Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Scientific information: The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the search for and management of scientific information. Recent bibliographic research tools will be explained and used in lectures and practical work (electronic documentation: Scifinder / Isis / Belstein). Training in the functionalities of the Zotero tool and in the use of the electronic laboratory notebook will also be provided. The writing and use of scientific publications will also be covered.
Bibliographic project: Scientific information research tools will be applied to a concrete case. The pedagogical team will propose a bibliographical subject related to the student's chosen field of study. This bibliographical subject may, where appropriate, be defined in agreement with the host organization where the internship is to be carried out.
For this personal project, students will have access to all the bibliographic sources of the university or company hosting them. Bibliographic work may be combined with the English teaching unit to prepare an oral presentation at an international conference.
Be able to use scientific information research tools in a relevant way.
Understand and be able to analyze publications related to the scope of the bibliographic project.
When writing the bibliographic report, demonstrate the ability to synthesize and put into perspective the information gathered.
Present research results orally.
Teaching hours
- Bibliographic project/Scientific information - TDTutorial12h
Mandatory prerequisites
Mastery of scientific English for written and oral comprehension.
Knowledge control
Bibliographical report + Oral defense.
Inductive (problem-based) and deductive teaching sessions, support(s) available on ENT (Moodle): course documents, TD documents, exam annals and reference publications.
- Electronic documentation: Scifinder, Isis, Belstein
- Training in Zotero functionalities
- Training in the use of the electronic notebook
Individual work: Bibliographical study culminating in a bibliographical report to be prepared during semesters 9 and/or 10. Synthesis and presentation of results in the form of an oral presentation.
Further information
Administrative contact(s) :
Secretariat Master Chemistry