Chemometrics, statistical data analysis, experimental design

  • Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This course covers the fundamental concepts and practical tools of chemometrics through : - statistical data analysis ;

  • probability laws ;
  • confidence interval estimation ;
  • parametric and non-parametric tests.

An introduction to experimental design will be offered at the end of the module.

Hourly volumes* :

CM: 7h

TD: 13h

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The aim of this course is to provide students with the chemometrics tools they need to make statistical use of experimental results. Through an introduction to experimental design, students will also learn how to optimize the design of parametric experimental studies.

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Necessary prerequisites

Basic mathematical operators (multiple sum, simple matrices).

Basic statistical concepts.

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Knowledge control

Final exam (100%)

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Statistical analysis, probabilities, confidence interval estimation, parametric and non-parametric tests, experimental design

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :


Secretariat Master Chemistry

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