Health, Science

IBIS Therapeutic Engineering and Bioproduction in Biotechnology-Health

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



The IBIS pathway (Ingéniérie thérapeutique et Bioproduction en Biotechnologie santé - Red Biotechnologies) in the Health Biology specialization is designed to train students to create and produce the therapies of tomorrow, using biotechnology tools. Scientific advances in the understanding of human diseases are leading to healthcare innovations, most of which are being driven by biotech companies. The dynamism in France and worldwide in the creation of highly specialized companies with specific know-how must coincide with an evolution in the training courses leading to these new professions and skills.

These therapies are complex in nature and use.

ation, and obtaining them will therefore require multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary skills in biotechnology, which the IBIS pathway aims to meet. The IBIS course is based on the needs of the sector's industrialists, as identified in the report by Leem (the professional organization of pharmaceutical companies) "Plan compétences, Biotech/innovations, santé2020".

The aspects developed concern :

- Biotechnological tools for the discovery of innovative therapeutic molecules, whether biological (recombinant proteins and antibodies, cells) or chemical.

- The engineering of bioprocesses for the industrial production of these compounds will also be developed, as will their formulation and vectorization (nanobiotechnologies).

In addition, an opening towards agro-environmental (green and yellow), marine (blue) and industrial (white) biotechnologies will be offered through cross-disciplinary teaching units with other Masters programs. In addition, an agreement is planned with Polytech Montpellier to offer a double engineering/master's degree:

      - 2 students per year from Polytech Montpellier, GBA Biological and Food Engineering, to enter the health biotechnology sector (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.).

      - 2 students per year from the Biology-Health/IBIS Master's program to enter the agrifood and nutrition sector.

To sum up, the IBIS course is an innovative training program in the field of health biotechnologies, designed to meet the needs of the sector's industrialists, by offering applied, multi-disciplinary, practical and integrated teaching, aimed at students in science, pharmacy, engineering or continuing education.

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Training benefits

Innovative teaching methods

IBIS training will give pride of place to innovative teaching methods, in particular through project-based learning and real-life situations for students (fictitious projects, experimental projects, etc.). In this context, students will have access to Learning Labs and pilot-scale R§D bioproduction facilities. In addition to mobilizing, consolidating and building students' knowledge, this pedagogical approach will prepare them for their future careers, which require adaptability, creativity, teamwork, versatility, initiative and curiosity.

Learning English is an essential part of the IBIS curriculum, and is clearly identified by a dedicated UE in S2 of Master 1. In addition, several courses and projects will be conducted entirely in English.


A partnership has been set up with Polytech Montpellier to offer a double Engineering/Master's degree to 2 students per year from Polytech Montpellier Génie Biologique et Alimentaire GBA, in the Biotechnologies-Health sector (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.). Conversely, it will also be possible for 2 students from the Biology-Health/IBIS Master's program to access engineering training in the agri-food and nutrition sector.

The IBIS pedagogical project is supported for certain courses by the Mablmprove Labex (dedicated to the improvement of therapeutic antibodies). This Labex is designed to develop training in the field of therapeutic antibodies at national level. It will also give IBIS students access to internships in the field, the rewards for which will be paid for by the LabEx, which also intends to finance Cifre theses with companies focusing on therapeutic antibodies.

An exchange with Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI, MA, USA, has also been set up. This agreement will give two students access to an internship in biotechnology or bioinformatics in one of the host laboratories.

The academic research structures to which the teacher-researchers are attached could be potential locations for M1 internships for IBIS students. These structures belong to various clusters, such as the Rabelais Biology-Health cluster (IRCM, IRMB, INM, IGH, IGF), the BALARD Chemistry cluster (ICGM, IBMM) and the Agropolis International cluster (IATE, Qualisud).

IBIS students will have access to EMBnet (The Global Bioinformatics Network), a network of bioinformatics laboratories and companies.

We will also be able to draw on an industrial network , both from an educational point of view (professional presentations, site visits, etc.) and from a professional integration point of view (internships, professionalization contracts, future employers). Some examples of partner companies: Deinove, Protéus, LFB, Sanofi, Servier, SATT, Cisbio...

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At the end of the IBI training program, students will have mastered all the concepts required to create, produce, formulate and modify a biotechnology-based therapy, with a view to implementing personalized treatment for patients. The concepts acquired will apply not only to health biotechnologies, but also to other biotechnology fields (nutrition, cosmetology, agro-environment, etc.).

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Know-how and skills

Scientific knowledge

- Comic strategies

- High-throughput screening, drug design

- Production and engineering of biomedicines

- Immunotherapy and monoclonal antibodies

- Bioinformatics and systems biology

- Bioproduction strategy

- Cell banks

- Process Engineering

- Physical chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry

- Bioprocess development and monitoring (planning, scheduling, improving industrial performance)

- Biopharmaceuticals, nanobiotechnology

- Life cycle engineering (e.g. genetic and protein engineering)

Soft Skills

- Multi/interdisciplinary

- Transversality

- Project and team management

- Oral and written English

Knowledge of the environment

- Industrial property

- Risk management (biological and financial)

- Scientific and technological watch

- Ethics and regulations

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This course is co-sponsored by the Science and Pharmacy departments, offering students multidisciplinary training at the interface between pharmaceutical, biological and engineering sciences.

M1, a common base of knowledge in biotechnology and health :

M1 is designed to provide students with a common base of knowledge in biotechnology, whatever their previous training. With a view to multidisciplinarity and cross-disciplinarity, courses are dedicated to engineering sciences: functional genomics, statistics applied to biology, bioinformatics, immunotechnology and bioprocess engineering. A significant amount of teaching is also devoted to professionalization, with courses in scientific English and communication skills, and a long internship (minimum duration 4 to 5 months).

M2: a common foundation in innovation management, followed by a specialization in therapeutic engineering or biomanufacturing, open to apprenticeships:

M2 training is divided into Semester 1:

       - a core curriculum (10 ECTS) covering intellectual property, innovation management and financing, bioethics and project and risk management, with 3 teaching units (UE);

       - and a choice of 2 specialization blocks (20 ECTS), enabling students to progressively specialize in Therapeutic Engineering or Biomanufacturing.

          . The Biotherapeutics Engineering specialization is divided into 5 units: New drug discovery, Biotherapy engineering, Formulation of biomedicines and biometarals, Nanotechnologies for health and Multidisciplinary lab project ;

           . The bioproduction specialization is divided into 5 units: Bioprocess engineering (continuous and fed-batch; specificities of healthcare applications; recombinant protein production), Bioproduction and development of microbial biodiversity and Multidisciplinary lab projectc ;

Open to apprenticeships :

M2 is open to apprenticeships. Three course periods are identified. These are interspersed, for the traditional format, with project periods, a long-term internship and holidays; and for the sandwich format, with periods spent in companies and vacations. Whatever the M2 format chosen by the student, the second semester is entirely devoted to a long-term internship, preferably in industry, in order to encourage students to enter the job market at their place of internship/apprenticeship.

Innovative teaching methods:

IBIS training places a strong emphasis on innovative teaching methods , with a particular focus on project-based learning and putting students in real-life situations (experimental projects, etc.). This approach makes it possible to "enhance (students') motivation, venture beyond disciplines, and thus mobilize (students') cross-disciplinary skills, familiarize (students) with the, complexity of today's professional world, while helping to build a personal and professional project as they progress through their schooling."(Reverdy Catherine 2013 "L'apprentissage par projet : de la recherche", revue Technologie sciences et techniques industrielles

In addition to mobilizing, consolidating and building students' knowledge, this pedagogical approach prepares them for their future careers, which require adaptability, creativity, teamwork, versatility, initiative and curiosity.

These innovative teaching methods are introduced as early as M1, then take their full place in M2, notably with the "multidisciplinary lab projects" which represent 5 to 9 ECTS, depending on the specialization chosen. This multidisciplinary project takes place over the whole semester, with several weeks blocked off in intensive mode. It is entirely in English and is based on "learning by doing". It will enable students to develop their professional skills: not only knowledge, but also know-how and interpersonal skills (teamwork, multi-disciplinary skills, project management, etc.). The first part of the program takes place in the Learning Lab (financed by the Muse Take-Off 1§2 AAPs), followed by the second part in practical work rooms on pilot-scale equipment. In this context, students will have to carry out an R§D project, such as setting up recombinant protein production. Students will be responsible for all stages of the project, from genetic construction and obtaining the production strain to pilot-scale production and protein purification. 

Students work on a project management basis. This project-based working method is essential for the future managers who are the students in the IBIS program.




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Select a program

Master 1 IBIS Therapeutic Engineering and Bioproduction in Biotechnology-Health

Master 1 IBIS Therapeutic Engineering and Bioproduction in Biotechnology-Health

See the complete page of this course

  • Experimental models in biomedical research

    5 credits
  • Protein engineering

    5 credits
    • CT protein engineering

    • protein engineer CC

  • Statistics applied to biology

    5 credits
  • Bioinformatics and Antibody Bioinformatics

    5 credits
  • Immunotechnology (UE PHARMACIE)

    5 credits
    • Immunotechnology CT

    • Immunotechnology CC

  • English_FDS

    5 credits
  • Bioprocess engineering - Metabolism and bioproduction

    3 credits
  • Bioprocess engineering - Batch

    2 credits
  • Long course

    20 credits

Master 2 IBIS Therapeutic Engineering and Bioproduction in Biotechnology-Health

Master 2 IBIS Therapeutic Engineering and Bioproduction in Biotechnology-Health

See the complete page of this course

  • Bioproduction and valorization of microbial biodiversity

    3 credits
  • Recombinant protein production engineering

    3 credits
  • Multidisciplinary Lab project 1 (UE PHARMACIE)

    3 credits
  • Bioethics and regulation (UE PHARMACIE)

    3 credits
  • Bioprocess engineering II, specific applications

    2 credits
  • Promoting research and innovation

    5 credits
  • Continuous and fed-batch bioprocess engineering

    3 credits
  • Project and risk management

  • Multidisciplinary Lab project 2

    6 credits
  • Stage long_FDS

    30 credits

M2 IBIS Therapeutic Engineering and Bioproduction in Biotechnology-Health APPRENTICESHIP

See the complete page of this course

  • Bioproduction and valorization of microbial biodiversity

    3 credits
  • Recombinant protein production engineering

    3 credits
  • Multidisciplinary Lab project 1 (UE PHARMACIE)

    3 credits
  • Bioethics and regulation (UE PHARMACIE)

    3 credits
  • Bioprocess engineering II, specific applications

    2 credits
  • Promoting research and innovation

    5 credits
  • Continuous and fed-batch bioprocess engineering

    3 credits
  • Project and risk management

  • Multidisciplinary Lab project 2

    6 credits
  • Stage long_FDS

    30 credits


How to register

Applications for M1 can be made on the following platforms: 

  • French and European students: follow the "Mon Master" procedure on the website: https: //
  • International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure:
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Target audience

The M1 course is open to science, technology and health students from :

- L3 Life Sciences

- L3 Science and Technology

- L3 CMI (Cursus Master Ingénieur) Biotechnologies

- DFASP1 research pharmacist.

Other students who do not necessarily have a background in biology (e.g. L3 Chemistry) can also join the course, depending on their academic record and possibly with a refresher course (MOOC...).

Direct entry into M2 will also be possible for a limited number of students from other M1 Biology-Health courses, health courses (pharmacists, doctors, interns) or engineering courses (partnership with Polytech Montpellier, Génie Biologique et Alimentaire).

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Mandatory prerequisites

L3 (or equivalent) with a grounding in (bio)chemistry, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, microbiology and immunology.

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Recommended prerequisites

Previous training in biotechnology is a plus.

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And then

Further studies

If they so wish, students can pursue their doctoral studies in academia or industry.

Other students also have the option of specializing in project management by enrolling in management schools.

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Professional integration

The main target sector is pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, whether in :

- Biotech companies

- Pharmaceutical and veterinary industries

- CRO (Contract Research Organisation) and CMO (Contract Manufacturing Organisation)

- Consulting firms

- Public research organizations (CNRS, Inserm, universities, etc.)


- Partnership and technology transfer services (SATT, Inserm transfert, etc.)

- Competitive clusters 

- Biotech incubators

with the following professions:

- Biotechnology project manager

- Pharmaceutical R&D engineer

- Responsible pharmacist in the pharmaceutical industry

- Biomanufacturing project manager

- Process Development Engineer

- Drug delivery systems engineer

- Design engineer in a public laboratory or on a platform

- SATT maturation engineer

- Biotech transfer business manager

- Industrial Property Officer


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