Natural aromatic raw materials: control and appl

  • Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


- International market for natural aromatic raw materials, main production
- Main olfactory families

- Study of natural aromatic raw materials: chemical and olfactory characteristics
- Control of essential oils according to AFNOR standards

Hourly volumes* :

CM: 12h

Practical work: 8h

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Knowledge of the international market for essential oils, their chemical and olfactory classification and standardization.

Experimental training: Application of AFNOR standards to characterize commercial essential oils.

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Necessary prerequisites

Basic knowledge of organic chemistry

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Knowledge control

Assessment: 60% final exam (2 sessions), 40% practical work (written)

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Introduction: What is a natural ingredient, global market

Description of natural ingredients belonging to the main olfactory families: citrus, aromatic (citrus, aniseed and mint), floral, spicy...

Control of essential oils according to AFNOR standards

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :


Secretariat Master Chemistry

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