• Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


Formulate a tropical fruit flavor from a reference: fresh fruit, fruit juice, candy....
Reformulate/dose this flavor to adapt it to selected applications (yogurt, ganache...) in compliance with current regulations.

Hourly volumes* :

CM: 6h

Practical work: 14h

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Formulate a flavor, adapt and dose it for incorporation into different matrices in compliance with current regulations.

Experimental training: Weighing formulas, incorporation into a given matrix.

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Necessary prerequisites

Master 1 ICAP A&P or equivalent training

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Knowledge control

100% Continuous assessment

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Continuing to learn about the ingredients used in aromas

Flavor formulation

Application of aroma in different matrices

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :


Secretariat Master Chemistry


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