Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In-depth knowledge of 1H, 13C, 19F, 29Siand 31PNMR, as well as two-dimensional methods. Notions of EPR will also be covered (principle and applications).
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 15 H
TD: 5 H
Be able to analyze NMR and EPR spectra in fine detail and choose the best methods to meet your objectives.
Teaching hours
- NMR - CMLecture15h
- NMR - TDTutorial5h
Mandatory prerequisites
RMN level M1
Knowledge control
Final written exam, 2 hours:
- Documents authorized: yes
- Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
- Internet allowed: no
- 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P NMR.
- 2D NMR. The following pulse sequences will be studied: COSY, DEPT, INEPT, J-Mod, NOESY, HMQC, HSQC, HMBC, INADEQUATE
- Analysis of mixtures by NMR (DOSY)
- Study of ligand-receptor interactions by NMR (WaterLOGSY)
- Characterization of radical species by EPR
TD: Interpreting spectra
Further information
Administrative contact(s) :
Secretariat Master Chemistry