Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Description of the latest mass spectrometry techniques for analyses in the pharmaceutical industry (drug development : Drug discovery and pre-clinical analysis).
Mass spectrometry instrumentation and acquisition in the pharmaceutical industry for the following applications:
- Analysis in the various stages of drug development,
- Qualitative metabolic analysis,
- Quantitative pharmacokinetic analyses.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 15 H
Field : 5 H
Be able to determine the analytical protocol for the mass spectrometric determination of small organic molecules.
Understand and be able to analyze an assay series to quantify an organic compound in a complex sample.
Understand how analyses are carried out in the pharmaceutical industry.
Teaching hours
- Bioanalysis - TDTutorial4,5h
- Bioanalysis - CMLecture15h
Mandatory prerequisites
Mass spectrometry, level M1 :
Advanced concepts (gas-phase ion production/measurement, ionization, analyzer and vibrational activation, technologies featuring analyzer configurations in MS/MS mode).
Separative Methods, level M1 :
Knowledge of the various types of liquid chromatography
Knowledge control
Final written exam, 2 hours:
- Authorized documents: no
- Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
- Internet allowed: no
Course: Inductive (problem-based) and deductive pedagogy, Support(s) available on ENT (Moodle): Course documents, TD documents, exam annals and reference publications.
- Pharmaceutical industry analysis: (5 H)
- LC/MS and LC/MS/MS analyses in the various stages of drug development,
- ADME profile and metabolic pathways (pharmacokinetic analyses),
- Notions of GLP regulations and standards.
- Qualitative analysis by mass spectrometry: (5 H)
- Study of metabolism,
- Instrumentation (LC/HR-MS/MS).
- Targeted quantitative analysis by mass spectrometry: (5 H)
- Isotope dilution and calibration,
- Instrumentation (LC/MS/MS(QqQ)),
- Analytical protocol (MRM monitoring and dosing method),
- Notions of method validation.
Field (5 H): 1 practical session on research tools.
Illustration of an assay for an active ingredient/compound of interest using MRM monitoring. (1 session)