• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


Some basic microbiological principles will be covered, giving students an overview of the diversity of microorganisms. Bacteria's mode of nutrition and multiplication as a function of physico-chemical environmental parameters will be studied.

The composition and role of skin and digestive microbiota will be discussed.

The microbiological criteria used for quality control of cosmetics and food products will be defined.

Physical and chemical antimicrobial agents to control microbial development will be examined.

On a practical level, students will be expected to know how to handle bacteria and be familiar with microbiological safety rules. Usual microbiological control techniques and preservative efficacy tests will be carried out on cosmetic products.

Hourly volumes* :

CM: 12h

Practical work: 8h

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Understanding the development mechanisms of microorganisms

and the measures needed to prevent them in the cosmetics and food sectors

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Necessary prerequisites

High School Biology Program

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Knowledge control

Written exam: 70% (2 sessions) organized locally

TP: 30% (1 session)

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Structures and functions of bacterial cell components

Physicochemical factors in bacterial growth

Skin and intestinal microbiota

Microbiological quality criteria for cosmetics and food products

Physical and chemical agents to control microbial growth

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :


Secretariat Master Chemistry

master-chimie @ umontpellier.fr @


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