• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This course is designed to teach liquid and gas chromatography.

Hourly volumes* :

            CM :15h

            TD: 5h

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Know the different methods of liquid chromatography (adsorption, partition, ionic, exclusion, chiral) and gas chromatography, and master the principles of each technique.

Knowing the different analytical techniques: HPLC/UPLC/GC

Select the appropriate analytical method according to the nature of the compounds to be analyzed

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Knowledge control

Final exam (Course, 100%)

2 sessions for final exams

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liquid chromatography, partition chromatography, exclusion chromatography, adsorption chromatography, ion chromatography, ion pairing chromatography, chiral chromatography, gas chromatography.

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :


Secretariat Master Chemistry


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