• Target level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science, Faculty of Pharmacy


The Master's degree in Chemistry is offered by the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Science at the University of Montpellier. Our training is designed to meet the major challenges facing society and the expectations of industry in key chemistry-related sectors, while taking into account future developments.

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  • 93%

    Success rates

Training benefits

Habilitation LMD4, 2015-2019 :

  • Stable enrolment: average 264 students per year
  • Attractiveness: 43% of students are recruited from outside UM
  • Professional integration rate: 86% 6 months after graduation
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The Master's degree in Chemistry offers a multi-disciplinary training program enabling future graduates to acquire specific skills and knowledge in modern chemistry, with a view to entering the business world as managers or embarking on research activities through a doctorate.

Our training is structured around 7 M1 and M2 courses, namely :

  • Biomolecule chemistry
  • Theoretical chemistry and modeling
  • Cosmetics engineering
  • Flavor and fragrance engineering
  • Materials chemistry
  • Separative chemistry, materials and processes
  • Materials science

Our training offer is based on the nationally and internationally recognized scientific excellence of the research teams at the 4 Pôle Chimie Balard research institutes (Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron IBMM; Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier ICGM; Institut Européen des Membranes IEM; Institut de Chimie Séparative de Marcoule ICSM).

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Know-how and skills

The Master's program aims to provide skills in the latest developments in the design, synthesis, formulation and advanced characterization of organic and inorganic materials, biomolecules and flavors, fragrances and cosmetics. Our training offer also guarantees an understanding of the phenomena behind their activity in targeted applications.

To give our students the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of chemistry in line with local, national or international chemical activity, we offer a range of specialties enabling them to move into the following sectors:

  • Health
  • Sustainable development and the environment
  • Separative and nuclear chemistry
  • Biomolecules and life chemistry
  • Cosmetics, Flavors and Fragrances Engineering
  • Chemistry for product and process analysis and control
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Open on a sandwich basis

ICAP Cosmetics and ICAP Flavors and Fragrances offer a sandwich course starting in M1.

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Internships, tutored projects



Internship abroad


Each of the Chemistry Master's courses offers training supported by internships and/or tutored projects, in M1 and M2. More details are given on the associated course descriptions.

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The Master's degree in Chemistry is structured around 7 M1 and M2 courses.

Biomolecular chemistry. This course offers multidisciplinary training in organic chemistry with a focus on life sciences. Teaching focuses on the synthesis, characterization and study of the biological properties of essential biomolecules such as nucleosides, oligonucleotides, saccharides, peptides, proteins and biopolymers.

Theoretical chemistry and modeling. Theoretical chemistry and molecular modeling play an increasingly important role in chemistry, biochemistry, physics and materials science. This discipline of chemistry provides conceptual tools, qualitative models and quantitative data that enable theoretical chemists to contribute to the development of innovative, tailor-made chemical systems.

Cosmetics engineering. The aim of this program is to train future engineers specializing in the scientific fields of research and development for the cosmetics and well-being industries. Recruitment is subject to selection. This course is also open to dual graduates in "Management of Technologies and Sciences" (MTS) and "Information Systems Management" (MSI) from the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises de Montpellier (IAE, University of Montpellier).

Flavor and Fragrance Engineering. This 2-year, 4-semester program is offered in partnership with industry to train chemists specializing in the flavors and fragrances sector. From M1 onwards, the program is open to sandwich courses (apprenticeship or apprenticeship contract). Students wishing to do so can apply for a double degree in "Management of Technologies and Sciences" (MTS), with a specialization in "Information Systems Management" (MSI) from theIAE (UM). Applications for a double degree withIAE are subject to selection.

Materials chemistry. This pathway offers training to acquire skills in the chemistry of materials and their interfaces, for research or industrial sectors involved in sustainable development, energy, health and the environment. The course introduces the concepts and tools used in the design and development of various types of materials, their characterization and applications in the above-mentioned fields. The training received enables the integration of academic and industrial research.

Separative chemistry, materials and processes. This course introduces students to the concepts and tools used in solution chemistry, extraction and separation chemistry, elaboration and materials and process science, in the context of research and development activities, particularly in connection with the nuclear fuel cycle and the recycling of strategic metals.

Materials science. This course in materials science is part of an international partnership between partner universities, industry and research centers. The program delivers 120 ECTS credits, and courses are taught in English. It represents R&D in functional materials for energy storage and conversion, catalysis and thin films. It encourages industrial partners to access cutting-edge characterization supported by major instruments (neutron and synchrotron radiation).

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Select a program

Materials chemistry (MAT P1)

The "Chemistry of Materials" pathway offers students the opportunity to specialize or acquire new skills in the chemistry of materials and their interfaces for research or industrial sectors involved in sustainable development, energy, health and the environment. The course introduces students to the concepts and tools used in the design and development of various types of materials, their characterization and applications in the above-mentioned fields. The training received enables integration into both academic and industrial research.  

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Cosmetics engineering (ICAP P1)

The aim of the Cosmetics Engineering pathway is to train future engineers specializing in scientific fields relevant to research and development in the cosmetics and well-being industries.

Graduates join companies in France andabroad to fill executive positions in the main sectors of these industries. These include R&D managers, project managers, forecasting managers, evaluation managers, regulatory affairs managers, purchasing managers, quality control managers, production managers, project managers and more.

Graduates can go on to set up their own business.

The teaching structure of the Cosmetics Engineering pathway is designed to provide scientific training that will enable students to pursue their studies towards a doctorate.

A unique, high-level course, the Cosmetics Engineering program offers students who so wish a double diploma in "Management of Technologies and Sciences" (MTS), which is part of the "Management of Information Systems" (MSI) specialization of the Montpellier Institute of Business Administration(IAE) at the University of Montpellier.

The program is offered as an initial training course, with a 5-6 month internship per year, as well as a sandwich course. Recruitment is subject to selection.

Teaching is provided by academics and professionals from the industries concerned. The course draws on strong partnerships with numerous players in the cosmetics industry for teaching, internships and jobs, and is a member of cosmetics industry associations.

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Theoretical chemistry and modeling

Theoretical chemistry and molecular modeling play an increasingly important role in chemistry, biochemistry, physics and materials science. This discipline of chemistry provides conceptual tools, qualitative models and quantitative data that enable theoretical chemists to contribute to the development of innovative, tailor-made chemical systems.

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Biomolecular chemistry (BM)

The course offers multidisciplinary training in organic chemistry with a focus on life sciences. Teaching focuses on the synthesis, characterization and study of the biological properties of essential biomolecules (nucleosides, oligonucleotides, saccharides, peptides, proteins, biopolymers, etc.) ...


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Materials science exploiting large scale facilities - MaMaSELF (MAT P3)

The development of new technologies and materials plays an important key role in contributing to the technological and scientific competitiveness of highly industrialized countries worldwide. This places new and additional demands on scientists and engineers in these fields. This 2-year Master's degree in Materials Science is based on international partnerships developed in close symbiosis with partner universities, industry and research centers. The program awards 120 ECTS credits. It represents R&D in functional materials for energy storage and conversion, catalysis, thin films, etc. It offers Master's students excellent academic and industrial career opportunities in an international environment, with all courses taught in English. The program strongly encourages industrial partnerships, giving students access to cutting-edge materials characterization supported by large-scale neutron and synchrotron radiation instruments.

The development of new technologies and new materials plays an important key role contributing to the technological and scientific competitiveness of highly industrialized countries worldwide. This implies new and additional exigencies for scientists and scientific engineers in the field of scientific and industrial competitiveness. This 2-year Master Course in Materials Science is implemented in an international partnership with a teaching program delivering 120 ECTS units. It stands for the R&D of functional materials in the field of energy storage and transformation, catalysis, electro- and photocatalysis, thin films..., developed in a strong symbiosis between partner universities, industry and research centers. It offers excellent scientific and industrial career opportunities for Master Students in an international environment, while all lectures are given in English. It strongly supports industrial partners to get access to a state-of-the-art characterization of materials at large scale facilities with neutron and synchrotron radiation.

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Flavors & Fragrances (ICAP P2)

The ICAP Flavors and Fragrances Master's degree is a 2-year, 4-semester professional training program offered in partnership with industry, to train chemists in the highly-recruited flavors and fragrances sector.

From M1 onwards, the program is open to sandwich courses (apprenticeship or professionalization contract). Students wishing to do so may apply for a double degree in "Management of Technologies and Sciences (MTS)", which is part of the "Management Systèmes d'Informations (MSI)" specialization of the IAE "Institut d'Administration des Entreprises de Montpellier" of the University of Montpellier. Applications for a double degree with the IAE are subject to selection.

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Separative chemistry, materials and processes (MAT P2)

This pathway introduces students to the concepts and tools used in solution chemistry, extraction and separation chemistry, elaboration and materials and process science, in the context of research and development activities, particularly in connection with the nuclear fuel cycle and the recycling of strategic metals.

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IDIL - Chemistry for healthcare, protection and nutrition applications

The Inter Disciplinary - In Lab' project is the University of Montpellier's graduate program. Funded by the Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir 3, it responds to the call for projects "Structuration de la Formation par la Recherche dans les initiatives d'excellence" (SFRI).

The "Master in Chemistry for healthcare, protection and nutrition applications" course focuses on the essentials that guarantee humanity's very existence, and goes far beyond this by organizing the crucial aspects of a healthy, sustainable life in harmony with the environment. Chemistry lies at the heart of the vital concepts that sign, protect and nourish human beings. This course offers you a multi-disciplinary training in chemistry, enriched by biology and pharmaceutical sciences on the one hand, and chemical engineering and materials sciences on the other.

Examples of teaching units :

- Prodrugs and bioprecursors

- Nanotechnologies and multifunctional targering

- Chemobiology

See the complete page of this course

Membrane Engineering for Sustainable Development MESD

The Master in Membrane Engineering for Sustainable Development, MESD, offers an advanced training program in membrane science and engineering at the interface between materials science and chemical engineering, focusing on specific application areas: Energy, Food, Bio & Health, and Water.

See the complete page of this course


Target audience

M1 access: L3 in Chemistry, with specific variations depending on the course; more details on target audiences are given on the associated course descriptions. Selective recruitment is open nationally and internationally (via "études en France", Campus France).

M2 access - on application: M1 in chemistry, physical chemistry, physical and chemical sciences, process engineering, pharmacy, etc., depending on the course; more details on target audiences are given on the associated course descriptions.

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160 in M1

160 in M2

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Mandatory prerequisites

Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry/Biology, Physical and Chemical Sciences, Process Engineering, and other equivalent degrees.

Further details on prerequisites are given on the associated course descriptions.

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Recommended prerequisites


Where applicable, details of recommended prerequisites are given on the associated course descriptions.

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And then

Further studies

  • Doctoral thesis
  • Master's degree to acquire dual skills
  • IAE
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Studying abroad

  • Doctoral thesis
  • Master's degree to acquire dual skills
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Bridges and reorientation

Where applicable, details of gateways and reorientations are given on the associated course descriptions.


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Professional integration

To give students the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of chemistry in line with their career plans, a range of specialties are offered, enabling them to move into the following sectors of activity:

  • Health
  • Sustainable development and the environment
  • Separative and nuclear chemistry
  • Biomolecules and life chemistry
  • Cosmetics, Flavors and Fragrances Engineering
  • Chemistry for product and process analysis and control

The Master's degree in Chemistry gives access to careers as scientific managers in research, research/development, production or quality control, technical sales managers, etc.

By way of example, students trained in the various Chemistry Master's courses will be able to take up positions as :

- chemical engineer, materials chemist or process chemist in charge of production, analysis, quality control or project management;

- R&D engineer in a design office or in the chemical, pharmaceutical, healthcare, recycling, environmental or medical device industries;

- product application manager, process engineering designer manager, manufacturing manager, chemical analysis manager, analytical platform manager, process engineering specialist, industrial risk specialist;

- R&D or research scientist/engineer(following a doctorate for which this course provides preparation): conduct scientific studies and set up technological projects.

You can continue your studies at doctoral level, with a view to becoming a teacher-researcher, researcher, research engineer, etc.


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