Study level
BAC +4
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course provides basic knowledge and cross-disciplinary skills in the field of colloids and interfaces, which are common to the various courses in the Chemistry Master's program (Chemistry of Materials, Separative Chemistry, Materials and Processes, ICAP Cosmetics Engineering, Chemistry of Biomolecules). It is also offered to international students enrolled in the SFRI program at the University of Montpellier, where the course is taught in English. An introductory presentation covering the basic concepts and notions will enable students to discover and better understand the main physico-chemical properties of colloidal dispersions, associative colloids and solutions of macromolecules, as well as the parameters and phenomena governing stability in colloidal dispersions and mixed solution-colloid systems. This will be followed by interdisciplinary hands-on teaching based on the flipped classroom principle, to help students build and deepen their knowledge through individual and group analysis of various applications of colloidal and interfacial phenomena and systems.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 7
TD : 13
1) Understand the basic concepts and notions relating to multi-component systems as a function of the size of dissolved or dispersed substances;
2) Determine the main mechanisms and factors governing the formulation and stabilization of colloidal dispersions and organized supramolecular systems of amphiphiles and polymers in aqueous solution;
3) Identify the colloidal and interfacial mechanisms involved in concrete applications.
Teaching hours
- Solutions, colloids, interfaces - CMLecture7h
- Solutions, colloids, interfaces - TDTutorial13h
Mandatory prerequisites
Knowledge of the structure and properties of organic and inorganic molecules and ions, as well as intermolecular interactions; basic knowledge of classical thermodynamics - main thermodynamic quantities (L level)
Basic knowledge of solution chemistry and electrochemistry (L level)
Knowledge control
Continuous assessment (100%)
1) General information on dispersed systems and interfacial mechanisms (7 H CM) :
basic notions and concepts relating to multi-component systems as a function of the size of dissolved or dispersed substances (molecular dispersion vs. colloidal dispersion, colloidal size, colloidal emulsions and suspensions, organized supramolecular systems of amphiphiles and polymers in aqueous solution, examples of colloids in speciation diagrams); control of colloidal stability (surface energy and interfacial tension, matter division work - examples of calculations, main types of interaction in colloidal systems, Brownian motion, metastability, adsorption from solutions, ionic double layer, DLVO model, stability by electrostatic repulsions and steric stability, flocculation, coagulation, coalescence, Ostwald ripening, micellar solubilization) ; properties of colloidal systems (Tyndall effect, osmotic pressure, electrophoresis, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance, viscosity and multiphase flows)
Supporting documents available online(entirely in English): (1) description of presumed prerequisites and list of documents to consult for a refresher course, (2) PowerPoint presentation of the course, (3) self-assessment MCQ, (4) videos of detailed corrections to MCQ questions.
2) Examples of applications of colloidal mechanisms and systems (13 H TD in flipped classroom - the level of detail varies according to the specificity of the courses) :
Block 1: Speciation diagrams for selected elements in aqueous solution in the presence of colloids (hydroxides, silicates)
Block 2: Water purification by ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis processes
Block 3: Formulation of cosmetic emulsions/creams + introduction to rheology
Block 4: Elaboration of mineral oxides by sol-gel process + sintering
Block 5: Suspension and emulsion polymerization + substitution reactions in micellar media
Block 6: Principles of drug delivery by liposomes, emulsions, porous (nano)particles
Supporting documents available online(entirely in English): list of skills to be acquired, selection of popular publications and scientific articles
Further information
Administrative contact(s) :
Secretariat Master Chemistry