Study level
BAC +4
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
After a general introduction to the concepts of prochirality and stereochemistry, this course will present the tools needed to master diastereoselective and enantioselective syntheses. The different approaches will be presented in a detailed and rational manner. Examples of industrial syntheses of chiral bioactive molecules will be discussed.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 15 H
TD: 5 H
Acquire fundamental knowledge for the preparation of molecules containing stereocenters.
Teaching hours
- Asymmetric synthesis - CMLecture15h
- Asymmetric synthesis - TDTutorial5h
Mandatory prerequisites
Advanced organic chemistry; reaction mechanisms.
Knowledge control
Final written exam, 2 hours:
- Authorized documents: no
- Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
- Internet allowed: no
- Stereochemistry; Prochirality; Chirality;
- Diastereocontrolled synthesis of achiral molecules (Z and E alkenes; cis/trans rings);
- Diastereoselective synthesis of chiral molecules
- carbonyl addition ;
- addition on alkenes ;
- substitution reactions ;
- pericyclic reactions.
- Enantioselective synthesis using chiral reagents
- Enantioselective synthesis using chiral catalysts
- Examples of enantioselective and diastereoselective synthesis.
TD: Application exercises.
Further information
Administrative contact(s) :
Secretariat Master Chemistry
master-chimie @