Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to understand and apply the principles of color formulation as practiced in the color industry. To achieve this, the basics of spectrophotometry, light-matter interactions and the simplest formulation models (Beer-Lambert and Kubelka-Munk) are studied and used in practical work.
Hourly volumes :
CM : 12
TP: 8
Advanced formulation of simple and complex mixtures (colorants and pigments)
Creation of colorimetric databases.
Knowledge of the main Color Formulation software.
Teaching hours
- Color formulation - CMLecture12h
- Color formulation - Practical workPractical work8h
Mandatory prerequisites
M1 Color Physics Course
Knowledge control
Full continuous assessment
Principles of spectrophotometry: standard illuminants A, C, D65, etc., CIE 2° and 10° standard observers, colorimetric functions. Standardization. Notion of metamerism.
Light-matter interactions: absorption, scattering, specular and diffuse reflection. Links with visual appearance.
Simple subtractive mixing. Beer-Lambert's law. Application to the formulation of a mixture of non-diffusing dyes.
Complex subtractive mixing. Kubelka and Munk model. Saunderson surface correction. Application to the formulation of a pigment mixture.
Further information
Administrative contact(s) :
Secretariat Master Chemistry