Pigments, dyes and adsorbents: Structures and characteristics

  • Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This teaching unit is dedicated to the acquisition of concepts related to pigments, dyes and adsorbents, from the point of view of their structures and applications. Emphasis is placed on applications in the fields of flavors & fragrances (food colorants, perfumery) and cosmetics (hair dyes, powders, toothpastes, etc.). Some sessions are specific to each of the two pathways (P1, Cosmetics Engineering; P2, Flavors & Fragrances) of the Master's degree in Chemistry specializing in Cosmetics, Flavors and Fragrances Engineering (ICAP). The course comprises lectures and tutorials.

Hourly volumes* :

CM: 10 h

TD: 10 h

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The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge in the field of colorants, pigments and adsorbents in order to understand the problems associated with the Cosmetics, Flavors and Fragrances Engineering specialty. The objectives are as follows:

  • Identify the chemical classes to which dyes and pigments belong
  • Understand the link between chemical structures and colors, as well as the different types of chromatic phenomena (halochromism, photochromism, thermochromism).
  • Know how to use Colour Index data (generic name, constitution number, etc.).
  • Understand the regulations governing pigments and dyes in the fields covered by the ICAP Chemistry master's degree.
  • Know and be able to characterize the physico-chemical properties of powders used in the ICAP Chemistry master's specialization.
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Necessary prerequisites

Bachelor's degree in Chemistry (Organic Chemistry, Chemistry of Materials, Chemistry of Living Things, Physical Chemistry)

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Knowledge control

Full continuous assessment

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Pigments and colorants

Granulometry: (size, shape, treatment of a set of particles...)

Adsorption: (Porous medium, specific surface area...)

Powder flow: (powder rheology, compressibility, compaction, etc.)

Powder characterization (hardness, thermal analysis, microscopy, etc.)


Supports available on ENT (Moodle) : Course documents, TD documents and reference publications.

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :

Secretariat Master Chemistry


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