Study level
BAC +4
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The M1 ICAP student apprentice is placed in a professional situation to carry out a project in response to an industrial problem. This project will be carried out under the responsibility of a member of the teaching team (academic or industrial). Carried out throughout the semester, this project aims to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired during the Bachelor's and early Master's courses. In addition to their chemistry-disciplinary skills, students will also acquire the interpersonal, organizational and communication skills intrinsically linked to project management, preparing them for their future professional life.
Example of an industrial problem: assessing the oxidative stability of fragrance ingredients in the presence of antioxidants.
Example of an industrial problem: analysis of allergens in perfumes: headspace (HS) solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis.
Examples of industrial problems: detection and identification of compounds responsible for off-flavours using gas chromatography coupled with olfactometry.
Examples of industrial problems: Know and know how to use the essential physico-chemical analysis techniques used to control a finished product.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 5h
TD: 5h
Practical work: 40h
Objectives associated with the apprentice's professional projects :
- Know how to respond to an industrial problem.
- Be able to position this problem in a more general context and in relation to the state of the art.
- Be able to draw up specifications for a given problem and propose original solutions.
- Draw up an experimental plan in collaboration with other group members.
- Manage your own safety and that of others, act as a responsible chemist.
- Implementing the appropriate safety measures for a formulation or synthesis
- Master extraction, analysis, characterization and formulation techniques from a variety of fields to successfully complete the project entrusted to it.
- Know how to analyze/interpret data, critically analyze the results obtained in relation to the initial objectives and the state of the art, and adapt your approach according to successes and failures.
- Communicate the results of the project in a scientific report or technical note and an oral presentation to a jury.
Teaching hours
- Professional projects - apprentice project follow-up - Practical workPractical work40h
- Professional projects - apprentice project follow-up - TDTutorial5h
- Professional projects - follow-up of apprentice projects - CMLecture5h
Mandatory prerequisites
Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Physics-Chemistry or Chemistry-Biology
Knowledge control
100% Continuous assessment
Analysis techniques
Perfumes, Flavors and Cosmetics
Further information
Administrative contact(s) :
Secretariat Master Chemistry