• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


The following topics will be covered:

- Biobased solvents

- Biomass fuels

- Antioxidants derived from lignin

- Metal catalysts from plants

- Surfactants obtained from renewable resources

- Examples of industrial applications of enzymatic synthesis

Hourly volumes* :

CM: 15

TD : 5

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The aim of this course is to study the substitution of molecules of petrochemical origin (e.g. fuels, solvents) by biobased molecules with similar functionalities, as well as the creation of new molecules with innovative functionalities (e.g. detergents).

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Necessary prerequisites

Organic chemistry, L3 level

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Knowledge control

2-hour written final exam

  • Authorized documents: no
  • Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
  • Internet allowed: no
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  1. Preparation and use of bio-based solvents: (6 H)



ethyl lactate


ionic liquids

  1. Synthesis and properties of biomass fuels: (1.5 H)



  1. Structure and properties of lignin-derived antioxidants: (1.5 H)

sinapic acid

ferulic acid

cumin acids

  1. Metal catalysts from plants (1.5 H)
  2. Surfactants obtained from renewable resources: (1.5 H)

alkyl polyglucosides (APG)

isosorbide esters

  1. Examples of industrial applications of enzymatic synthesis: (3 H)


Tutorials (5 hours): Individual work, exercises to be prepared before and during the session.

Exercises on the synthesis of bio-based solvents, the functionalization of antioxidants obtained from lignin and the synthesis of complex molecules catalyzed by plant-derived catalysts.

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Further information

Teaching team :

Alberto Marra


Evelina Colacino


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