Study level
BAC +4
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the various aspects of radiochemistry and indicator chemistry. After describing the chemical properties of radioelements and discussing the scaling factors involved in the use of radioelements/radionuclides at the indicator scale, the notions of microcomponent and macrocomponent will be addressed, along with the kinetic and thermodynamic consequences on reaction development. Secondly, the various radiochemical methods currently in use will be introduced: extraction and purification methods, use of radioactive cows, electroplating, syncrystallization or entrainment precipitation methods, isotope labelling and dilution.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
The aim of this teaching unit is firstly to describe the chemical properties of radioelements, and then to address the scaling factors associated with the use of radioelements/radionuclides on the scale of indicators (notion of microcomponent and macrocomponent, reaction kinetics and thermodynamics). Secondly, you will master the various methods used in radiochemistry (extraction, purification, electrodeposition, syncrystallization, entrainment precipitation, isotopic marking and dilution).
Mandatory prerequisites
Basics of radioactivity
Solution chemistry applied to actinides
Knowledge control
Full continuous assessment
- Chemical properties of radioelements :
- Natural radioelements and their impact on natural occurrence
- Chemical properties of technetium and promethium
- Chemical properties of transuranium elements
- Radiochemistry and indicator chemistry :
- Scale definition
- Notion of microcomponent and macrocomponent. Consequences for the development of chemical reactions
- Reaction kinetics at indicator scale
- Thermodynamics of reactions: validity of mass action and equilibrium
- Isotope exchange reactions
- Radiochemical methods :
- Radionuclide production with or without trainer
- Radioactive cows
- Purification: syncrystallization and entrainment precipitation methods
- Marking and isotope dilution
- Electrodépôt
Teaching will take the form of lectures and tutorials applied to cases from various fields of radiochemistry, geochemistry and environmental metrology. It may also be supplemented by bibliographical tutorials.