60 credits
1 year
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Language(s) of instruction
The aim of this course, which only exists in Master 1, is to prepare students to enter a M2 Agrégation (i.e. preparation for the Physics-Chemistry Agrégation, physics option) at another university, or a Ecole Normale Supérieure.
From a pedagogical point of view, this course, like the others, is built around the fundamentals of modern physics. It covers quantum mechanics, radiation-matter interaction, second quantization, statistical physics, condensed matter, experimental training, fluid dynamics and the basics of astrophysics (see program below). It also includes a refresher course in chemistry.
The major difference with other courses is that "General Physics" encompasses all the generalist UEs in the master's program, and provides a relatively comprehensive grounding in modern physics. It therefore provides the foundations needed to prepare for the agrégation in physics. Instead of the specialized UEs of the other courses, it offers an experimental UE in Physics from the MEEF master's program (preparation for setups), in which students learn to set up experiments and present them. It also offers a Chemistry UE from the MEEF-Physics-Chemistry master's program, to bring students up to speed in preparation for the competitive examination.
Around 80%. 50% of graduates went on to prepare for the agrégation. 25% of graduates went on to prepare for the CAPES.
Success rates
The objectives of the master's degree are as follows:
- broaden the scope of physics knowledge.
- develop experimentation skills.
- guarantee a minimum level of chemistry.
- to enable each student to assess his or her own performance before embarking on the competitive examination for the agrégation in physics.
Know-how and skills
At the end of a successful Master 1, students have the following skills and competencies:
- Set up an experiment to illustrate a physical phenomenon.
- Know how to carry out a physical measurement with uncertainty in all areas of classical physics (electricity, optics, mechanics, thermodynamics, etc.), at undergraduate level.
- Present an experience orally.
- Know how to handle modern measuring equipment (laser interferometer, electron microscope, AFM, advanced electronics, ellipsometry).
- Formally solve a physics problem using mathematics.
- Know and be able to talk about the major physics theories: quantum physics, statistics, condensed matter, fluid physics, relativity.
Knowledge control groups together all the teaching units (UE) and their assessment procedures.
Special features
The Chemistry UE "Teaching Chemistry" in semester 1 is a major UE in the Physics-Chemistry MEEF master's program. It cannot be taken in its entirety, as the timetable is too full. This is not a problem, however, since the agrégation exam is only taken the following year, after a year of specific preparation. On the other hand, the assessment - for this UE - of "General Physics" students only covers the part of the program they have actually followed.
Internships, tutored projects
There are no internships or tutored projects in this program. The aim is not research, but the competitive teaching examination (agrégation or Capes).
This course only exists in Master 1, divided into 2 semesters.
Each semester comprises 30 ECTS and must be taken independently (there is no inter-semester compensation).
Students in this pathway share research training with students in the Physics master's program, and they share teaching training with students in the MEEF master's program.
Select a program
M1 - General Physics (PhysGen)
Teaching chemistry PFA
6 creditsAstrophysics
3 credits24hHydrodynamics
4 credits33hEnglish M1 PFA
2 credits21hAtoms, Molecules and Radiation
5 credits42hExperimental physics
5 credits42hCondensed matter physics 1
5 credits42h
Advanced quantum physics
6 credits49,5hStatistical physics
6 credits49,5hCondensed Matter Physics 2
5 credits42hPreparing for PFA physics fixtures
13 credits36h
How to register
Applications for M1 are made via the :
- "My Master" from the website: https: //
Target audience
The target audience is good physics and physics-chemistry undergraduates who want to pursue a career in teaching.
Mandatory prerequisites
A very good level of Physics or Physics-Chemistry is required.
Recommended prerequisites
Average grade above 12 in L3 and motivation for teaching.
And then
Further studies
Master's 2 courses prepare students for the agrégation in physics or the CAPES in physics and chemistry.
Bridges and reorientation
Reorientation possible in the Physics-Chemistry MEEF master's program and other courses in the Fundamental Physics and Applications master's program.