• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


Knowledge and ability to apply the various regulations relating to the cosmetics industry (Regulation 1223/2009, REACH, CLP, etc.).


Learn more about the key articles of European cosmetics regulations - Regulation 1223/2009

Learn how to create a DIP

Focus on the safety report using an example

Hourly volumes* :

            CM: 10

            TD : 10

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European regulations on cosmetic ingredients and products

Regulation N°1223/2009

- definitions and classifications

- responsibilities

- important items

- appendices

REACH Regulation - General information and link to the cosmetics industry


How to draw up a DIP

Learn how to write a safety report, an integral part of the Product Information File.

Know how to search for and analyze information on cosmetics regulations

Provide a critical eye and support other R&D departments

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Necessary prerequisites

Knowledge of chemistry at L3 level

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Knowledge control

Integral Continuous Control

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Courses taught by industry experts and teacher-researchers specialized in the relevant field.

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :

Secretariat Master Chemistry


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