Law - Political science - Administration


Freedom law
  • Target level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Law and Political Science


  • Educational coordinators: Anne Ponseille - Mustapha Afroukh
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Master's degree in Penalties and Enforcement Law

The Master 2 in Penal Sanction and Enforcement Law offers advanced training in a fast-expanding branch of criminal law, at the heart of an ever-changing body of legislation and case law, and characterized by the development of a number of highly technical and sometimes recent disputes: judicial litigation, with the creation in 2004 of new sentence enforcement courts; administrative litigation, with the increase in appeals against prison administration decisions; litigation before the European Court of Human Rights, concerning conditions of detention in prisons; and constitutional litigation, with the development of the QPC...

See the complete page of this course

  • UE Language

    • English

  • EU Litigation system of the ECHR

    7 credits
    • TD Litigation system of the ECHR

    • CM Litigation system of the ECHR

  • Private international law group 1 (ST)

  • UE Penal sanction law

    7 credits
    • CM Penal sanction law

      4 credits
    • TD Penal sanction law

      3 credits
  • Criminology (ST)

    3 credits
  • Comparative constitutional law (ST)

    3 credits
  • UE Criminal Procedure 1

    7 credits
    • CM Criminal Procedure 1

    • TD Criminal Procedure 1

  • Digital skills - In-depth documentary research

  • Optional

    • Legal clinic (F)

    • Memory (F)

    • Internship (F)

    • Work integration workshops (F): CV/LM

    • Tutored project (F)

    • Apprenticeship (F)

    • Legal watch (F)

  • UE Criminal Procedure 2

    7 credits
    • CM Criminal Procedure 2

    • TD Criminal Procedure 2

  • EU Citizenship, immigration, asylum

    7 credits
    • TD Citizenship, Immigration, Asylum

    • CM Citizenship, Immigration, Asylum

  • Digital skills - Pix+Droit preparation

  • Criminal health law (ST)

  • Public digital law (ST)

  • UE Practice of constitutional litigation

    7 credits
    • CM Practice of constitutional litigation

    • TD Practice of constitutional litigation

  • International criminal law (ST)

  • History of penal sanctions

    6 credits
  • Introduction to penalty law

    6 credits
  • Sanctions and vulnerable persons

    6 credits
  • Languages

  • Elective UE

    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Professional integration

        14 credits
      • Professional integration/student commitment

        14 credits
        • Student involvement

        • Professional integration

          12 credits
  • Choice of dissertation/tutored project

    • Your choice: 1 of 2

      • Memory

        12 credits
      • Tutored project

  • Criminal sanctions and litigation

    6 credits
  • Sentencing and enforcement: theory and practice

    6 credits