Study level
BAC +4
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module will be divided into 3 parts:
- General introduction: main classes of materials, relation properties-structure of materials
- Construction and interpretation of phase diagrams: binary (e.g. with metallic and ceramic alloys)
- Construction and interpretation of ternary phase diagrams: variance, ternary eutectic definitions, first and second order peritectic, isothermal section, study of alloy cooling.
Hourly volumes* :
CM : 17h
TD : 8h
To know the main classes of materials
- Major transformations:
o by diffusion: eutectic, peritectic (binary and ternary) eutectoid, peritectoid ...
o without diffusion: martensitic .
- Know how to interpret a binary or ternary diagram to know the conditions for obtaining the desired phases or, conversely, how to avoid the formation of undesirable phases and anticipate the properties and stability of the materials.
- Basics of metallurgy: metals + ceramics
Teaching hours
- Inorganic materials - TDTutorial8h
- Inorganic materials - CMLecture17h
Mandatory prerequisites
General Chemistry, Basics in Thermodynamics (Bachelor's level: chemistry, physics, physics-chemistry, material sciences)
Knowledge control
CC integral
classification of inorganic materials, property-structure relations, metals, metal alloys, ceramics, phase diagram (binary and ternary), phase transformations with and without diffusion