2 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


Understanding of screening techniques for bioactive molecules, and more generally in vitro tests used to measure a biological event in the perspective of drug discovery or diagnosis.


1) Pharmacological and biophysical fundamentals describing a biological event, target of biological tests:


2) Biological tests for the development of medicines or diagnostics


3) Applications, case studies, critical analyses.

Hourly volumes* :

CM: 15 H

TD: 5 H

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Be able to choose the biological screening and testing techniques suitable for the evaluation and optimisation of bioactive molecules.

Understand from a molecular point of view the technologies associated with diagnostic and screening tools and be able to design new chemical tools for this purpose.

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Teaching hours

  • Screening - TDTutorial9h

Mandatory prerequisites

Basic biology and biochemistry          

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Knowledge control

Final written exam, 2 hours:

  • Documents authorized: yes
  • Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
  • Internet authorized: yes (but no interpersonal communication possible)
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Course: Inductive pedagogy (problems based on real cases of development of active molecules. Inverted classroom. Votes and quizzes during sessions, case studies. Support(s) available on ENT (Moodle): Course documents, reference publications, examination records.


1) Fundamentals (3H)

- receptors, enzymes

- binding, basics of receptors phramacology

- biological activity measurment


2) Principle of Bioassays for drug development and diagnosis (6H)

-highthroughput vs high content

-Biological model : isolated biomolecules, cell-based assays, animal models including transgenic models

-luminescence (fluorescence, FRET, radioluminescence, SPA), radioactivity, UV

-viability, proliferation and adhesion assays (for medical devices).


3) Systems and devices :

-robots HTS and library management

-enzyme based reagents and assays

-surface interaction measurment (QCM/SPR)

- lateral flow and chromatographic assays



3) Applications, case studies and critical evalaution.



TD (5 H): Individual work, presentation of techniques and publications to be prepared before and presented during the session.

Case studies based on drug development, diagnosis tools and medical devices.

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :

Secretariat Master Chemistry


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