.
A presentation of HVDC networks is processed, it gives the architectures of converters and links (unipolar, bipolar), characteristics and constraints.
A practical part including measurements and data analysis for the characterization of dielectrics will be carried out during a mini project.
Photovoltaic Energy
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Photovoltaic solar energy is a clean energy that does not emit greenhouse gases. It produces electrical energy (terrestrial production) contributing to the increase in the energy efficiency of buildings. This energy can also be used in nomadic or embedded solutions associated with storage solutions if necessary.
This teaching unit:
- Will provide the scientific skills necessary to understand the operation of photovoltaic energy systems for the production of electrical energy.
- Define the technologies and characteristics of photovoltaic cells, panels and generators (terrestrial, on-board, space, etc.).
- Define portable, nomadic energies based on photovoltaic systems allowing energy savings and a certain autonomy depending on the situation.
- Define the architectures, control and command of terrestrial and space photovoltaic power generation systems.
- Will introduce the study of photovoltaic projects, resources, regulations, and the issue of connection to the distribution network.
An environmental aspect taking into account the overall impact of photovoltaic energy in the energy transition will be presented by introducing the advantages and disadvantages compared to other intermittent or non-intermittent energy sources.
Practical work will illustrate the essential points introduced during the course of this teaching unit. This theme may be proposed as a Master 2 project.
Simulation Tools and Thermal Applications in Conversion
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In the design of energy conversion systems, in the context of a feasibility study for example, it is essential to use scientific computing software and/or simulation software which will allow substantial time savings.
This teaching unit will:
- To provide knowledge of numerical calculation methods used in commercial software used to solve problems applied to electrical engineering.
- Introduce optimization concepts for the search for an optimal solution under constraint in a problem related to electrical engineering.
- Enable the implementation and application of digital techniques for the processing of data from, for example, the reliability study of an electrical system or power electronics.
- Present the finite element methods and software used for the resolution of physical or multi-physics problems.
- Deal with thermal problems related to energy conversion and will provide theoretical knowledge necessary for the understanding and modeling of thermal phenomena in electrical engineering components and systems (power electronics, HF transformer, distribution cables, etc.).
Energy Conversion Systems for Embedded Applications
7 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The place of electrical energy is preponderant in the development of transport such as, for example, aeronautics and automobiles. The strong environmental and economic constraints of these fields make it imperative to design and develop high power density converters with a high reliability rate.
This teaching unit will:
- To provide students with the key elements for the design, sizing, study and simulation of power converters used in embedded systems as well as other applications, such as the management of electrical energy in renewable or non-renewable energy production, transmission and control systems.
- Present the interest of converters for embedded systems that are continuously evolving towards all-electric and will make the link with the problems posed by the current reliability rates of power electronics.
- Introduce concepts for calculating a carbon footprint and eco-design. These design elements are now essential to design high-performance products and help the success of the energy transition.
- To give students skills on current power electronics devices and will allow them to better understand emerging converter structures.
- Present the constraints related to the use of passive components and more particularly magnetic components operating at high frequencies and which are absolutely necessary for the operation of these converters.
Students will have to be able to carry out a complete project based on a specific specification, which will lead them to study a regulated conversion structure in its entirety.
The practical work associated with the course will allow a better understanding of the technological barriers in the design of high-performance structures in power electronics.
This Teaching Unit will serve as a support for Master 2 projects.
Modeling and Sizing of a Synchronous Actuator
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
To reduce our CO2 emissions, key transport industries (automotive, aeronautics, etc.) are seeking to develop innovative travel solutions. Most of these solutions are electric, and these electric motors are mainly made from synchronous motors.
This Teaching Unit will:
- To provide students with the scientific and technological knowledge to model and size a synchronous actuator for specific applications related to the fields of electric propulsion.
- To provide the theoretical knowledge necessary to understand the physical phenomena intrinsic to the operation of synchronous motors (electromagnetic, electrical, thermal, mechanical).
- Define and study the different topologies, organizations of synchronous actuators (windings, rotors, etc.).
- Develop modeling methods to understand the control of a synchronous motor.
- Will present a method for sizing a synchronous actuator with magnets. It will associate this method with finite element software to verify this dimensioning.
- To provide knowledge in order to see the impact of such an actuator in the energy transition and on the environment.
Finally, the practical part will implement the measurement methods and techniques necessary for the study, the modeling of electromagnetic components and the control of synchronous motors. Application work where the measurements made are then exploited with scientific software (Excel, Matlab, femm...) will be used to apply the course. This theme may be proposed as a Master 2 project.
Operational Safety
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Dependability (SDF) is the science of failures. It is committed to predicting, measuring and, more broadly, controlling them. In this course, the approach and quantitative aspects of the SdF are taught.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Analog Electronics, Photonics and Systems
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (SPLD, CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
Power Generation and Power Grid Modeling
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Electrical energy is one of the essential energy vectors in energy management. It is becoming more important in new applications that reduce the carbon footprint, for example in electric propulsion. Electrical energy is produced by high-power production (thermal power plants) but also increasingly by intermittent sources due to renewable energies (photovoltaic, wind, etc.). This electrical energy produced must be transported and distributed, and the overall management of the transmission and distribution networks is a major constraint.
This teaching unit will :
- To provide theoretical knowledge of modelling the elements of production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy.
- To define the three-phase sinusoidal regime, the quality of electrical energy and the study of networks unbalanced by symmetrical components.
- Enable the implementation of the modeling of transformers, inductive elements (neutral point coil, etc.), synchronous alternators and asynchronous generators. It will give experimental methods for characterizing its elements.
- Give the conditions for connecting the generators to the electricity grids, the paralleling and the associated settings.
- To enable the establishment of models for lines and cables for electrical distribution. It will give notions of power management and the impact of short circuits in high-power networks. The use of network software will illustrate the phenomena.
Renewable energies - Smart grids
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The energy transition is often associated with the objectives of setting up means of production from renewable energies (wind, photovoltaic, hydro, etc.). The use of intermittent sources creates particular constraints for transmission and distribution power systems. This teaching unit will consist of three parts: a technological and theoretical part on networks. A second part on the means of production and renewable energies, highlighting wind energy. Finally, a third part will focus on the digital evolution of electricity networks: smart grids and smart grids.
This teaching unit will :
- Define the technology of all the elements of an HV and LV distribution electrical network.
- To provide the necessary knowledge to understand the functions and characteristics of electrical networks (architecture, aerial, underground, voltage level, power, transformer, alternator, etc.) and
- To allow the choice and implementation of devices according to needs (insulation, protection, control, etc.).
- Define electrical safety rules for interventions, thus making it possible to understand and apply lockout procedures.
- To make it possible to determine, choose and adjust the protections based on the characteristics of the network and the equipment by explaining the calculation of fault currents and the basic use of professional calculation software.
- Detail the choice of earthing connection schemes that meet given specifications and economic criteria, availability and quality constraints, etc.
- To provide a state of the art of electrical energy storage and to present the use of hydrogen as an energy vector associated with electrical energy and the energy transition.
- Describe the means of production and develop the conversion principle for wind and hydropower production.
- Introduce methods for the study of wind projects, analysis of the resource, regulations, connection problems and environmental impact.
- Introduce Smart-Grids and the use of the internet and industrial networks in the protection and control of power grids.
Reliability of Components and Systems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Reliability is one of the 4 components of the SdF which are Reliability, Maintainability, Availability and Security. This fundamental component of the SdF is taught in this UE both on the qualitative and quantitative aspects.
Dielectric Materials and Components - High Voltage - HVDC
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The electrical energy transmission and high-voltage switchgear design industry is faced with the need to find solutions for insulation constraints. They seek to improve the reliability and lifespan of their components (cables, insulators, circuit breakers, etc.). They are seeking to develop innovative solutions for transport to reduce visual pollution of overhead lines such as high-voltage direct voltage (HVDC) electrical links. To do this, it is therefore necessary to characterize and develop new insulation materials and to take into account environmental constraints.
This teaching unit addresses the different properties of insulating and conductive materials, such as conductivity, permittivity, dielectric break... It defines the theory of the physical origin of the various phenomena related to these properties.
Part of the course is also devoted to measurement techniques, characterizations and data analysis related to the different properties of dielectrics.
This teaching unit also includes a course on the particularities of the use of high voltage as well as applications to high voltage switchgear. It will define the functions, characteristics and constraints of this apparatus.
A presentation of HVDC networks is processed, it gives the architectures of converters and links (unipolar, bipolar), characteristics and constraints.
A practical part including measurements and data analysis for the characterization of dielectrics will be carried out during a mini project.
Photovoltaic Energy
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Photovoltaic solar energy is a clean energy that does not emit greenhouse gases. It produces electrical energy (terrestrial production) contributing to the increase in the energy efficiency of buildings. This energy can also be used in nomadic or embedded solutions associated with storage solutions if necessary.
This teaching unit:
- Will provide the scientific skills necessary to understand the operation of photovoltaic energy systems for the production of electrical energy.
- Define the technologies and characteristics of photovoltaic cells, panels and generators (terrestrial, on-board, space, etc.).
- Define portable, nomadic energies based on photovoltaic systems allowing energy savings and a certain autonomy depending on the situation.
- Define the architectures, control and command of terrestrial and space photovoltaic power generation systems.
- Will introduce the study of photovoltaic projects, resources, regulations, and the issue of connection to the distribution network.
An environmental aspect taking into account the overall impact of photovoltaic energy in the energy transition will be presented by introducing the advantages and disadvantages compared to other intermittent or non-intermittent energy sources.
Practical work will illustrate the essential points introduced during the course of this teaching unit. This theme may be proposed as a Master 2 project.
Simulation Tools and Thermal Applications in Conversion
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In the design of energy conversion systems, in the context of a feasibility study for example, it is essential to use scientific computing software and/or simulation software which will allow substantial time savings.
This teaching unit will:
- To provide knowledge of numerical calculation methods used in commercial software used to solve problems applied to electrical engineering.
- Introduce optimization concepts for the search for an optimal solution under constraint in a problem related to electrical engineering.
- Enable the implementation and application of digital techniques for the processing of data from, for example, the reliability study of an electrical system or power electronics.
- Present the finite element methods and software used for the resolution of physical or multi-physics problems.
- Deal with thermal problems related to energy conversion and will provide theoretical knowledge necessary for the understanding and modeling of thermal phenomena in electrical engineering components and systems (power electronics, HF transformer, distribution cables, etc.).
Energy Conversion Systems for Embedded Applications
7 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The place of electrical energy is preponderant in the development of transport such as, for example, aeronautics and automobiles. The strong environmental and economic constraints of these fields make it imperative to design and develop high power density converters with a high reliability rate.
This teaching unit will:
- To provide students with the key elements for the design, sizing, study and simulation of power converters used in embedded systems as well as other applications, such as the management of electrical energy in renewable or non-renewable energy production, transmission and control systems.
- Present the interest of converters for embedded systems that are continuously evolving towards all-electric and will make the link with the problems posed by the current reliability rates of power electronics.
- Introduce concepts for calculating a carbon footprint and eco-design. These design elements are now essential to design high-performance products and help the success of the energy transition.
- To give students skills on current power electronics devices and will allow them to better understand emerging converter structures.
- Present the constraints related to the use of passive components and more particularly magnetic components operating at high frequencies and which are absolutely necessary for the operation of these converters.
Students will have to be able to carry out a complete project based on a specific specification, which will lead them to study a regulated conversion structure in its entirety.
The practical work associated with the course will allow a better understanding of the technological barriers in the design of high-performance structures in power electronics.
This Teaching Unit will serve as a support for Master 2 projects.
Modeling and Sizing of a Synchronous Actuator
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
To reduce our CO2 emissions, key transport industries (automotive, aeronautics, etc.) are seeking to develop innovative travel solutions. Most of these solutions are electric, and these electric motors are mainly made from synchronous motors.
This Teaching Unit will:
- To provide students with the scientific and technological knowledge to model and size a synchronous actuator for specific applications related to the fields of electric propulsion.
- To provide the theoretical knowledge necessary to understand the physical phenomena intrinsic to the operation of synchronous motors (electromagnetic, electrical, thermal, mechanical).
- Define and study the different topologies, organizations of synchronous actuators (windings, rotors, etc.).
- Develop modeling methods to understand the control of a synchronous motor.
- Will present a method for sizing a synchronous actuator with magnets. It will associate this method with finite element software to verify this dimensioning.
- To provide knowledge in order to see the impact of such an actuator in the energy transition and on the environment.
Finally, the practical part will implement the measurement methods and techniques necessary for the study, the modeling of electromagnetic components and the control of synchronous motors. Application work where the measurements made are then exploited with scientific software (Excel, Matlab, femm...) will be used to apply the course. This theme may be proposed as a Master 2 project.
Operational Safety
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Dependability (SDF) is the science of failures. It is committed to predicting, measuring and, more broadly, controlling them. In this course, the approach and quantitative aspects of the SdF are taught.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Electronics Analog
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (SPLD, CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Free & Guided Propagation
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In order to be able to use waves, it is essential to understand how they propagate, whether in free space or in guided media such as microwave lines and guides, optical fibers. The study of free-space propagation allows you to precisely size your beams, whether to communicate over long distances with satellites, to propagate fast signals in electronic circuits, or to communicate at high speeds with optical fibers.
Physics of Electronic Components
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course progressively presents the main physical phenomena that allow us to understand the functioning of electronic components and their use in electronic circuits. The first part introduces the physics of semiconductor materials and then deals with the characteristics of equilibrium materials in the second part. The third part presents the main phenomena of electronic transport. Finally, the fourth and fifth parts present the most important electronic components: diodes and transistors.
Optical Communications
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module covers fiber optic telecommunications systems and networks, performance analysis, and improvement solutions.
Metrology & Instrumentation Photonics
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module describes the operating principles of photonics components, and studies their use for the realization of systems, instruments, sensors. Examples of instruments and sensors will be detailed, including interventions by researchers in the field.
Experimental and Numerical Practices in Photonics and Microwaves
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module, consisting of 100% practical work, deals with experimental and numerical practice in photonics at both the component and system scales, as well as simulations of photonic systems and microwave components using professional software.
Wireless transmission
7 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The fields covered by this module are vast, as they include both microwave bases such as adaptation or S parameters, as well as concrete applications up to the study of Electromagnetic Compatibility.
The themes are addressed in class and systematically illustrated by practical work.
Photonic & Microwave Transmitters & Receivers
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The program associated with this course provides students with an overview of photonic and microwave transmitters and receivers, from the physics of materials to the active component and its packaging. Microwave amplifiers and oscillators will be treated in parallel with optical and laser amplifiers, to highlight the obvious analogies between these two frequency domains. The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the operation and main characteristics of these active components, both optical and microwave, which are essential in the construction of telecoms systems, sensors, radar, etc.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Electronics Analog
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (SPLD, CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Free & Guided Propagation
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In order to be able to use waves, it is essential to understand how they propagate, whether in free space or in guided media such as microwave lines and guides, optical fibers. The study of free-space propagation allows you to precisely size your beams, whether to communicate over long distances with satellites, to propagate fast signals in electronic circuits, or to communicate at high speeds with optical fibers.
Physics of Electronic Components
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course progressively presents the main physical phenomena that allow us to understand the functioning of electronic components and their use in electronic circuits. The first part introduces the physics of semiconductor materials and then deals with the characteristics of equilibrium materials in the second part. The third part presents the main phenomena of electronic transport. Finally, the fourth and fifth parts present the most important electronic components: diodes and transistors.
Optical Communications
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module covers fiber optic telecommunications systems and networks, performance analysis, and improvement solutions.
Metrology & Instrumentation Photonics
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module describes the operating principles of photonics components, and studies their use for the realization of systems, instruments, sensors. Examples of instruments and sensors will be detailed, including interventions by researchers in the field.
Experimental and Numerical Practices in Photonics and Microwaves
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module, consisting of 100% practical work, deals with experimental and numerical practice in photonics at both the component and system scales, as well as simulations of photonic systems and microwave components using professional software.
Wireless transmission
7 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The fields covered by this module are vast, as they include both microwave bases such as adaptation or S parameters, as well as concrete applications up to the study of Electromagnetic Compatibility.
The themes are addressed in class and systematically illustrated by practical work.
Photonic & Microwave Transmitters & Receivers
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The program associated with this course provides students with an overview of photonic and microwave transmitters and receivers, from the physics of materials to the active component and its packaging. Microwave amplifiers and oscillators will be treated in parallel with optical and laser amplifiers, to highlight the obvious analogies between these two frequency domains. The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the operation and main characteristics of these active components, both optical and microwave, which are essential in the construction of telecoms systems, sensors, radar, etc.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Electronics Analog
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Image processing
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Nowadays, image processing is omnipresent in information technologies: medicine, biology, agriculture, entertainment, culture, measurement, mechanics...
Image processing consists of applying mathematical transformations to images in order to modify their appearance or extract information from them. More generally, image processing aims to manipulate the underlying information contained in an image. Although it has long been carried out using electronic circuits, image processing is nowadays carried out almost exclusively digitally, i.e. via algorithms generally programmed with an imperative language (C, C++, Java, Python, etc.).
This teaching unit aims to give a solid foundation in image processing. It addresses, among other things, image formation and acquisition, colorimetric transformations, morphological operations, geometric transformations, compression, frequency transformations, recognition and matching techniques, etc. and an introduction to deep learning methods. The courses are complemented by support videos.
The teaching unit is mainly composed of 11 didactic courses covering the basics in the main areas of image processing and 3 practical work sessions whose subjects are to be chosen from 6 proposals. Students can choose to carry out the work on images they bring corresponding to their field of training.
Introduction to Integrated Circuit Design
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Manufacturing processes
- Notion of technological stages
- Manufacturing masks
Analog circuit design :
- Basic CMOS cells
- CMOS amplifiers: 1-stage, 2-stage, 3-stage; advanced structures
- Electrical simulation of cells and AOPs
Digital circuit design :
- Simple logic gates - Complex ANDORI gates
- Domino logic
- Speed optimization
Physics of Electronic Components
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course progressively presents the main physical phenomena that allow us to understand the functioning of electronic components and their use in electronic circuits. The first part introduces the physics of semiconductor materials and then deals with the characteristics of equilibrium materials in the second part. The third part presents the main phenomena of electronic transport. Finally, the fourth and fifth parts present the most important electronic components: diodes and transistors.
Digital Integrated Circuits
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The design and manufacture of digital integrated circuits are among the biggest challenges facing the global technical industry. An example of this is the integrated circuits currently manufactured for the telephone industry. For the most advanced of them, it is possible to count no less than ten billion transistors. Managing such a mass of information requires the implementation of complex design methods and tools.
The current paradigm of design methods is based on the use of pre-characterized logic gate libraries. These libraries consider both the external environment such as the supply voltage (V) and the temperature (T) as well as the context of the manufacture of the circuits through the variability of the manufacturing process (P). It is only from the information contained in these that it will be possible to i) establish the performance in terms of frequency and consumption of the circuits being designed and ii) to guarantee a high manufacturing efficiency. All of these constraints, known as "PVT", are taken into account through a design method known as the CORNERS method.
Advanced Programming & Artificial Intelligence
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Advanced programming
- object-oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- learning: state of the art, issues, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- generations 1 2 and 3 of neural networks (spike technologies, etc.)
- neural network learning
- convolutional neural networks
- reinforcement learning
- genetic algorithms
Practical work
- Setting up a logic simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) then integration (in ROS) of robotics algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advanced Programming
- object oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning: State of art, problems, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- Neural networks generations 1, 2 and 3 (spike technologies, etc)
- Convolutional neural networks
- Reinforcement learning
- Genetic Algorithms
Laboratory Practicals
- Implementation of a logical simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) and integration (in ROS) of robotic algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
Hardware-based digital security
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Objectives and challenges of physical security
- Symmetric encryption (DES, AES) and associated microelectronic architectures
- Modular Computing and Large Number Multiplication
- Asymmetric encryption (RSA) and associated microelectronic architectures
- Authentication principle
- Random Number Generation
- Hidden Channel Attacks
- Foul attacks
Analog Integrated Circuits
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The first sessions of the course are devoted to the reminders of large and small signal transistor models as well as to the techniques of small-signal modeling of elementary analog integrated circuits. The second part is devoted to the description of the basic blocks whose interconnection allows the realization of analog integrated circuits: current/voltage reference, mirrors and current sources, amplifiers with active load to a transistor, differential pair. The fundamentals of CMOS amplifier design are discussed in Part Three. The focus is on the performance-sizing linkage of transistors as part of the design of a two-stage Miller amplifier. Some advanced amplifier architectures are presented at the end of the course in order to highlight the interest of mastering the basic blocks.
SoC / Embedded Architecture
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers a wide range of knowledge from the foundations of Boolean logic to Systems-on-Chips (SoC) architecture, logical synthesis flows, processor architecture, and the basics of embedded software. VHDL, a material description language, also occupies an important place in this UE and will be studied in class and used in practical work, as well as in the framework of an "Embedded Systems" project.
This course covers a wide range of topics ranging from fundamentals of Boolean logic to digital SoC (Systems-on-Chips) architecture, including digital design flows, computer architecture and embedded software basics. VHDL will be studied in this lecture, for both logic synthesis and modelling / simulation purposes. Labs include hands-on VHDL exercices (design of a simple stack processor), and an "Embedded system" student project makes it possible to deepen knowledge in the area.
Testing and Reliability of Integrated Circuits and Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Digital integrated circuit testing.
- Fault patterns.
- Generation of test vectors.
- Design for Testing (DFT).
- Standalone Integrated Testing (BIST).
- Testing of Analog Integrated Circuits.
- Industrial testing (functional and parametric tests, characterization).
Radiation and Reliability of Electronics for Transportation, Aerospace and Nuclear
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiation environments, large quantities, and the interaction between radiation and matter
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand testing methods
- Understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, press area, nuclear dismantling, etc.
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiative environments, important quantities and radiation matter interaction
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand test methods
- understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, newspace, nuclear dismantling, ...
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Electronics Analog
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Image processing
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Nowadays, image processing is omnipresent in information technologies: medicine, biology, agriculture, entertainment, culture, measurement, mechanics...
Image processing consists of applying mathematical transformations to images in order to modify their appearance or extract information from them. More generally, image processing aims to manipulate the underlying information contained in an image. Although it has long been carried out using electronic circuits, image processing is nowadays carried out almost exclusively digitally, i.e. via algorithms generally programmed with an imperative language (C, C++, Java, Python, etc.).
This teaching unit aims to give a solid foundation in image processing. It addresses, among other things, image formation and acquisition, colorimetric transformations, morphological operations, geometric transformations, compression, frequency transformations, recognition and matching techniques, etc. and an introduction to deep learning methods. The courses are complemented by support videos.
The teaching unit is mainly composed of 11 didactic courses covering the basics in the main areas of image processing and 3 practical work sessions whose subjects are to be chosen from 6 proposals. Students can choose to carry out the work on images they bring corresponding to their field of training.
Introduction to Integrated Circuit Design
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Manufacturing processes
- Notion of technological stages
- Manufacturing masks
Analog circuit design :
- Basic CMOS cells
- CMOS amplifiers: 1-stage, 2-stage, 3-stage; advanced structures
- Electrical simulation of cells and AOPs
Digital circuit design :
- Simple logic gates - Complex ANDORI gates
- Domino logic
- Speed optimization
Physics of Electronic Components
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course progressively presents the main physical phenomena that allow us to understand the functioning of electronic components and their use in electronic circuits. The first part introduces the physics of semiconductor materials and then deals with the characteristics of equilibrium materials in the second part. The third part presents the main phenomena of electronic transport. Finally, the fourth and fifth parts present the most important electronic components: diodes and transistors.
Digital Integrated Circuits
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The design and manufacture of digital integrated circuits are among the biggest challenges facing the global technical industry. An example of this is the integrated circuits currently manufactured for the telephone industry. For the most advanced of them, it is possible to count no less than ten billion transistors. Managing such a mass of information requires the implementation of complex design methods and tools.
The current paradigm of design methods is based on the use of pre-characterized logic gate libraries. These libraries consider both the external environment such as the supply voltage (V) and the temperature (T) as well as the context of the manufacture of the circuits through the variability of the manufacturing process (P). It is only from the information contained in these that it will be possible to i) establish the performance in terms of frequency and consumption of the circuits being designed and ii) to guarantee a high manufacturing efficiency. All of these constraints, known as "PVT", are taken into account through a design method known as the CORNERS method.
Advanced Programming & Artificial Intelligence
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Advanced programming
- object-oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- learning: state of the art, issues, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- generations 1 2 and 3 of neural networks (spike technologies, etc.)
- neural network learning
- convolutional neural networks
- reinforcement learning
- genetic algorithms
Practical work
- Setting up a logic simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) then integration (in ROS) of robotics algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advanced Programming
- object oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning: State of art, problems, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- Neural networks generations 1, 2 and 3 (spike technologies, etc)
- Convolutional neural networks
- Reinforcement learning
- Genetic Algorithms
Laboratory Practicals
- Implementation of a logical simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) and integration (in ROS) of robotic algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
Hardware-based digital security
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Objectives and challenges of physical security
- Symmetric encryption (DES, AES) and associated microelectronic architectures
- Modular Computing and Large Number Multiplication
- Asymmetric encryption (RSA) and associated microelectronic architectures
- Authentication principle
- Random Number Generation
- Hidden Channel Attacks
- Foul attacks
Analog Integrated Circuits
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The first sessions of the course are devoted to the reminders of large and small signal transistor models as well as to the techniques of small-signal modeling of elementary analog integrated circuits. The second part is devoted to the description of the basic blocks whose interconnection allows the realization of analog integrated circuits: current/voltage reference, mirrors and current sources, amplifiers with active load to a transistor, differential pair. The fundamentals of CMOS amplifier design are discussed in Part Three. The focus is on the performance-sizing linkage of transistors as part of the design of a two-stage Miller amplifier. Some advanced amplifier architectures are presented at the end of the course in order to highlight the interest of mastering the basic blocks.
SoC / Embedded Architecture
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers a wide range of knowledge from the foundations of Boolean logic to Systems-on-Chips (SoC) architecture, logical synthesis flows, processor architecture, and the basics of embedded software. VHDL, a material description language, also occupies an important place in this UE and will be studied in class and used in practical work, as well as in the framework of an "Embedded Systems" project.
This course covers a wide range of topics ranging from fundamentals of Boolean logic to digital SoC (Systems-on-Chips) architecture, including digital design flows, computer architecture and embedded software basics. VHDL will be studied in this lecture, for both logic synthesis and modelling / simulation purposes. Labs include hands-on VHDL exercices (design of a simple stack processor), and an "Embedded system" student project makes it possible to deepen knowledge in the area.
Testing and Reliability of Integrated Circuits and Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Digital integrated circuit testing.
- Fault patterns.
- Generation of test vectors.
- Design for Testing (DFT).
- Standalone Integrated Testing (BIST).
- Testing of Analog Integrated Circuits.
- Industrial testing (functional and parametric tests, characterization).
Radiation and Reliability of Electronics for Transportation, Aerospace and Nuclear
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiation environments, large quantities, and the interaction between radiation and matter
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand testing methods
- Understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, press area, nuclear dismantling, etc.
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiative environments, important quantities and radiation matter interaction
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand test methods
- understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, newspace, nuclear dismantling, ...
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Electronics Analog
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Image processing
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Nowadays, image processing is omnipresent in information technologies: medicine, biology, agriculture, entertainment, culture, measurement, mechanics...
Image processing consists of applying mathematical transformations to images in order to modify their appearance or extract information from them. More generally, image processing aims to manipulate the underlying information contained in an image. Although it has long been carried out using electronic circuits, image processing is nowadays carried out almost exclusively digitally, i.e. via algorithms generally programmed with an imperative language (C, C++, Java, Python, etc.).
This teaching unit aims to give a solid foundation in image processing. It addresses, among other things, image formation and acquisition, colorimetric transformations, morphological operations, geometric transformations, compression, frequency transformations, recognition and matching techniques, etc. and an introduction to deep learning methods. The courses are complemented by support videos.
The teaching unit is mainly composed of 11 didactic courses covering the basics in the main areas of image processing and 3 practical work sessions whose subjects are to be chosen from 6 proposals. Students can choose to carry out the work on images they bring corresponding to their field of training.
Programming Tools for Robotics
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Introduction to the Git version control system
- Introduction to ROS Middleware for Robotics Applications
- Modularization of a robotic application
Practical work: Implementation of a ROS application, test on simulator and verification on real robot
Robotics Basics
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Introduction to robotics: history, type of robots, series and parallel mechanisms, applications
- Components (sensors and actuators)
- Trajectory generation (in the articular and operational spaces)
- Direct/Inverse Geometric Models, Direct/Inverse Kinematics Model
- Kinematic control and singularities
- Issues and applications in mobile robotics
- Non-holonomic models: unicycle, bicycle, car
- Sensors and odometry
- Distance finder and data fusion location (Kalman filter)
- Mapping (homogeneous transformations and KPIs)
- Navigation (installation regulation, path tracking)
Practical work: implementation of the skills on a real robot (either manipulator arm or wheeled robot), ROS programming with git and python.
Advanced Programming & Artificial Intelligence
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Advanced programming
- object-oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- learning: state of the art, issues, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- generations 1 2 and 3 of neural networks (spike technologies, etc.)
- neural network learning
- convolutional neural networks
- reinforcement learning
- genetic algorithms
Practical work
- Setting up a logic simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) then integration (in ROS) of robotics algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advanced Programming
- object oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning: State of art, problems, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- Neural networks generations 1, 2 and 3 (spike technologies, etc)
- Convolutional neural networks
- Reinforcement learning
- Genetic Algorithms
Laboratory Practicals
- Implementation of a logical simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) and integration (in ROS) of robotic algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
Optimization & Embedded Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Linear optimization
- Nonlinear optimization (gradient method, optimal-step gradient, Lagrange multipliers)
- Optimization applied to robotics (optimal control based on quadratic programming under linear constraints)
Embedded systems
- Architectures de Harvard & de Von Neumann
- Knowledge and implementation of the main features of a microcontroller
- Choice and sizing of an embedded programming solution in relation to a given need
- C programming of a Raspberry Pi board
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Linear optimization
- Non-linear optimization (gradient descent, Lagrange multipliers)
- Applying optimisation in robotics (optimal control based on quadratic programming under linear constraints)
Embedded Systems
- Harvard & Von Neumann Architectures
- Knowledge and implementation of the main functions of a microcontroler
- Choice and implementation of an embedded programming solution adapted to given design specifications
- C Programming on a Raspberry Pi
Applied Robotics
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers a range of robotics themes, ranging from the micro to macro scale, including micro manipulators, cable, surgical, submarine, flying, humanoid robots and teleoperation, virtual and augmented reality as well as operational safety. The content of each theme is detailed below. Mini projects on the above-mentioned themes will be carried out to deepen the basics taught using both simulation software and real robots.
Micro-robotics: Microrobotics concerns the design, modeling and control of miniaturized robotic systems to perform manipulation tasks on objects of size between 1μm and 1mm. The fields of application include all areas that require high precision (assembly of mechanical, electronic or optical microsystems, micro-surgery, etc.). At these dimensional scales, robots cannot be made by simple homothetic miniaturization of conventional robots. New robot concepts and actuation principles are to be used. This course is an introduction to microrobotics and introduces the essential concepts of scale, microworld physics, deformable and flexible robotics and micro-actuators.
Surgical Robotics: The objective of this course is to give students an introduction to the field of surgical robotics. The aim is to be able to understand the needs expressed by clinicians and to show through a few examples the approach that has made it possible to design and build robots used for surgical procedures. Some design elements as well as some control architectures will be mentioned, insisting on the need to guarantee the safety of the patient and the medical team.
Underwater and flying robots: Mobile robotics dedicated to aerial and underwater environments is based on specificities that will be introduced in this course. Current solutions and problems that are still open will be presented. Issues related to modeling and nonlinear controls applied to under/iso/over-actuated systems will be addressed.
Humanoid robotics: This will present the advanced geometric modeling and kinematic methods for tree robotic structures such as humanoid robots. Basic notions will also be presented on the center of mass, the center of pressure, the ZMP, static stability, dynamic stability. A study on bipedal gait control will be carried out including gait models, trajectory generation and ZMP/COM control as well as dynamic stabilization of the robot. The second part of the course will focus on the kinematic control of highly redundant structures (underdetermined system of type Ax=b) by the use of methods based on optimization techniques (LP, QP) under constraints as well as on hierarchical control based on techniques of projection in zero space or task hierarchy based on hierarchies of QP or LP.
Parallel Cable Robots: This course introduces the principle of Parallel Cable Robots (CPRs) followed by a state-of-the-art including application examples, CPR demonstrators and commercial PCRs. Geometric, kinematic and dynamic models of the RPCs are then developed. Based on these templates, the different types of RPCs, several definitions of their workspace, the main concepts useful for their design as well as simple methods of ordering will finally be presented.
Virtual and augmented reality: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) techniques consist of the interactive simulation of a 3D universe, in which the user is immersed. This simulation is generally essentially visual in nature, however it can also include other perceptual information, through several sensory modalities: spatialized sound, haptic or effort feedback, somatosensory approach, etc. This course is an introduction to the different techniques used in VR/AR systems: we will deal with the main 3D synthesis libraries (OpenGL, Vulkan), the peripherals existing on the market, the basics of physics engines as well as the techniques used to locate the user and estimate his point of view in real time.
Reliability and operational safety: This course focuses on the reliability of a robotic system, particularly in the operational phase. When a robot operates in a complex and partially unfamiliar environment, unforeseen events can occur that the system will have to react to if it wants to ensure its own safety and that of its environment. This course will introduce the basic notions of dependability, and present examples of reliability mechanisms applied to mobile robotics.
Teleoperation: This part covers a brief introduction to the history of teleoperation development, modeling of teleoperation components, and their schematics. The criteria for evaluating performance in teleoperation are defined. Performance analysis and control design methods are also introduced. The course provides the applications of teleoperation in the field of surgical robotics as well as the open questions and remaining challenges to be solved.
This teaching unit covers a set of specialities in robotics, ranging from micro to macro scales, including micro manipulation, surgical, sub-marine, flying, humanoid and cable-driven robots passing through teleoperation, virtual and augmented reality as well as operational safety. The content of each sub-unit is detailed hereafter. Projects on the mentioned topics will be carried out to deepen the thought basics using both simulation softwares and real robots.
Micro-robotics: Micro-robotics concerns the design, modelling and control of miniaturized robotic systems able to perform handling tasks on objects between 1μm and 1mm in size. Application fields include all areas requiring high precision (assembly of mechanical, electronic or optical microsystems, microsurgery, etc.). At these scales, robots cannot be fabricated by simple homothetic miniaturization of conventional robots. New robot concepts and new actuating principles must be used. This course is an introduction to micro-robotics and presents the essential concepts of scale effect, physics of the micro-world, deformable and flexible robotics and micro-actuators.
Surgical robotics: The objective of this sub-unit is to give students an introduction to the field of surgical robotics. It is about being able to understand the needs expressed by clinicians and to show, through few examples, the process that allowed the development of robots used for surgical procedures. Some design elements as well as some control architectures will be discussed, emphasizing the need to ensure the safety of the patient and the medical team.
Sub-marine and flying robots: The specificities of underwater and aerial robotics will be presented. Current solutions and open issues will be exposed. The basic elements required by the control design for this type of vehicles, from modelling to nonlinear control techniques, will be addressed, according to the under/iso/over actuation property of the systems.
Humanoid robotics: This sub-unit concerns advanced kinematic and differential kinematics modelling methods for humanoid robots. Basics on the centre of mass (COM), the centre of pressure, the zero-moment point (ZMP), static stability and dynamic stability are addressed. A study on biped gait control will be carried out including gait models, trajectory generation and ZMP / COM control as well as dynamic stabilization of the robot. The second part of the sub-unit is focused on the differential kinematic control of very redundant structures (underdetermined system of type Ax = b) by the use of methods based on optimization techniques (LP, QP) under constraints as well as on the hierarchical control based on the projection in the null space or tasks hierarchy based on QP or LP hierarchies.
Cable-driven parallel robots: This sub-unit presents the basic principle of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) followed by a state of the art including application examples, CDPR demonstrators and commercial CPPRs. Geometric, kinematic and dynamic models of CDPRs are then developed. Based on these models, the different types of CDPRs, several definitions of their workspace, the main concepts useful for their design as well as simple control strategies will finally be presented.
Virtual and Augmented Reality: AR and VR consist in providing the user with an interactive simulation of a 3D world, where one can simulate physics, but also enhance it with additional data visualization. This simulation is usually mostly a graphical one, but it can also include other perceptual information across multiple sensory modalities: spatialized sound, haptics, somatosensory, etc. This course is an introduction to the different techniques involved when creating an AR/VR system. We will address the current 3D technologies (OpenGL, Vulkan), the devices available, the basics of physical engines, and the localisation and vision techniques used to track the user movements in real time and compute his point of view.
Operational safety of robots: This part concerns the reliability of robotic systems, mainly in the operational phase. When a robot moves in a complex and partially unknown environment, unforeseen events can occur. The system must react to these events to ensure its own safety and that of its environment. This course will introduce the basic notions of dependability, and will present examples of safety mechanisms applied to mobile robotics.
Teleoperation: This part covers a brief introduction of the development history, the typical structures of teleoperation schemes and the modelling of teleoperation components. Based on the system modelling, the teleoperation performance evaluation criteria are defined and accordingly the performance analysis and control design methods are introduced. The course also provides the applications of teleoperation in the field of robotic surgery as well as the open issues and challenges existing in practical implementation.
Perception for Robotics
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The purpose of this teaching unit is the study and implementation of perception systems for mobile robots, manipulative robots, humanoids, etc. The teaching is based on the proprioceptive and exteroceptive perception systems with a strong focus on vision systems. In the lectures, the general principles of perception and the functioning of the most widely used sensors (cameras, projectors, distance and position sensors, etc.) are presented. A series of practical work accompanies this teaching in the form of a long project punctuated by sub-goals addressing different parts of the course.
This course presents the perception systems commonly used on all types of robots (e.g., mobile robots, manipulators, humanoids). The course presents proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors with a focus on vision. We start by introducing the general principles of perception, and then explain the modeling and working principle of the main robot sensors: monocular cameras, stereo cameras, distance position and movement sensors, etc. The lab practicals consist of a robotic project with sub-goals addressing the various steps of the course.
Handling Robotics
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the techniques and tools required for kinematic and dynamic modeling and control for handling robotics. Teaching is structured around the following four axes:
1) Robot manipulator modeling: homogeneous transformations, direct and inverse geometric models, kinematic modeling, singularity studies
2) Introduction to the dynamics of robot manipulators: Euler-Lagrange formalism, Newton-Euler formalism, algorithms for calculating dynamics
3) Joint and operational control in free space
4) Motion control in constrained space: interaction models and compliance, position/force control, impedance and admittance control, motion generation, application examples.
Several examples of all these techniques will be covered in tutorials and practical work using MATLAB/V-REP tools on various handling robots (6-axis and 7-axis robots) and also on a real-life humanoid robot "Poppy".
This teaching unit covers the techniques and tools necessary for kinematic and dynamic modelling and the control of robot manipulators. The provided lectures are structured around the following four axes:
1) Modelling of robot manipulators: homogeneous transformations, direct and inverse kinematic models, differential kinematic modelling, study of singularities
2) Introduction to the dynamics of robot manipulators: Euler-Lagrange formalism, Newton-Euler formalism, algorithms for the computation of dynamics
3) Joint space and operational space controls in free space
4) Control of movements in constrained space: interaction and compliance models, hybrid position/force control, impedance and admittance control, generation of movement, application examples.
Several examples of all of these techniques will be treated in supervised works and practices using MATLAB / V-REP tools on different manipulation robots (6 and 7 axis robots) and also on a real humanoid robot "Poppy".
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Electronics Analog
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Image processing
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Nowadays, image processing is omnipresent in information technologies: medicine, biology, agriculture, entertainment, culture, measurement, mechanics...
Image processing consists of applying mathematical transformations to images in order to modify their appearance or extract information from them. More generally, image processing aims to manipulate the underlying information contained in an image. Although it has long been carried out using electronic circuits, image processing is nowadays carried out almost exclusively digitally, i.e. via algorithms generally programmed with an imperative language (C, C++, Java, Python, etc.).
This teaching unit aims to give a solid foundation in image processing. It addresses, among other things, image formation and acquisition, colorimetric transformations, morphological operations, geometric transformations, compression, frequency transformations, recognition and matching techniques, etc. and an introduction to deep learning methods. The courses are complemented by support videos.
The teaching unit is mainly composed of 11 didactic courses covering the basics in the main areas of image processing and 3 practical work sessions whose subjects are to be chosen from 6 proposals. Students can choose to carry out the work on images they bring corresponding to their field of training.
Programming Tools for Robotics
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Introduction to the Git version control system
- Introduction to ROS Middleware for Robotics Applications
- Modularization of a robotic application
Practical work: Implementation of a ROS application, test on simulator and verification on real robot
Robotics Basics
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Introduction to robotics: history, type of robots, series and parallel mechanisms, applications
- Components (sensors and actuators)
- Trajectory generation (in the articular and operational spaces)
- Direct/Inverse Geometric Models, Direct/Inverse Kinematics Model
- Kinematic control and singularities
- Issues and applications in mobile robotics
- Non-holonomic models: unicycle, bicycle, car
- Sensors and odometry
- Distance finder and data fusion location (Kalman filter)
- Mapping (homogeneous transformations and KPIs)
- Navigation (installation regulation, path tracking)
Practical work: implementation of the skills on a real robot (either manipulator arm or wheeled robot), ROS programming with git and python.
Advanced Programming & Artificial Intelligence
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Advanced programming
- object-oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- learning: state of the art, issues, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- generations 1 2 and 3 of neural networks (spike technologies, etc.)
- neural network learning
- convolutional neural networks
- reinforcement learning
- genetic algorithms
Practical work
- Setting up a logic simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) then integration (in ROS) of robotics algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advanced Programming
- object oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning: State of art, problems, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- Neural networks generations 1, 2 and 3 (spike technologies, etc)
- Convolutional neural networks
- Reinforcement learning
- Genetic Algorithms
Laboratory Practicals
- Implementation of a logical simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) and integration (in ROS) of robotic algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
Optimization & Embedded Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Linear optimization
- Nonlinear optimization (gradient method, optimal-step gradient, Lagrange multipliers)
- Optimization applied to robotics (optimal control based on quadratic programming under linear constraints)
Embedded systems
- Architectures de Harvard & de Von Neumann
- Knowledge and implementation of the main features of a microcontroller
- Choice and sizing of an embedded programming solution in relation to a given need
- C programming of a Raspberry Pi board
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Linear optimization
- Non-linear optimization (gradient descent, Lagrange multipliers)
- Applying optimisation in robotics (optimal control based on quadratic programming under linear constraints)
Embedded Systems
- Harvard & Von Neumann Architectures
- Knowledge and implementation of the main functions of a microcontroler
- Choice and implementation of an embedded programming solution adapted to given design specifications
- C Programming on a Raspberry Pi
Applied Robotics
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers a range of robotics themes, ranging from the micro to macro scale, including micro manipulators, cable, surgical, submarine, flying, humanoid robots and teleoperation, virtual and augmented reality as well as operational safety. The content of each theme is detailed below. Mini projects on the above-mentioned themes will be carried out to deepen the basics taught using both simulation software and real robots.
Micro-robotics: Microrobotics concerns the design, modeling and control of miniaturized robotic systems to perform manipulation tasks on objects of size between 1μm and 1mm. The fields of application include all areas that require high precision (assembly of mechanical, electronic or optical microsystems, micro-surgery, etc.). At these dimensional scales, robots cannot be made by simple homothetic miniaturization of conventional robots. New robot concepts and actuation principles are to be used. This course is an introduction to microrobotics and introduces the essential concepts of scale, microworld physics, deformable and flexible robotics and micro-actuators.
Surgical Robotics: The objective of this course is to give students an introduction to the field of surgical robotics. The aim is to be able to understand the needs expressed by clinicians and to show through a few examples the approach that has made it possible to design and build robots used for surgical procedures. Some design elements as well as some control architectures will be mentioned, insisting on the need to guarantee the safety of the patient and the medical team.
Underwater and flying robots: Mobile robotics dedicated to aerial and underwater environments is based on specificities that will be introduced in this course. Current solutions and problems that are still open will be presented. Issues related to modeling and nonlinear controls applied to under/iso/over-actuated systems will be addressed.
Humanoid robotics: This will present the advanced geometric modeling and kinematic methods for tree robotic structures such as humanoid robots. Basic notions will also be presented on the center of mass, the center of pressure, the ZMP, static stability, dynamic stability. A study on bipedal gait control will be carried out including gait models, trajectory generation and ZMP/COM control as well as dynamic stabilization of the robot. The second part of the course will focus on the kinematic control of highly redundant structures (underdetermined system of type Ax=b) by the use of methods based on optimization techniques (LP, QP) under constraints as well as on hierarchical control based on techniques of projection in zero space or task hierarchy based on hierarchies of QP or LP.
Parallel Cable Robots: This course introduces the principle of Parallel Cable Robots (CPRs) followed by a state-of-the-art including application examples, CPR demonstrators and commercial PCRs. Geometric, kinematic and dynamic models of the RPCs are then developed. Based on these templates, the different types of RPCs, several definitions of their workspace, the main concepts useful for their design as well as simple methods of ordering will finally be presented.
Virtual and augmented reality: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) techniques consist of the interactive simulation of a 3D universe, in which the user is immersed. This simulation is generally essentially visual in nature, however it can also include other perceptual information, through several sensory modalities: spatialized sound, haptic or effort feedback, somatosensory approach, etc. This course is an introduction to the different techniques used in VR/AR systems: we will deal with the main 3D synthesis libraries (OpenGL, Vulkan), the peripherals existing on the market, the basics of physics engines as well as the techniques used to locate the user and estimate his point of view in real time.
Reliability and operational safety: This course focuses on the reliability of a robotic system, particularly in the operational phase. When a robot operates in a complex and partially unfamiliar environment, unforeseen events can occur that the system will have to react to if it wants to ensure its own safety and that of its environment. This course will introduce the basic notions of dependability, and present examples of reliability mechanisms applied to mobile robotics.
Teleoperation: This part covers a brief introduction to the history of teleoperation development, modeling of teleoperation components, and their schematics. The criteria for evaluating performance in teleoperation are defined. Performance analysis and control design methods are also introduced. The course provides the applications of teleoperation in the field of surgical robotics as well as the open questions and remaining challenges to be solved.
This teaching unit covers a set of specialities in robotics, ranging from micro to macro scales, including micro manipulation, surgical, sub-marine, flying, humanoid and cable-driven robots passing through teleoperation, virtual and augmented reality as well as operational safety. The content of each sub-unit is detailed hereafter. Projects on the mentioned topics will be carried out to deepen the thought basics using both simulation softwares and real robots.
Micro-robotics: Micro-robotics concerns the design, modelling and control of miniaturized robotic systems able to perform handling tasks on objects between 1μm and 1mm in size. Application fields include all areas requiring high precision (assembly of mechanical, electronic or optical microsystems, microsurgery, etc.). At these scales, robots cannot be fabricated by simple homothetic miniaturization of conventional robots. New robot concepts and new actuating principles must be used. This course is an introduction to micro-robotics and presents the essential concepts of scale effect, physics of the micro-world, deformable and flexible robotics and micro-actuators.
Surgical robotics: The objective of this sub-unit is to give students an introduction to the field of surgical robotics. It is about being able to understand the needs expressed by clinicians and to show, through few examples, the process that allowed the development of robots used for surgical procedures. Some design elements as well as some control architectures will be discussed, emphasizing the need to ensure the safety of the patient and the medical team.
Sub-marine and flying robots: The specificities of underwater and aerial robotics will be presented. Current solutions and open issues will be exposed. The basic elements required by the control design for this type of vehicles, from modelling to nonlinear control techniques, will be addressed, according to the under/iso/over actuation property of the systems.
Humanoid robotics: This sub-unit concerns advanced kinematic and differential kinematics modelling methods for humanoid robots. Basics on the centre of mass (COM), the centre of pressure, the zero-moment point (ZMP), static stability and dynamic stability are addressed. A study on biped gait control will be carried out including gait models, trajectory generation and ZMP / COM control as well as dynamic stabilization of the robot. The second part of the sub-unit is focused on the differential kinematic control of very redundant structures (underdetermined system of type Ax = b) by the use of methods based on optimization techniques (LP, QP) under constraints as well as on the hierarchical control based on the projection in the null space or tasks hierarchy based on QP or LP hierarchies.
Cable-driven parallel robots: This sub-unit presents the basic principle of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) followed by a state of the art including application examples, CDPR demonstrators and commercial CPPRs. Geometric, kinematic and dynamic models of CDPRs are then developed. Based on these models, the different types of CDPRs, several definitions of their workspace, the main concepts useful for their design as well as simple control strategies will finally be presented.
Virtual and Augmented Reality: AR and VR consist in providing the user with an interactive simulation of a 3D world, where one can simulate physics, but also enhance it with additional data visualization. This simulation is usually mostly a graphical one, but it can also include other perceptual information across multiple sensory modalities: spatialized sound, haptics, somatosensory, etc. This course is an introduction to the different techniques involved when creating an AR/VR system. We will address the current 3D technologies (OpenGL, Vulkan), the devices available, the basics of physical engines, and the localisation and vision techniques used to track the user movements in real time and compute his point of view.
Operational safety of robots: This part concerns the reliability of robotic systems, mainly in the operational phase. When a robot moves in a complex and partially unknown environment, unforeseen events can occur. The system must react to these events to ensure its own safety and that of its environment. This course will introduce the basic notions of dependability, and will present examples of safety mechanisms applied to mobile robotics.
Teleoperation: This part covers a brief introduction of the development history, the typical structures of teleoperation schemes and the modelling of teleoperation components. Based on the system modelling, the teleoperation performance evaluation criteria are defined and accordingly the performance analysis and control design methods are introduced. The course also provides the applications of teleoperation in the field of robotic surgery as well as the open issues and challenges existing in practical implementation.
Perception for Robotics
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The purpose of this teaching unit is the study and implementation of perception systems for mobile robots, manipulative robots, humanoids, etc. The teaching is based on the proprioceptive and exteroceptive perception systems with a strong focus on vision systems. In the lectures, the general principles of perception and the functioning of the most widely used sensors (cameras, projectors, distance and position sensors, etc.) are presented. A series of practical work accompanies this teaching in the form of a long project punctuated by sub-goals addressing different parts of the course.
This course presents the perception systems commonly used on all types of robots (e.g., mobile robots, manipulators, humanoids). The course presents proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors with a focus on vision. We start by introducing the general principles of perception, and then explain the modeling and working principle of the main robot sensors: monocular cameras, stereo cameras, distance position and movement sensors, etc. The lab practicals consist of a robotic project with sub-goals addressing the various steps of the course.
Handling Robotics
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the techniques and tools required for kinematic and dynamic modeling and control for handling robotics. Teaching is structured around the following four axes:
1) Robot manipulator modeling: homogeneous transformations, direct and inverse geometric models, kinematic modeling, singularity studies
2) Introduction to the dynamics of robot manipulators: Euler-Lagrange formalism, Newton-Euler formalism, algorithms for calculating dynamics
3) Joint and operational control in free space
4) Motion control in constrained space: interaction models and compliance, position/force control, impedance and admittance control, motion generation, application examples.
Several examples of all these techniques will be covered in tutorials and practical work using MATLAB/V-REP tools on various handling robots (6-axis and 7-axis robots) and also on a real-life humanoid robot "Poppy".
This teaching unit covers the techniques and tools necessary for kinematic and dynamic modelling and the control of robot manipulators. The provided lectures are structured around the following four axes:
1) Modelling of robot manipulators: homogeneous transformations, direct and inverse kinematic models, differential kinematic modelling, study of singularities
2) Introduction to the dynamics of robot manipulators: Euler-Lagrange formalism, Newton-Euler formalism, algorithms for the computation of dynamics
3) Joint space and operational space controls in free space
4) Control of movements in constrained space: interaction and compliance models, hybrid position/force control, impedance and admittance control, generation of movement, application examples.
Several examples of all of these techniques will be treated in supervised works and practices using MATLAB / V-REP tools on different manipulation robots (6 and 7 axis robots) and also on a real humanoid robot "Poppy".
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Electronics Analog
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Option Choice
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Sensors and Electronics for Connected Objects
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Acquire the theoretical and practical bases in the field of sensors (vocabulary, definitions, constitution, implementation, instrumentation), but also on capacitive, inductive and resistive measurement. The application of these measurement techniques will be done on temperature, humidity, strain and displacement sensors. In addition, packaging electronics and the instrumental chain will be addressed, with a focus on wireless transmission through the technologies used in connected objects (Wifi, Bluetooth, BLE, Zigbee, Lora, RFID).
Introduction to Integrated Circuit Design
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Manufacturing processes
- Notion of technological stages
- Manufacturing masks
Analog circuit design :
- Basic CMOS cells
- CMOS amplifiers: 1-stage, 2-stage, 3-stage; advanced structures
- Electrical simulation of cells and AOPs
Digital circuit design :
- Simple logic gates - Complex ANDORI gates
- Domino logic
- Speed optimization
Physics of Electronic Components
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course progressively presents the main physical phenomena that allow us to understand the functioning of electronic components and their use in electronic circuits. The first part introduces the physics of semiconductor materials and then deals with the characteristics of equilibrium materials in the second part. The third part presents the main phenomena of electronic transport. Finally, the fourth and fifth parts present the most important electronic components: diodes and transistors.
Sensor Design Technology
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to sensor manufacturing methods, is structured around a technological project, carried out in pairs, whose progress will follow the progression of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The proposed projects will focus on the fabrication and characterization of elementary microsystems. The main fabrication and characterization techniques will be presented in lectures, and practical work will be carried out as the project progresses.
Sensors & Associated Systems
9 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Acquire the theoretical and practical foundations in the field of thermal, mechanical, acoustic and optical sensors. To set up these sensors within an automated instrumentation chain.
SoC / Embedded Architecture
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers a wide range of knowledge from the foundations of Boolean logic to Systems-on-Chips (SoC) architecture, logical synthesis flows, processor architecture, and the basics of embedded software. VHDL, a material description language, also occupies an important place in this UE and will be studied in class and used in practical work, as well as in the framework of an "Embedded Systems" project.
This course covers a wide range of topics ranging from fundamentals of Boolean logic to digital SoC (Systems-on-Chips) architecture, including digital design flows, computer architecture and embedded software basics. VHDL will be studied in this lecture, for both logic synthesis and modelling / simulation purposes. Labs include hands-on VHDL exercices (design of a simple stack processor), and an "Embedded system" student project makes it possible to deepen knowledge in the area.
Embedded Electronics and Communication
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is divided into three parts, including the IOT part which will be done by an industrialist in the field.
Wireless sensors
- Different types of wirelessly connected sensors,
- Reminder on communications
(Technologies, associated electronics, how to make a choice according to the specifications)
- RFID and sensors.
- Sensor networks
(General, physical layer and hardware architecture, example of the Internet of Things).
- A mini project will be proposed.
Internet of Things (IoT) part
- Description of connected objects
- Communication protocols: BLE, Lora, NB IoT, 5G
- IoT Electronic Architecture
- Consumption management
- Definition of antenna and range of systems
- Applications (autonomous car, smart building, digital factory)
LabVIEW Part
- Summary of LabVIEW Basics
- Project management, executable generation, advanced programming (events, execution speed, memory management, waveform manipulation, etc.)
- Advanced acquisition techniques, implementation of signal processing libraries
- Internet tools (mail, web, remote control, etc.), Matscript/Matlab
- IMAQ Vision (real-time image and video acquisition, image processing)
- LabVIEW embedded systems programming
Radiation and Reliability of Electronics for Transportation, Aerospace and Nuclear
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiation environments, large quantities, and the interaction between radiation and matter
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand testing methods
- Understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, press area, nuclear dismantling, etc.
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiative environments, important quantities and radiation matter interaction
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand test methods
- understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, newspace, nuclear dismantling, ...
Operational Safety
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Dependability (SDF) is the science of failures. It is committed to predicting, measuring and, more broadly, controlling them. In this course, the approach and quantitative aspects of the SdF are taught.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Automatic Mutivariable
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module will cover the following:
- Link transfer function and differential equation
- Continuous state representation and feedback (eigenvalues, stability)
- Representation and Sampled State Feedback
- Status feedback control without and with full loopback, LQR control
- State Observers
- Non-linear control with examples
Practical work: implementation of knowledge on real examples (e.g. electric motors), programming in python (numpy and control libraries).
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Electronics Analog
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- This teaching unit complements the basic training in analogue electronics with in-depth knowledge of signal filtering, amplification and modulation. This knowledge is essential for the understanding and realization of analog electronic systems in all fields of engineering sciences.
- Teaching is organized in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work opening the possibility of mini-projects.
Digital Electronics
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to the basics of digital electronics, is structured in an original way around a technical project, carried out individually or in pairs, the progress of which will follow the progress of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The main notions of digital electronics will be deepened through lectures and practical work may complement the theoretical aspects to guide the progress of the project.
Energy Conversion Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is made up of several parts, the first of which deals with the structures of the power electronics necessary to power an electronic system. The second will focus on the current or voltage regulation of these structures. A third part will focus on the conversion functions required to control MCC and DC Brushless actuators.
The last part presents actuator topologies for robotics and their implementation. The regulation of a DC motor and the self-pilot control of a synchronous motor will illustrate this last part.
Practical work will be carried out to observe the principle and implementation of regulated systems for electronics and actuators. This UE can be the support of the M1 project subjects.
Computer Engineering for the EEA
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Computer engineering is the discipline that deals with the design, development and manufacture of computer systems, both from a hardware and software point of view.
This discipline has become fundamental in engineering sciences, whether in electronics, robotics, signal processing, measurement, etc. due to the important role that the computer has taken in all these areas.
This module aims to lead students to develop computer code in a volume corresponding to the scale of a complete software. The amount of code associated with it naturally creates a need to structure the code to keep it viable, and the concepts associated with structuring the code will therefore be addressed or reinforced.
Teaching is therefore mainly organised around practical work and projects. The context largely concerns deep themes of the EEA: signal processing (acquisition chain), instrument interfacing, and data transmission via the Internet on an embedded Linux platform. The topic of event-based programming through the development of graphical interfaces will also be addressed. The languages serving as support will be Labview and Python. Portions of C/C++ can be used at the initiative of the students in the projects.
Logic Synthesis / VHDL
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Controller Summary.
- Robust synthesis and contingency management.
- Representation and synthesis of synchronous machines.
- Description/synthesis language.
- The basics of the VHDL language (entity, architecture, ...).
- Behavioral and structural descriptions.
- Simulation (Testbench).
- Reprogrammable circuits (CPLD, FPGA).
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability.
Option Choice
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship or End-of-Study Project
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The internship or end-of-study project must highlight the student's scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability:
- Internship of 2 to 3 months (maximum 5 months) to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company;
- or 3-month end-of-study project in a research laboratory or in a teaching project room.
Techniques de Communication
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description* :
1 - The aim is to allow students to understand the importance of a well-prepared application that is in line with an internship or job advertisement or in connection with the activities of a professional structure in the case of an unsolicited application; write CVs and cover letters; to know oneself better in terms of personality; use new technologies (social networks and job boards) and orient their research according to their professional project. Finally, to know how to prepare and behave during job interviews.
2 - It is a question of allowing students to write a scientific article following the completion of a project. To do this, they must know the objectives and characteristics, the plan to be applied, the different stages of implementation and the rules of presentation. Then, to present their project orally, students must know and be able to apply the general presentation structure; define appropriate and relevant visual aids; respect the rules of oral expression in order to express oneself correctly and in a professional manner (vocabulary, syntax, etc.); adopt behaviours that energize the discourse and allow you to hook your audience.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Sensors and Electronics for Connected Objects
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Acquire the theoretical and practical bases in the field of sensors (vocabulary, definitions, constitution, implementation, instrumentation), but also on capacitive, inductive and resistive measurement. The application of these measurement techniques will be done on temperature, humidity, strain and displacement sensors. In addition, packaging electronics and the instrumental chain will be addressed, with a focus on wireless transmission through the technologies used in connected objects (Wifi, Bluetooth, BLE, Zigbee, Lora, RFID).
Introduction to Integrated Circuit Design
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Manufacturing processes
- Notion of technological stages
- Manufacturing masks
Analog circuit design :
- Basic CMOS cells
- CMOS amplifiers: 1-stage, 2-stage, 3-stage; advanced structures
- Electrical simulation of cells and AOPs
Digital circuit design :
- Simple logic gates - Complex ANDORI gates
- Domino logic
- Speed optimization
Physics of Electronic Components
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course progressively presents the main physical phenomena that allow us to understand the functioning of electronic components and their use in electronic circuits. The first part introduces the physics of semiconductor materials and then deals with the characteristics of equilibrium materials in the second part. The third part presents the main phenomena of electronic transport. Finally, the fourth and fifth parts present the most important electronic components: diodes and transistors.
Sensor Design Technology
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to sensor manufacturing methods, is structured around a technological project, carried out in pairs, whose progress will follow the progression of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The proposed projects will focus on the fabrication and characterization of elementary microsystems. The main fabrication and characterization techniques will be presented in lectures, and practical work will be carried out as the project progresses.
Sensors & Associated Systems
9 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Acquire the theoretical and practical foundations in the field of thermal, mechanical, acoustic and optical sensors. To set up these sensors within an automated instrumentation chain.
SoC / Embedded Architecture
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers a wide range of knowledge from the foundations of Boolean logic to Systems-on-Chips (SoC) architecture, logical synthesis flows, processor architecture, and the basics of embedded software. VHDL, a material description language, also occupies an important place in this UE and will be studied in class and used in practical work, as well as in the framework of an "Embedded Systems" project.
This course covers a wide range of topics ranging from fundamentals of Boolean logic to digital SoC (Systems-on-Chips) architecture, including digital design flows, computer architecture and embedded software basics. VHDL will be studied in this lecture, for both logic synthesis and modelling / simulation purposes. Labs include hands-on VHDL exercices (design of a simple stack processor), and an "Embedded system" student project makes it possible to deepen knowledge in the area.
Embedded Electronics and Communication
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is divided into three parts, including the IOT part which will be done by an industrialist in the field.
Wireless sensors
- Different types of wirelessly connected sensors,
- Reminder on communications
(Technologies, associated electronics, how to make a choice according to the specifications)
- RFID and sensors.
- Sensor networks
(General, physical layer and hardware architecture, example of the Internet of Things).
- A mini project will be proposed.
Internet of Things (IoT) part
- Description of connected objects
- Communication protocols: BLE, Lora, NB IoT, 5G
- IoT Electronic Architecture
- Consumption management
- Definition of antenna and range of systems
- Applications (autonomous car, smart building, digital factory)
LabVIEW Part
- Summary of LabVIEW Basics
- Project management, executable generation, advanced programming (events, execution speed, memory management, waveform manipulation, etc.)
- Advanced acquisition techniques, implementation of signal processing libraries
- Internet tools (mail, web, remote control, etc.), Matscript/Matlab
- IMAQ Vision (real-time image and video acquisition, image processing)
- LabVIEW embedded systems programming
Radiation and Reliability of Electronics for Transportation, Aerospace and Nuclear
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiation environments, large quantities, and the interaction between radiation and matter
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand testing methods
- Understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, press area, nuclear dismantling, etc.
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiative environments, important quantities and radiation matter interaction
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand test methods
- understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, newspace, nuclear dismantling, ...
Operational Safety
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Dependability (SDF) is the science of failures. It is committed to predicting, measuring and, more broadly, controlling them. In this course, the approach and quantitative aspects of the SdF are taught.
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
Photonic & Microwave Transmitters & Receivers
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Sensors & Associated Systems
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Defusing quantitative bullshit
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Innovations in clinical biomarkers, biotechnologies for pers
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Medicine
Challenges in chemistry for health and environment
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Why democracy is hard?
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Law and Political Science
Mediterranean Terrestrial Ecosystems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Scientific openness to earth and water issues under global c
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Plant health 2.0: a global war
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
One health and eco-epidemiology
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Sustainable management basics
2 credits
Training structure
Montpellier Management
Hourly volume
Personal project: research project + English
10 credits
Training structure
Training and University Life
Research Project
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Law and Political Science
UE French as a foreign language
Training structure
Faculty of Law and Political Science
Electronics Analog
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Transversal training units IDIL
Study level
BAC +5
4 credits
Training structure
Training and University Life
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Training and University Life
30 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Signal processing
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course supplements basic training in signal processing with in-depth knowledge of deterministic or random digital signals. This knowledge is indispensable in all engineering sciences, as digital signal processing is currently used in the majority of applications.
The first part (10:30 h lecture, 6 h hands-on) covers the sampling and quantization of continuous signals, and the relationship between digital signals and the original continuous signal. We define the discrete Fourier transform of digital signals, its estimation and its use on real deterministic signals.
The second part of the course (9h Lecture, 4h30 TD, 3h TP) is dedicated to random signals and how the properties of certain random signals can be used either to reduce the random part of a signal whose deterministic part we wish to emphasize (filtering, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) or to improve the transmission of information or identify complex linearized systems.
Multidisciplinary team project
10 credits
Training structure
Training and University Life
Embedded Electronics and Communication
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Experimental and Digital Practices in Photonics and Hyponics
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Sensor Design Technology
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit, dedicated to sensor manufacturing methods, is structured around a technological project, carried out in pairs, whose progress will follow the progression of the associated courses.
Each project topic will be assigned at the beginning of the teaching unit.
The proposed projects will focus on the fabrication and characterization of elementary microsystems. The main fabrication and characterization techniques will be presented in lectures, and practical work will be carried out as the project progresses.
Wireless transmission
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Microwave components and noise (including optoelectronic noi
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Metrology & Instrumentation Photonics
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Transversal units 2B IDIL
4 credits
Training structure
Training and University Life
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Defusing quantitative bullshit
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Innovations in clinical biomarkers, biotechnologies for pers
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Medicine
Challenges in chemistry for health and environment
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Why democracy is hard?
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Law and Political Science
Mediterranean Terrestrial Ecosystems
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Scientific openness to earth and water issues under global c
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Plant health 2.0: a global war
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Sustainable management basics
2 credits
Training structure
Montpellier Management
Hourly volume
One health and eco-epidemiology
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
30 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
French as a Foreign Language
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Optical and ther sensors
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Entrepreneurship and digital innovation
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
SoC / Embedded Architecture
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers a wide range of knowledge from the foundations of Boolean logic to Systems-on-Chips (SoC) architecture, logical synthesis flows, processor architecture, and the basics of embedded software. VHDL, a material description language, also occupies an important place in this UE and will be studied in class and used in practical work, as well as in the framework of an "Embedded Systems" project.
This course covers a wide range of topics ranging from fundamentals of Boolean logic to digital SoC (Systems-on-Chips) architecture, including digital design flows, computer architecture and embedded software basics. VHDL will be studied in this lecture, for both logic synthesis and modelling / simulation purposes. Labs include hands-on VHDL exercices (design of a simple stack processor), and an "Embedded system" student project makes it possible to deepen knowledge in the area.
Acoustic sensors syst
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Industrial methods and tools for the qualification of
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Testing and Reliability of Integrated Circuits and Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Digital integrated circuit testing.
- Fault patterns.
- Generation of test vectors.
- Design for Testing (DFT).
- Standalone Integrated Testing (BIST).
- Testing of Analog Integrated Circuits.
- Industrial testing (functional and parametric tests, characterization).
Workshop #3: CERN:
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Embedded Electronics and Communication
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is divided into three parts, including the IOT part which will be done by an industrialist in the field.
Wireless sensors
- Different types of wirelessly connected sensors,
- Reminder on communications
(Technologies, associated electronics, how to make a choice according to the specifications)
- RFID and sensors.
- Sensor networks
(General, physical layer and hardware architecture, example of the Internet of Things).
- A mini project will be proposed.
Internet of Things (IoT) part
- Description of connected objects
- Communication protocols: BLE, Lora, NB IoT, 5G
- IoT Electronic Architecture
- Consumption management
- Definition of antenna and range of systems
- Applications (autonomous car, smart building, digital factory)
LabVIEW Part
- Summary of LabVIEW Basics
- Project management, executable generation, advanced programming (events, execution speed, memory management, waveform manipulation, etc.)
- Advanced acquisition techniques, implementation of signal processing libraries
- Internet tools (mail, web, remote control, etc.), Matscript/Matlab
- IMAQ Vision (real-time image and video acquisition, image processing)
- LabVIEW embedded systems programming
Radiation and Reliability of Electronics for Transportation, Aerospace and Nuclear
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiation environments, large quantities, and the interaction between radiation and matter
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand testing methods
- Understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, press area, nuclear dismantling, etc.
- Know the characteristics of space and avionics radiative environments, important quantities and radiation matter interaction
- Understand and evaluate the different effects of radiation on electronic components and systems.
- Know and understand test methods
- understand future industrial challenges: reliability of electric and autonomous vehicles, newspace, nuclear dismantling, ...
Target audience
Student with a bac+3 level diploma in electronics, applied physics, automation, mechatronics, computer science, electrical/electronic/mechanical engineering or applied mathematics.
It is a natural extension of the EEA Bachelor's degree and any other scientific and technological training in the fields of EEA.
Person in professional retraining in continuing education or work-study programs.
Person in vocational training, continuing education or work-study programs.
Foreign student with a bac+3 degree in science and technology.
Mandatory prerequisites
Candidates must have a solid academic background in the fields of digital/analog electronics, electrical engineering, power electronics, automation, computer science, industrial computing and signal processing.
Have a solid foundation in mathematics and physics.
Recommended prerequisites
Expected results
Success rate :
The success rate calculated on the LMD4 is about 87%.
And then
Further studies
After the M2, students who wish to do so can join a doctorate in an academic or industrial environment in a field close to the training that will take them to a bac+8 level.
Studying abroad
After the M2, students who wish to do so can join a doctorate in an academic or industrial environment in a field close to the training that will take them to a bac+8 level.
Bridges and reorientation
Possibility for a student with a year of Master 1 or a Master 2 in the field of EEA or applied physics to apply for a Master 2. His or her admission is subject to the pedagogical selection committee of the course.
A Master 1 student can be redirected to another course with the agreement of the course manager or another national course.
Professional integration
Students who have validated this course are offered two possibilities for professional integration.
- Access to industrial professions: path chosen by about 70% of a class. Numerous opportunities in the field of design and testing of microelectronic integrated circuits and systems: designer of embedded and heterogeneous systems, digital circuits, analog and mixed circuits, application engineer, product engineer.
- Access to research careers: R&D engineer or researcher for 30% of a class after further study.
Typical jobs available are:
- Project manager (studies).
- Senior Scientific Studies and Applied or Basic Research Executive.
- Senior executive of studies, research and development in industry.
- Business Manager.
- Teacher (if eligible for the agrégation competitions).
- Teacher-researcher (if master's degree followed by a doctorate).