Study level
BAC +4
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Knowledge of LC/MS and LC/MS/MS techniques for characterizing organic molecules and biomolecules in complex media.
Description of the instruments and acquisition modes to be used in practical work.
1) Analytical chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques with ambient ionization:
- LC/MS instrumentation,
- LC/MS/MS instrumentation.
2) Coupled spectral data acquisition devices.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 9 H
Field : 11 H
Be able to interpret spectral data from LC/MS and LC/MS/MS couplings.
Understand the operation of liquid chromatography systems associated with mass spectrometry with ambient ionization techniques equipped with MS and MS/MS mode analyzer configuration and be able to optimize methods according to sample complexity.
Teaching hours
- LC-MS, MS/MS - CMLecture9h
Mandatory prerequisites
Mass spectrometry, level M1 :
Advanced concepts (gas-phase ion production/measurement, ionization, analyzer and activation),
analyzer configurations in MS/MS mode, low- and high-energy fragmentation).
Separative Methods, level M1 :
Knowledge of the various types of liquid chromatography
Knowledge control
Final written exam, 2 hours:
- Authorized documents: no
- Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
- Internet allowed: no
Course: Inductive (problem-based) and deductive pedagogy, Support(s) available on ENT (Moodle): Course documents, TD documents, exam annals and reference publications.
- Conventional HPLC instrumentation (1.5 H)
- Reverse phase,
- UV detection.
- Conventional instrumentation in ambient MS (1.5 H)
- Dynamic introduction, sources and mass analyzers,
- Data acquisition (LC, UV, MS).
- Conventional instrumentation in analyzer configuration for low-energy MS/MS experiments. (3 H)
- Dissociations in space and time,
- MS/MS acquisition modes (MS2, MSn, MRM, DDA, IDA, SWATH, etc.).
- LC/MS coupling devices (1.5 H)
- LC/MS/MS coupling devices (1.5 H)
Fieldwork (11 H): 3 practical sessions on research tools.
Illustration of 3 acquisition modes:
- Implementation of LC/MS mixture characterization with Q technology and method optimization (1 session)
- Mixture characterization using LC/MS/MS with QqTof technology (1 session)
- Implementation of Full scan, SIR, MRM acquisition methods with QqQ technology and comparison of results (1 session)
Further information
Administrative contact(s) :
Secretariat Master Chemistry