• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    18 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


A 4 to 6 month work placement in a research laboratory or in R&D in the flavors or fragrances sector.

Student trainees will be given assignments based on the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during semesters S1 and S2 of the Master's program.

The course will start on March1.

Assessment of the internship: writing a report, oral presentation and assessment by the internship supervisor are the 3 elements of the internship grading.

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Place the student in a temporary situation in a professional environment to give him/her a better understanding of the Perfumery or Aromatics sector.

Acquire professional skills and put into practice the knowledge acquired during your studies, with a view to obtaining your diploma and promoting professional integration.

Take advantage of the course to :

  • develop a network of contacts and enrich your address book.
  • refine your career plan
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Knowledge control

100% continuous assessment (internship report, oral presentation and internship supervisor's assessment)

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Discovering the professional world

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :

Secretariat Master Chemistry

master-chimie @ umontpellier.fr @


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