Innovative synthesis and extraction processes

  • Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This teaching unit is shared with MI students in the Chemistry Master's courses: ICAP P1, ICAP P2, MAT P1, MAT P2, BM (semester S2). The following topics will be covered:


  • The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry and units of measurement in Green Chemistry ;
  • Synthesis strategies for sustainable chemistry ;
  • Alternative or eco-compatible solvents for synthesis and extraction;
  • Non-conventional activation techniques and applications.

CM: 13

TD: 7 H


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Be able to: 1) select the most appropriate activation technique and solvent for the preparation of an organic molecule/material; 2) design synthesis processes with low environmental impact based on the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry and on synthesis strategies allowing a reduction of steps; 3) perform green chemistrymetrics.

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Necessary prerequisites

Organic chemistry, L3 level

Reactivity basics


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Knowledge control

Assessment of knowledge :

2-hour written final exam

  • Authorized documents: no
  • Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
  • Internet allowed: no
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  1. The 12 principles of Green Chemistry and units of measurement (2h) ;
  2. Synthesis strategies in sustainable chemistry (3h) :
  • Domino, cascade and multicomponent reactions,
  • Catalysis (definitions, C-C, C-N, C-O coupling reactions and associated catalytic mechanisms) ;
  1. Alternative or eco-compatible solvents for synthesis andextraction (3 h);
  • Ionic liquids (except biobased) and fluorinated phases (synthesis and properties), and examples of extraction in non-conventional media;
  • sc-CO2 and SPE (Solid Phase Extraction): applications in the synthesis and (micro)extraction of fragrance molecules and cosmetics;
  • Selected examples of laboratory and industrial-scale applications.
  1. Non-conventional activation techniquesand applications in synthesis and/or extraction (5 h) :

(For each technique, the principles of activation, instruments and applications will be illustrated by appropriate examples, depending on the course):

  • Microwaves and continuous flow ;
  • Mechanochemistry and solvent-free methods ;
  • Ultrasound ;
  • Examples of laboratory and industrial-scale applications of each technique;
  • Biotransformations


TD (7H): Individual work, exercises to prepare before and during the session.

Case studies (exercises on the synthesis of alternative solvents, choice of solvent/activation method, exercises on the application of units of measurement in sustainable chemistry and interpretation of results, exercises on the synthesis of complex molecules using eco-compatible strategies/methods.

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